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57148488 No.57148488 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about Bitcoin CTV (check template verify), a new op code that could be introduced as BIP119 via soft fork

This would provide very basic covenant (smart contract) functionality that allows recipients of a UTXO to restrict how they are able to spend that coin, what addresses they can be sent to, or how much can be sent at a time.

The advantage of CTV being that it will enhance the scalability of Bitcoin by allowing multiple users to be represented though a single UTXO. Similarly it would allow opening multiple lightning channels representing multiple users with a single UTXO. It would also enhance custody ux, for example hack mitigation or inheritance, by limiting cold wallet withdrawals to a limited set of hot wallets.

Unlike most proposed covenant systems, CTV has received a generally positive response, so has a good chance of being adopted.

>> No.57148498

on chain TV?
good luck big blockers

>> No.57148543
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>enhance the scalability of Bitcoin
Satoshi already did that and he didn't need to alter transaction ordering for a shitty layer 2 payments processing network to accomplish it.

>> No.57149249

>remove Bitcoin's uncensorability

go away kike

>> No.57149432

This. 100% not happening. Rip, op

>> No.57149487

Restrictions on a utxo are placed by the recipient, not by the sender.

>> No.57149674

ok here’s the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.

Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.

Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.

Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen

>> No.57149688

>same jeet shill group keeps forking BTCSV and reposting their latest scam
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