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File: 5 KB, 800x533, Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57129986 No.57129986 [Reply] [Original]

I am planning to quit my engineer job in Germany and move away because it's a socialist shithole and full of trannys. I want to move to Turkey and retire on low living expenses as soon as I have 1 million €.

>> No.57129990

Based idea. Also left Germany 4 years ago and never looked back.

>> No.57129994
File: 199 KB, 1280x853, Burj-Al-Babas-Turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. even house prices cheap af

>> No.57130024

certain parts of türkiye is also full of trannies and/or socialists, which province are you planning to go desu

>> No.57130028

Antalya, I already have an apartment there and woud live rent free for the first year.

>> No.57130042

Isn't their economy in ruins right now? Also why wouldn't you move to a country within the European Union, makes moving easier? Why not something like Portugal or Croatia?

>> No.57130050

yes go back roach

>> No.57130064

>Isn't their economy in ruins right now?
Their economy is OK the companies are doing great, it's the people who are struggling due to inflation. The monthly minimum wage is like 560€ and 50% of the people live on minimum wage therefore the prices remain low.

I was in crotia last year and it became fucking expensive. Portugal is the other option I srly considered.

But the main advantage of turkey is that I have an apartment there already and I know the language.

>> No.57130069

thats also a pretty cucked degenerate place since its a touristic location but other places are bigoted or full of monkeys and you wouldnt be able to live comfortably long term probs

>> No.57130070

>But the main advantage of turkey is that I have an apartment there already and I know the language.
So you're a roach, got it. Go ahead, leave and go back to Roachia.

>> No.57130086

Have fun having your children raised by trannys in your kindergardens and being ruled by braindead green/socialist Tjorbens and Kevins which will keep selfdestruction of the country. Germany is such a fucking retarded country lol

>> No.57130087

>move to Turkey
Don't you mean move back
>have an apartment there already and I know the language

>> No.57130101

stupidest idea i read on this fucking website
turkey is a shithole for a reason
also you don't even have 1 million smelly turkshit
can't wait for bulgaria romania and serbia to invade your country and take back sveta sofia

>> No.57130126

Turkey is growing and will dominate Europe in 10-20 years. Get over it.
Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia are third world gypsy countries who couldn't survive without EU help.

>> No.57130139

Seriously sick about 3rd World Roaches living in Germany, earning real money there and shitting on it. It's the 3rd world roaches who make Germany disgusting in the first place. But hell yeah idc where he is going, Antalya (lmao) or Somalia, just leave FFS

>> No.57130151

Any other locations you would suggest?

>> No.57130158
File: 158 KB, 1080x1181, 387621157_812651923986835_4138573034674933214_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so wait first things first,
are you actually a turk immigrant living in germany or are you a cucked german who unironically wants to m0ve to turkey lmao

>> No.57130159

I am a dutch anon and my new gf is Turkish we met in Istanbul, I'm thinking of moving to the marmaris area. My health increaseses every time I go to turkiye.

I'm going to apply for short term tourist visa again next time so I can have sex sotu my TurkGF and swim and be happy. Fuck this cold dark cloudy rainy shithole

>> No.57130165

this lol

>> No.57130264

AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA we would skin you alive dirty muslim bitch

1 eur = 32 try

bro you are an honorary zimbabwean nigger now

>> No.57130486

if ur a turk coming back just go to where your grandparents went to germany from, if ur a foreigner antalya is probably the best choice

>> No.57130644

Germany is meant for getting money there and shitting on it, you fucking commie.
Commie state of silent psychopath snitches.
Roachbro is based for doing his part.

>> No.57130651

I am a turk and I have lighter skin color than most europeans how do I profit off of this?

>> No.57130677


>> No.57130681

Germany is Turkey

>> No.57130685

kys ahmet

>> No.57130691
File: 152 KB, 479x270, 1703941128616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a roach immigrant..him leaving is a good thing for the rest of Germany

>> No.57130724

>are you actually a turk immigrant living in germany
of course he is. he wouldn't have an apartment in turkey if it wasnt the case

>> No.57130731

If you think that majority of Germans getting gay (mentally ill) and Germany changing it's flag to rainbow colours then this means you are gay and it's a good thing for you. I will take as much wealth out of this retarded country as possible and live a comfy live without trannys and braindead commies who don't know the basic economic principles. Germany shutting down it's nuklear plants and buying their electricity from other nuklear plants of neighbour countries for double the price lmao you people are so fucking stupid

>> No.57130733

I'm moving to Ireland

>> No.57130740

where did you go

>> No.57130798

This. As well as burning coal and claim it's environmental.

