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57146454 No.57146454 [Reply] [Original]

Coworked asked me if I ever had a girlfriend. I was too embarrassed to tell the truth so I answered yes.

>> No.57146458

just call in sick on girlfriend inspection day

>> No.57146481

Lying is always an option.
Say yes and change subject or go away.

>> No.57146485

Saying no would have been extremely based. I'm embarrassed I used to have a gf desu

>> No.57146487

Smart move. If sex comes up laugh and say yes I’ve had sex as though it’s hilarious that you’d even be asked such a question

>> No.57146500

Yeah sure I've had sex heaps of times but will you guide it in for me?

>> No.57146501

casually drop women's underwear in the breakroom

>> No.57146504

i'm not a pathetic wagecuck, but if i were, i'd answer "no" just to mess with their normalfag brains

>> No.57146522

I hate to lie but in this case it was a necessary evil.
If I had sex, I wouldn't be embarrassed to say no just to see their reactions.

>> No.57146529

it's impossible to lie about ever having a gf. Even a face blind autist could tell you were lying

>> No.57146536

>Even a face blind autist could tell you were lying
The guy who asked me is a retard and I'm a good liar even if I don't do it often.
I've become a master at hiding my problems.

>> No.57146549

Use a red marker to make dots on your dick and show it to your coworkers
Nothing says I HAVE SEX like having a venereal disease

>> No.57146551

he was just so embarrassed for you he played along

>> No.57146571

Yeah no

>> No.57146594

This is why when I get a job I will have a recorder on me like a dashcam on a car. Gather evidence constantly, in this case that is sexual harassments OP.

>> No.57146644

He knows the answer is no. That's why he asked. Now you have denigrated yourself by lying.

>> No.57146710

If I was in the same situation I would have said "no" because my only gf was fat and this is bigger L. No one ever asked me tho.

>> No.57146842

No he doesn't. Why are you seething so much?

>> No.57146846

They know you haven't that's why they are asking. You don't just ask that for no reason. You must give off a loser aura.

>> No.57146856

Again, this is not true. That's just how guys discuss when bored. I don't see how so many of you come to this stupid conclusion.

>> No.57146864

looking back I never shoulve lied about not having one till 24, shit's gay as fuck

>> No.57146866

yeah yes
can confirm I've done this to poor autists

just don't lie bro shit is embarrassing

>> No.57146879

The only autist here is you projecting onto others.

>> No.57146880

Always hated girlfriend inspectiond day when I worked in Dubai. She always came home smelling like poop, and I never found out why :(

>> No.57146953


>> No.57146972

it made her nervous and she did the streetful in pant

>> No.57147215

So many dudes on here have not even kissed a girl. Wtf man. If you haven't kissed a girl by 15 there is no hope for you...

>> No.57147246

If they asked they already know the truth and now they also know you lied about it

Normies can sense this stuff

>> No.57147386

Why do you think we're here retard? Normies gtfo

>> No.57147461


>> No.57147486

You never know really, weird stuff happens in teenage years

>> No.57147501

15 kissed 16 played with each others genitals piv sex by 18 or yngmi

>> No.57147666

>no, but I would really like one
>I like a woman who X
>do you know anyone that you could set me up with?
Missed opportunity bizfren. If you're in the market you have to always be on the lookout for ways to expand your network

>> No.57149263

Don't you have a girlfriend inspection day at your company?

>> No.57149298

The fact that the do-worker even asked means he/she already knew the answer was no
That’s not a normal question to ask. You’d just assume a person has, as that’s what’s normal.
It’s one of those questions which is more of a statement.
You should have just been honest. Be who you are. Embrace it.

>> No.57149302
File: 617 KB, 498x498, 54345345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the same thing for almost 2 decades until I got my first girlfriend. If they ask you, just give vague answers about your imaginary past relationships. And say you've been single for a while because of some arbitrary personal goal. I would tell people that I had girlfriends in college but now I'm hyper-focused on making money. Normies are so fucking nosey.

>> No.57149433

My gf left a while ago and I still act like we’re still together so I dont look single

>> No.57149437

It's an entirely normal question to ask at least in my case, for boys that relatively recently finished school and this is more or less our first job. A job with very little work to do, mostly just playing on the phone or discussing stuff (don't ask).
The thing is that with my health I have a very good excuse to not have ever had a girlfriend. But this doesn't make it less embarrassing. The question was never about having had sex, the guy that asked it another time simply assumed that I was not a virgin because I'm by far the oldest of the group.
It may become a problem if someone that knows me better asks me stuff like this.

>> No.57149447


>> No.57149455
File: 88 KB, 971x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just remembered I got asked if I had sex yet when I was 15 and I told the bully "yes but she lives in a different country"

>> No.57149500

There are men with no arms/legs and a penis that's been blown off that have girlfriends/wives. You're a loser but that doesn't mean you can't save face. Tell the truth if you want or you can fabricate stories so people won't think less of you. I chose the latter until I finally got my shit together.

>> No.57149503

If someone is asking you if you've ever had a girlfriend they already assume the answer is no lmfao

>> No.57149504

We all make up stories to protect ourselves. HOUSE OF WEED.

>> No.57150510

Did you keep in touch with her ?