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File: 156 KB, 3258x3258, ethereum-eth-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57140261 No.57140261 [Reply] [Original]

It's a solid cryptocurrency which is being actively developed on and solidified as the number 2 in the game after Bitcoin. Is it because there is no 100x potential or what? Why is it so hated?

>> No.57140281

It's hated because poorfags don't have even 10 eth

>> No.57140339
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>tfw back in 2017/18 i was moving around 100s of ETH to gamble on shitcoins and ICOs
damn im dumb. shoulda just held. now I have less than 1 ETH

>> No.57140391

Mostly the sociopathic community. The protocol itself is parasitic, Not only on users but on the "fat protocol" concept itself, It isn't a good candidate for that.

>> No.57140414

extremely toxic community that makes LINK holders look like saints by comparison

>> No.57140434

>keeps changing what it’s for world computer? Supersensai money? Lmao
>70% premined
>whole thing restarted to protect the insiders when some got stolen from the dao
>PoS to recreate the existing fucked financial system to which anon is not invited
>constant dropping against BTC
>centralised roadmap from the moneyskelly who doesn’t even know what year it is
Ethereum is fucked

>> No.57140450

In 2015/2016 Ethereum promised the world, and so far, has delivered little. While the price action was nice, the overall progress has been extremely depressing to watch.

>> No.57140452

have you ever had an ETH transaction fail and still get charged for the transaction? yea its dog shit

>> No.57140464

>inflation going down is bad
>early adopters profiting is bad (except when BTC does it)
>hard forks to prevent total failure are bad (except when BTC did it in 2013)
>PoS is bad even though the economic incentives work
>roadmap is centralized! (even though it is an open source project with global contributors and relies on consensus to adopt any change)

>> No.57140476

ETH is far from perfect but a lot of people just openly tell lies about it to support their bags.

>> No.57140478
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because there are anons shilling their L1 bags, so they shit on ETH. They want you to buy their shitty L1 to pump the price. The most obnoxious example are AVAX shills

>> No.57140564

>fucks up gas settings, causes revert
>expects someone to compute his tx for free
communist, get off my blockchain

>> No.57140572

Tribalism, inferiority complex and jeet shills promoting ethkillers. Sometimes a combination of these.

>> No.57140652

Why is AOL hated? I don't think anyone hates America Online. It was a first-mover that played an important role in the birth of the internet. It's just that other products advanced their technology and AOL could no longer compete.

RIP, ETH. I mean AOL

>> No.57140658

Simple as.

>> No.57140661


I was trying to send ETH to an exchange yesterday and this shit was literally stealing $2 from me every time i tried sending it...TX failed but you still keep the money?

>> No.57140729

Aren't they going to lower the transactions fees with the next update?

>> No.57140755

mostly because pajeet have funded a psyops to get all new liquidity to buy their shitcoins instead, it works for a while until the new people get burned and decide to buy btc/eth instead.

>> No.57140768

yea but it's gonna affect l2's, it will allow them to pute even more transactions in a "blob" and send that as one big transaction to be processed on layer 1 it will decrease fees in l2's by another order of magnitude

>> No.57140998

So is Bitcoin ETH a good long term hold?

>> No.57141054

I swapped 120 BTC for litecoin in 2015, you'll be fine

And yes the reason is because it isn't going to 100x. ETH is already the dominant #2. I've got 2 delegators running and have around 70 ETH now. I'm retired and just holding ETH, ROSE and LTC now for the next two decades.

>> No.57141062
File: 768 KB, 800x450, 1595675688958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because in its final form (once the Kleros subjective oracles are fully optimized, the argument of "oh you cant write a Ebay dapp on the blockchain, what if a scammer ships an empty box, how will the smart contract know? thats why u need us centralized entities. WILL BE BTFO. The end game will be like this: Uber 30% commission Fees way to high?? *random developer hardforks the dapp bringing it 100% on the blockchain. Corporations forced to meet WOKE quotas simply will not be able to compete. thats why ETH and Kleros is hated sooo much.

>> No.57141384

it's the only legitimate blockchain
which makes it a natural threat to every scammer and retard

>> No.57141387

Gas fees.
Simple as.

>> No.57141389

ok here’s the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.

Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.

Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.

Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BSV leaving the segwit chain hard frozen

>> No.57141553

Gas will get cheaper eventually with more Western countries investing into renewable energy.

