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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57177234 No.57177234 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57177245

What sort of software were you selling? What level of programming knowledge was required? How did you market your product? Anything else I should know?

>> No.57177268

How many dicks do you let prolapse your anus?

>> No.57177277


>> No.57177292

cyber security. zero programming knowledge, i have a sales engineer. Ive been in sales and stumbled into cyber a few years back.

>> No.57177380


>> No.57177391

So were you like calling up businesses and pitching them a product, or was this done indirectly through a website or what?

>> No.57177450
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How do I start?

>> No.57177478

get an sdr/bdr job - basically youre a meeting monkey and you email and call people all day and thats it, then look to get promoted to a closing role
no really my sdr does most of that and i work for a market leading company so alot indirect

>> No.57177504

Thanks for the info.

>> No.57177595

I'm in high level support but am chad light so would be interested in sales role

>> No.57177711

is there /biz version where sales chad hang out?

>> No.57177995

you have to be ok with a quota hanging about your head at all times. if you can handle that and arent afraid of potentially losing your job from time to time then do it

>> No.57178648

Do you work for a reseller or the manufacturer? I spent ten years in big tech and just moved to a reseller / proserv.

>> No.57178776

I unironically wouldn't do this bullshit work even for $500k. Sales is hell

>> No.57178812

I did 250k last year but worked hard and coded myself

>> No.57178821

Can I have 10k

>> No.57178844

i make 150k as a SWE
i feel like a loser, always shipping out features
my sales frens are all chill and cool and get to go out and have dinner and shit, probably have sex with high end escorts paid by clients

should i switch to sales?

>> No.57178975

Post pay stubs or you’re larping faggot

>> No.57179269

manufacture, reseller life looks chill tho good luck

>> No.57179279

no. create your own website/app in your free time, partner with one of those sales bros and have him do the selling

>> No.57179289

you'll claim its photoshop anyway so no

>> No.57179295

it can be the best job or the worst depending on your situation

>> No.57179790

What's the profit on this 500000 turnover

>> No.57179832

what do you talk to people about in these calls and meetings? how much autism is acceptable? do you think a software engineer would do well as a sales engineer

>> No.57179838

I made your mom squeal when I put it in her butt.

>> No.57179839 [DELETED] 

can you unironically help a (((hyperinflated))) brother out?


>> No.57179945

scamming jeet

>> No.57179958

How do I go straight into a closer position? Do you have scripts? Are you cold calling?

>> No.57179965 [DELETED] 

take your meds
I'm middle eastern

>> No.57180279
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I have my own website selling shitty ai chatbots as embeds.
What the fuck can i sell anon. I really hope you can help me out here, i desperately wanna be wealthy.

I just have 2 questions:

1. What do i sell? I have no idea what the market needs. And im not some genius coder.
2. How to advertise? Obv a website isnt enough, i had to do cold calling just to get people to notice i exist

>> No.57180334
File: 18 KB, 480x360, i think i made that abundantly clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. it takes a certain type of person who actually enjoys shilling pens. i have a friend who loves that shit. because if he makes a sell, his narcissism and bragging rights blows thru the roof. personally, i don't enjoy selling shit to make richfags richer. if i'm going to sell something on my time it's going to me my shit on my time

>> No.57180431

ur thread is just a flex faggot, i can make a mill brokering zero days with less effort. Fuck yourself skid

>> No.57180844

Bump. Ill keep bumping until you reply to my post cocktease.

>> No.57180975

Bump 2

>> No.57181792

Bump 3

>> No.57182453


>> No.57182528
File: 762 KB, 768x768, 5c7lwq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saving that money and doing productive things with it, right?

>> No.57182666

do some research on the market, see if something can be sold that is slightly faster/cheaper/more convenient than alternatives, then use chatgpt to create some marketing material. Get some sales, then once you get enough hire a young sales guy who is looking to get in on the ground floor at a young tech company. You'll probably have to offer some kind of percentage ownership package.
My advice: maybe focus on something like the medical field. Payment processing, patient records, compliance procedures, etc. There's a ton of ancient software that they all use and most are probably dying for something new.

>> No.57182781


But anon, ffs thats so vague.
The medical field? They are all very strict with GDPR and shit and they use some proprietary shit software.
Before i migrate it ill be an old person, and i know jack shit about payment or similar processes.

You guy say so casually
>just make something thats better than what is currently in the market
>just create something in a yesr thats better than what was made and polished by entire teams of devs over years and already have control of markets

>> No.57182822

I made 300 yesterday and drank all of it

>> No.57182907

I don't know what to tell you, anon. Creating a company takes a lot of work and usually some first hand knowledge of what's lacking in a certain market and creating a product to serve that lack. Since I don't work in software, I can't tell you what kind of software product will make for a successful business.
I do know there's massive growth potential in the medical software field, and everything that they currently use is dogshit. Try doing some digging and see if there's some niche in the field that doesn't require stringent security or just learn how to make software that is compliant.
Failing that, try getting a job in that field and finding the gaps through experience and first-hand knowledge.
That's the best advice someone not in your situation can give you.

>> No.57183987

I see, well fair enough, thanks anon

>> No.57184812


Thank god I'm not the only one left on /biz/ than can see through this obvious bullshit.

>> No.57184872

>call people all day
do you know where you are anon?

>> No.57185315

I dont call people all day but i know how to talk to people. yes i realize i am a chad amongst spergs

>> No.57185322

seeing how much i made is making you insecure. just be better and maybe you can make some $ too

>> No.57185340

honestly my sale engineer does the majority of talking (selling a technical solution) so it depends if you can explain things well. he also doesnt make as much commission so made way less(although he has a higher base salary) he probably made like 185k TC this year

>> No.57185403

Yo anon can you answer my post?