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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57177486 No.57177486 [Reply] [Original]

with the daily humiliation that comes with being in a cult that bankrupts you

>> No.57177491

To add insult to injury, the guy you tried to bully outwits you every day and now has a nice sized twitter following. The cult has really had some backfires these last few years eh

>> No.57177499

thanks for keeping this a LINK board

>> No.57177523
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Lmao @fagfinance

>> No.57177526

LINK fud turning up to 11. Every LINK thread has ICP shills copy pasting the same autistic screeching. Seems kinda bullish ngl.

>> No.57177540

fudcucks basically did the equivalent of a full time job this entire past year fudding every single day, creating dozens of twitter fud accounts, not just fudded on twitter but screenshotted their tweets and then posted the same on /biz/, endlessly airplane mode on and off to switch IPs just to fud on /biz/ as much as possible, collected and arranged hundreds of gay sissy cuckold images just so they can post more fud etc etc

all that and STILL they just watched early access get filled in mere 5 hours lmao

>> No.57177553

There’s no way it filled in 5 hours. We put so much work into fudding, there’s just no way it would fill that quickly. It would have had weeks in general access for sure.

>> No.57177567

I literally bought more today and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.57177572

What about LPL...?

>> No.57177586

>laughing on the outside
>tears on the inside

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57177603

Does posting this bring you happiness? Is this the life you'd hoped for?

>> No.57177611

>gamestop apes fight theoretical hedge fund shorters that dont actually exist


You are getting humuliated on twitter as well. Rat boy had to turn off comments

>> No.57177794

The chart

>> No.57178468

Based. He got a new follower
i love laughing at linkcucks

>> No.57178723 [DELETED] 
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>advertising / begging for his shitty literal who fuddie account
this dude's name is adem kayser - he's so ashamed of being brown that he pretends to be white with the name "thomas," and he works for a mlm pyramid scheme company called the success factory
he also has a crippling, suicidal porn addiction
he is by far the biggest loser that has ever visited biz, as well as a poorfag

>> No.57178781
File: 666 KB, 1080x2340, 1701933636222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably chimping out on here because I messaged a few of his friends about what a weird cumbrained loser he is. He always chimps out and makes these threads when his personal life gets fucked with a bit.

>> No.57178790
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I sold my first 21 link in 6 years 3 days ago and bought this hat

>> No.57179240
File: 51 KB, 195x259, 1704345163665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this make you feel, sub-marines?
>Jan 1, 2021
BTC: $29,125
ETH: $750
LINK: $12.25
AVAX: $3.66
DOGE: $0.005
MATIC: $0.02
SOL: $1.50
BNB: $37.14
ADA: $0.17
TRX: $0.02

>Jan 1 2024
BTC: $45,000
ETH: $2,380
LINK: $15.75
AVAX: $42.25
DOGE: $0.09
MATIC: $1.01
SOL: $111.20
BNB: $318.09
ADA: $0.62
TRX: $0.10

>> No.57179302

I was wondering why fud has ramped up so insanely in the past week kek.

>> No.57179343

Ii's pretty funny. least the Monero feds can buy coke with their shitcoin,

>> No.57179358
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Ouch, even got mogged by Haskell coin.

>> No.57179384
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>> No.57179434

>fuddies posting their own twitter screenshots
It could be more cringe, but I'm not sure how.

>> No.57179686

Just sorted by 7D performance on Coingecko.
LINK is literally the 4th worst performing coin this past week. Extremely important week to perform well too, i.e. be one of the stronger recovering coins.
Does the kektastrophe ever end?

>> No.57179689

what about LPL...?

>> No.57179910

Classic link action. Genuinely they do need to do something to capture a positive narrative. They need reasonable price and buyers because none of it is self funding yet and they've bloated enormously as a company. So either they burn through all their supply tanking it further or they put in some work.

It annoys me that for years their only output on that front has been whiny videos from Sergey and CLG saying the community is ungrateful. Get fucked, I've paid your bills and you've given nothing in return. Put up or sink.

>> No.57179922
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'some retard that is not me'
Geoxadem aka Adem Kayser is definitely that brownoid loser

>> No.57179968

what about LPL...?

>> No.57180408
File: 54 KB, 538x538, ZhL5YjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my link stack is up 200%