>> No.57141659

They missed out on it early and gas fees, simple

>> No.57141675

unoptimized traffic-jam fee chain that has run its course

>> No.57141700

That's a lot Joe Biden

>> No.57141731

this is it most people dont get it.. but because of no clear focus the software has bloated in a non performant way and PoS wasn't implemented as smoothly as planned and future upgrades are going to be even harder to integrate and so on layer 2's just seem like their own blockchain doesnt seem like they need eth

>> No.57141738


>> No.57141769

>Wanna trade your 1k dollars for some coins. ? That will be 1100 dollars thanks. Oops we failed. Try again
Its a scam

>> No.57142009

I had a stroke reading your comment.

>> No.57142186

who knows, it should be, invest at your own risk

>> No.57142246

>. Corporations forced to meet WOKE quotas simply will not be able to compete.
that's impossible

if you dont know how it works, there is a massive conspiracy where pressure group and NGOs forced new laws at the UN, these laws then use indexes like EFG ratings and others, the ratings are made by the same people behind the NGOs, and serve as signals to the investor groups

the investor groups who have unlimited money to invest because they use fractional reserve banking
AKA every bank account on earth more or less

this means that any money in a bank account will be invested without the owner's consent or being informed into whatever company was rated highest by the indexes and is the most anti white, it's a massive conspiracy by banking jews to take away institutional power from europeans in preparation for a full on genocide later to get rid of the only threat to their power over the globe from now and forever

so it's impossible for a woke company to go broke because they are given free money in infinite amounts sourced directly from holdings accounts

>> No.57142387

mev niggers
paradigm vc niggers
smug assholes like bankless cunts and salsona whatever
vitalik pedo communist and all the other cunts who look like dysgenic soibois, that uniswap weirdo
those gas costs lmao u kidding me
it was only ever good for casino ponzis for poorfags to flip shitcoins and rugs, who since then moved to bnb who since then moved to sol
meanwhile they're now spinning dozens of l2s claiming they're the future of eth and they're all centralized scams, all while they fud competing l1s for not being as decentralized as eth
large mcap controlled by whales so no reason for newfags to buy oldfags bags

>> No.57142402

Nice cope

>> No.57142415

I honestly don't see the point.

If you want money use BTC.

If you want a computer just use a VM or AWS.

>> No.57142688


>> No.57142698

Is Ethereum the delusional Reddit coin?

>> No.57142819

>assumes I use shitcoins like ETH


>> No.57142845

It's unfair how someone this stupid can have made so much money just from being early

>> No.57143867
File: 52 KB, 872x310, sassal everyone vaxxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Ethereum hated?
for me, it's because of grifter influenzas like Bankless and picrel

>> No.57144359
File: 372 KB, 500x756, Analysis_Paralysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just use an L2, bro!

>> No.57144369
File: 326 KB, 558x357, Choice_Overload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just one more L2 bro. i promise bro just one more L2 and it'll fix everything bro. bro. just one more L2. please just one more. one more L2

>> No.57144388

>too stupid to look at the dapps and pick the one you want to use first, then go to the l2 that has it
you don't even know what your point is

>> No.57144663


Shit network

> Want to move $300
> Pay $200 in fees

Complete horseshit, can't scale and the creator is a pedophile.

>> No.57144728
File: 71 KB, 1608x260, JosephLubinsoldyouout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's run by a bunch of bootlicking commies. It cant scale. It's so inherently insecure due to its own poor design that billions have been hacked and their only solution is to bribe hackers with bounties or else they will sic their fed comrades on them. They launched with a massive premine and ico and the feds gave them the same wink and a smile that SBF got so you know that they are banking cartel approved. It's the globohomo crypto and without Consensys running their metamask wallets and infura running most customer facing traffic through centralized "web3" server farms it wouldn't even run at all. And they're about to centralize it ever further by requiring thousands of ethereum to run actual validators while letting small fry stakers peck on the crumbs. Full disclosure: I hold Ethereum

>> No.57144772
File: 303 KB, 1241x1419, GA3btEGXQAAZIp6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much FUD yet the sheer scale of development on ETH hasn't subsided since it's inception. The main Ethereum blockchain is for consensus and security so of course it's not cheap. But now we have a multitude for layer 2 solutions for all sorts of use cases including cheap, fast transactions. You can keep hyping up Solana and other centralized L1 shit chains but they won't stand the test of time like Ethereum.

>> No.57144857

It’s outdated tech and is holding crypto back

>> No.57144911

Its development is subsidized by mountains of VC from Wall St which basically amounts to a bribe not to step on their toes too much. Eth exists only to funnel crypto newcomers into a high fee plantation where centralized infrastructure can rip them off at every turn with wallet fees and MEV. All the cute logos and lip service to fairness and equality in financial access is complete bullshit and everyone knows it.

>> No.57146103

>two delegators
lmao ok

>> No.57146114

its hated because i went all in on it and got rich while the zoomerfags here were playing pokemon cards lol

now they want to replicate it but never will because zoomers cant critically think