>> No.57130841

balkanese people are litarally the bottom of the bottom. npcs to populate the world. know your place.

you can't you fucking delusional loser

>> No.57130922

how is he wrong? look at the millions who enter the country and never work but spend DECADES getting welfare.

>> No.57130946

bait thread
nobody is that retarded

>> No.57131010
File: 85 KB, 1080x1089, 4ebd780a0a4ab4dbf1aed698cf1855b511fba58d0640b7affaf71d06e87e40ca_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic im done

>> No.57131019

are you a muslim nigger?

whats ur age + networth. how long has ur roachfamily nested in germany?

>> No.57131158

>how long has ur roachfamily nested in germany?
Family worked here for 40 years and went back with 2 mil. They paid more taxes in this country than 50% of Germans do. I am 33 with 800k € in equities and crypto, currently working for a big AG with almost 6 figure salary. Germans are small minded tranny NPCs. Only reason why Germany got so big is because of wealth they stole from the jews and because of their car companies. Car companies are getting shit by better chinese EV companies and tesla and the government is shitting itself. Thats why so many people from all kind of origin is leaving this shithole lol

>> No.57131171

>Family worked here for 40 years and went back with 2 mil.
>I am 33 with 800k €
how did you make that? i kind of doubt its the job
why are so ungrateful to a country giving your family wealth while youre a roachparsite?
its not germanys fault its getting globohomoed by the likes of you

>> No.57131184
File: 60 KB, 512x391, 1703945909459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're nothing but a filthy roach and thief. The only way you can survive in your 'based country' is if you stole from Germany first. Enjoy getting ass raped by Erdogan and his cronies. Living in a shithole surrounded by desperate people isn't enjoyable in the slightest. Just wait until someone finds out you have a little bit more money than them. Disgusting subhuman.

>> No.57131210

>why are so ungrateful to a country giving your family wealth while youre a roachparsite?
Because Germans are still the same racist bunch of suckers they were since ww2. People get treated like shit although they work hard, speak the language perfectly and have many friends. I fro example always had to do more work than my biological German friends, no one gave us things for free, we never lived from welfare. After several racist treatments I sweared to my 13 year old self that I will always damage this country as much as possible.

>> No.57131220

>Because Germans are still the same racist bunch of suckers they were since ww2
>my family made millions in this country
>i leave this country bc its globohomo mashallaaa
cognitive dissonance?

>> No.57131230

>After several racist treatments I sweared to my 13 year old self
nigger what lol so much for worked harder than othergermans lol

>> No.57131250

We made millions by working hard and could have been in any other country too, but you Germans always think that everyone should be grateful to live here, get fucked you arrogant tranny. My relatives in Turkey got much more successful than we did in this shithole. We shouldnt have left in the first place.

>> No.57131251 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 554x799, 331872924_2246852402369299_4219136660848818584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serbia is a literal enemy of the EU.
The USA and EU are destroying Bulgaria as we speak.
Romania is doing fine.
So kinda wrong on all 3 counts.
But yeah, Turkiye is doing better than any of the three.
> My health increaseses every time I go to turkiye.
Tastiest food in the world, but also half the overweight "Europeans" are Turkish lmao, not sure how you're doing it.
Bulgarian here, Swedish people are unironically the most disgustingly racist bunch I've met.
I unironically expected a bunch of turboliberal tranny faggots who'd suck circumsised cock to show how liberal they are, but instead they are a bunch of turboliberal tranny racist faggots who suck cock for personal enjoyment. The internet lied to me about those countries, I unironically thought racism is a made up concept until I met people from libtard countries lmao.
Balkan people shit on one another with casual racism, but we're bros by the end of the day. Germanic people are unironically racist and hateful af, whily being too pussy to express it.

>> No.57131252
File: 19 KB, 300x259, 1703946784475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just said they are globohomo leftoids who suck cock, now you're calling them racists who keep turkroaches down. Which one is it retard?

>> No.57131267

You got it. There are no normal people here. Either Nazis or Trannys.

>> No.57131273

Literally both.

>> No.57131274

>My relatives in Turkey got much more successful
ur family is turk mafia?

>> No.57131286

just go back to roachland to get rugged by roaches like urself lol

>> No.57131294

>ur family is turk mafia?
Why should they be?
It's impossible to become successful in Germany through work due to their tax system.
50% of the economy in the Balkan area doesn't even enter statistics, there's way more people from our generation who got wealthy there than there are in Goymany where a bunch of rich kids inherit wealth and the rest of them are wagecucks for life.

>> No.57131312

P.S. The only country from that "WEU" area that got its shit together as far as taxes go is Denmark, where wagies get destroyed by taxes, but once you start a company you're barely paying anything.
If anything it actually pushes you towards the right direction.
The rest of them have all gone full commie.

