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57183046 No.57183046 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit off the societal behavioral sink?

>> No.57184594

Ammo & Gas

>> No.57184622

This is literally what happened in the great mouse utopia
The beautiful ones emerged and did nothing but clean themselves and were incredibly stupid
Then the entire mouse population died

Zoomers and tiktok everyone

>> No.57184642

>Drivers license going down but employment going up
So their parents are driving them to mcdonalds?
How is that productive?

>> No.57184650

It's nothing like mouse utopia. Most people are broke and the last 50 years has seen a spike in the migration of some of the ugliest most dysgenic creatures ever, think genetics/bloodlines that can't even match ancient rome/greece tier of living. Ans that's on top of falling western standards with native obese blobs everywhere.

>> No.57184658


>> No.57184668

mice lived to their novelty potential
humans are living to their novelty potential
the paths vary in complexity but the outcomes will be the same

>> No.57184684

Is this real? What the fuck do zoomers do all day? Literally nothing?

>> No.57184696


All I can think of is that this is real, serious phone addiction. On their phones, whatever app, from dawn to dusk, any spare moment. Research shows that giving kids a phone later makes a huge impact on their grades and test scores too.

>> No.57184717

Stare at their phones?

>> No.57184736

watch tiktok
watch their favorite streamers
play minecraft

>> No.57185607

>The pool of 18 yo virgins are exponentially increasing
>10 years to late..
whatever, didn't want a trad virgin grape anyway..

>> No.57185617

kids in the early to mid 90's used to play outside, after that video games really got going (especially multiplayer). then you add all the other internet shit like youtube and the rest which just accelerated it

>> No.57185740

the thing with the mouse utopia experiment is that there was no way to escape either...similar to how society is today. there's no place where you can just chill and do you own thing. suburban sprawl doesn't help either.
>t. zoomer

>> No.57185745

Digital heroin

>> No.57185761

Phone addiction is extremely severe in every generation. Basically the only thing keeping people normal was a 9 to 5 where they were in-person talking to real people and now that’s gone for many of them. The phone addiction problem is actually more severe that opium in China. We are talking an entire civilization addicted to the technological equivalent of heroin and we’re predictably seeing that play out as insanity in public life. Most people feel deeply that things went from bad to outright nuts in the last decade and a lot of that is because of the internet and because of the phones. People can adapt to physical changes fairly well. They don’t have such an easy time adapting to social changes. What has changed is not how you do work or how you fight wars or anything specific. What has changed is literally how you experience the world around you and connect with people around you.

>> No.57185854

What is the Y-Axis? Percentage of people?

>> No.57185894
File: 9 KB, 225x224, rare pepe artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its me. I'm the beautiful one.

>> No.57185912

Young people are working less than ever and spending more time on entertainment than ever. If people were working as much as before and couldn't afford entertainment, then it wouldn't be the mouse utopia.

>> No.57185922

i agree, you're pretty beautiful bb
we should get together and pump those rates up, if you know what i mean

>> No.57185962


>> No.57185964

I think people just dont want to take risks because having the worlds knowledge in the palms of hands makes you aware of it. There's risk in dating, sex, various jobs like military and trades, fuck even getting a license because some young people are afraid of driving or taking that risk of getting it. If you look up the risks of anything online you'll get a list of it.

>> No.57185981
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It's over (demographically speaking)

>> No.57186026
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! get away. I will just groom myself in my corner until I die.

>> No.57186118
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>> No.57186343

you can see the decline starting , when social media became the center of life for every faggot

>> No.57186388

it’s mexicans taking the bus

>> No.57186423
File: 516 KB, 828x1468, IMG_1393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are more illegal immigrants crossing the border than there are natural births in America

>> No.57186444
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bunch of beta FAGGOTS

>> No.57186461

>Research shows that giving kids a phone later makes a huge impact on their grades and test scores too
For better or worse?

>> No.57186602

better of course

>> No.57186604

Pretty sure these people counted as an encounter try multiple times, so don’t think it’s as bad as this shows
That being said 1 illegal is 1 too many

>> No.57186712

As I thought. I would not give a phone to anyone under 12 desu.

>> No.57186746

got my first brick nokia, when i was 14-15
no smartphones in sight
based childhood / puberty

>> No.57186815

You will never meet them anyway because they are all on their phones in their bedrooms.