>> No.57131319
File: 187 KB, 1091x1076, rne38phyakz41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serbia is a literal enemy of the EU.
The USA and EU are destroying Bulgaria as we speak.
Romania is doing fine.
So kinda wrong on all 3 counts.
But yeah, Turkiye is doing better than any of the three.
> My health increaseses every time I go to turkiye.
Tastiest food in the world, but also half the overweight "Europeans" are Turkish lmao, not sure how you're doing it.
Bulgarian here, Swedish people are unironically the most disgustingly racist bunch I've met.
I unironically expected a bunch of turboliberal tranny faggots who'd suck circumsised cock to show how liberal they are, but instead they are a bunch of turboliberal tranny racist faggots who suck cock for personal enjoyment. The internet lied to me about those countries, I unironically thought racism is a made up concept until I met people from those libshit countries lmao.
Balkan people shit on one another with casual racism, but we're bros by the end of the day. Germanic people are unironically racist and hateful af, whily being too pussy to express it.

>> No.57131328

>Bulgarian here
>Germanic people are unironically racist and hateful af, whily being too pussy to express it.
so uhm whats ur deal seething slav, who hurt you, slavs have white skin usually i dont see any german even noticing you, so youre a brown ahmet?

so why do you swarm into germany lol and then complain, i mean seriously get a grip, sounds like a you problem

>> No.57131376
File: 49 KB, 599x619, 1610140684470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> so uhm whats ur deal seething slav
Just spitting facts you seem incapable of handling
> who hurt you
My own country to an extent lmao. But that's another story
> slavs have white skin usually i dont see any german even noticing you
I wasn't referring towards racist sentiment against ME. I see how they act towards browner people, that's all.
> so youre a brown ahmet?
nope, I'm white, feel free to swipe left, faggot
> so why do you swarm into germany lol and then complain
Only useless people swarm into Germany lmao.
Capable ones either stay or move to Singapore/Malaysia/Dubai.
>i mean seriously get a grip, sounds like a you problem
Roachbro was getting roasted by delusional faggots, decided to set the facts straight

>> No.57131378

Real estate.

>> No.57131402

This tranny could have been anything in this forum and he larped as a rich roach

>> No.57132277

nice, please take all your shitskin relatives with you when you leave.

>> No.57132327

lol good riddance ahmed

>> No.57132670

Balkans are massive shitholes lmao are you kidding.

>> No.57132911

Kek you wouldn't imagine how much I'd have my daughter raised by anything but roaches like your filthy kind, go back and make everyone happy for once

>> No.57133169

>Real estate.
a simple yes wouldve been enouugh

>I wasn't referring towards racist sentiment against ME. I see how they act towards browner people, that's all.
total bullshit, most germans are literal npcs who would suck nigger dick the browner you are and you know it

>> No.57133338

>total bullshit, most germans are literal npcs who would suck nigger dick the browner you are and you know it
Nah, it's both. It's welcome to Germany but also fuck you for not being German.

>> No.57133464

Ihr Deutschen seid wirklich die größten Waschlappen auf dieser Welt. Ihr seid stiefelleckende autoritätshörige NPC. Alles was die meisten Deutschen wollen ist es brav zur Arbeit zu gehen und seine Steuern zu zahlen und auf ewig für ein bisschen Sicherheit in Mittelmaß zu leben. Junge deine Tochter wird irgendwann auf OnlyFans NiggerSchwänze blasen und dein Sohn wird sich in einem Tütü von einem Russen in den Arsch ficken lassen. Euer Land geht moralisch und wirtschaftlich so den Bach runter. Die ganze Welt macht sich nur noch lustig über euch und ihr merkt es nicht einmal. Richtige Lappen seid ihr. Jeder der was im Kopf hat verpisst sich aus diesem linksversifften woken Scheißloch wegen solchen Vollpfosten wie dir und deiner Sippe.

>> No.57133505

I got hit on by trannies in Turkey. I never got hit on by trannies in germany

>> No.57133560

Fuck off we’re full

>> No.57133661

he has 80 IQ it can't be helped

>> No.57133722

Germany‘s social fabric is analogous to that the duty free zone of an international airport.
Sure, you can survive there short-term and make some “contacts” but you can’t build a life there.

>> No.57133758

Germans are just as unfriendly to each other. Most have literally zero close friends. One of my housemates had to bake her own birthday cake or else her family would criticize her instead of celebrating her birthday. Weekends are for recycling and getting ready for work.

>> No.57134738

Lol der Typ macht so einen Post und geht dann in ein anderes beschissenes Land, kannst du dir nicht ausdenken

>> No.57134817
File: 9 KB, 349x144, deepbreath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are about to get bad. When shit hit the fan aliens always get scapegoated. If you want to be raped and then thrown off a roof. A muslim country is were a euro fag want to be.

>> No.57134832

OP is a turkroach. Leave Germany.

>> No.57136323

Why not move to Greece? Apart from the religion it´s the same shit and you pay less taxes on dividends.

>> No.57136340

Please dont come to Portugal, we have enough smelly brown muslims and german speakers as it is now. Quite frankly, one is already too much.

>> No.57136435

niggerfaggot says what?

>> No.57137871
File: 9 KB, 181x278, images (45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can fully understand you, am also the same type as you but i got less wealth than you do.

I got like 210k in euros worth of stocks which produces 6.5k in net dividends coming from all over the world and 106k€ sitting in cash in high yield savings account.
Also got 2 condos in türkiye, one in aegean site and one in antalya.
Im planning to move there too since germany has changed in a direction i dont want to participate into, like i mean sure its a nice country with standards being high but its people changed so much and the system is turning into worse and worse every year.
Like the thing about energy you mentioned already but also smaller things like waiting half a year for a doctors appointment or government officials literally drowning in guidelines, welfare system getting out of control, rising numbers of old people searching for plastic bottles in trash cans because their pension is so low, rising numbers of uneducated literally niggers of niggest people from africa and arabia and rising taxes, buying power getting worse.
Also the worst of all this is that germany tries to normalize being gay or tranny, like you can change your gender every year or so. Also german politicians which only seeks to destroy the middle-class and so on..

>> No.57137947

>because of wealth they stole from the jews
You are retarded lol
You will never be german, also yes you are doing the right thing
Germans cant decide what their occupational government does
>but the people are so retarded and would do it anyway
Yes thats city people for you and im sure you only are in their bubble so you generalize
Jaaaa ich mein du hast schon etwas Recht, selbst die afd Leute bestehen drauf immer zu arbeiten und Steuern zu zahlen
>Germans are still the same racist bunch
Bist du doch selbst kek check deinen Post

>> No.57137973
File: 383 KB, 980x897, 1702637303757523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moving from Germany to Turkey.
Whats the difference?

>> No.57138127

>I am planning to quit my engineer job in Germany and move away because it's a socialist shithole and full of trannys. I want to move to Turkey and retire on low living expenses as soon as I have 1 million €.


>Boohohoo Germany is bad now

>> No.57138134

He goes back to his people. Before they also kick him out and he's forced to move back to his original shithole in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and similar.

>> No.57138205

hmm... and what was op's nationality?

>> No.57138270

very based, I would do the same if I was in your situation.
it's every man for himself in this world

>> No.57138339

Fuck Germany and Turkey

>> No.57138707

Just got citizenship so I can say that now

>> No.57138787

You might not like Germany, but you may romanticize turkey based on the limited vacation time you spent there. Be careful, maybe do some sort of trial period.

>> No.57138803

so instead you want to move to turkey, a country which reduces rates when inflation is skyrocketing. Makes sense.

>> No.57138819

>rising numbers of uneducated literally niggers of niggest people from africa and arabia
and what are you?
how did you make the money?

>> No.57138903

only for turks
if all your assets is in usd you'll be richer than rich while everyone struggles

>> No.57139577
File: 8 KB, 230x219, imag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur not fulling anyone Mehmet zero chance you are an actual German

>> No.57139775

>the dick head hair cut

>> No.57139784

Nothing makes me happier than seeing Germans seeth because of 3rd worlders.
This thread just makes me smile. Guys, get over it, this country was once great. Nobody gives a shit about it anymore, except for making money. The whole economy runs because of people that want to make money there and get the fuck away.
Everything sucks, food, people, nature and culture.

>> No.57139848

The turkroach returns to his native dirt mound. Thank you for leaving. Never come back you shitskin third worlder, and take your stink back with you.

>> No.57139861

Already bad enough with the Brazilian mutts coming in by claiming citizenship from a long lost grandfather from a father they've never seen. From when I went there, the Portuguese were fed up also with remote working EU expats driving up the rent in Lisbon and Porto.

>> No.57139896

2 mil that could've gone to a white family in Germany. And you have the gaul to complain about your host country.
>B-but muh trannies, muh commies
STFU you shitskin, be grateful the kind white Germans afforded you a peaceful and prosperous lifestyle away from your roach cousins. That is the reason your parents left Turkey, you realize? To get away from the disgusting third world street hagglers, thieves and rapists so that you and your other 20 bug brothers could LARP as being part of a white man's society.

>> No.57139911

It's a shame Basil II didn't finish the job and I'm reading your bullshit 1000 years later