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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57122172 No.57122172 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57122178
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>> No.57122186

Thank God

>> No.57122203

1.3bn people losing access to crypto, again...
>/biz - this is bullish, thank god
you guys are morons...

>> No.57122225
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>1.3b of pajeets out
That's like, $100,000 market anyway
I would pay billions to not see pajeets in crypto.

>> No.57122241

those 1.3B brownoids have as much capital as 3 low income americans

>> No.57122246

only an indian or a jew would be upset about this

>> No.57122277

First worlders have no use case for crypto. Hoarding internet money doesn't look so good when nobody's actually using it for transactions

>> No.57122310

sirs redeem before it's too late

>> No.57122332

You’re underestimating how much money the 1% has in corrupt 3rd world countries. I still remember reading about a Pakistani Military General buying an island worth $100m near Australia

>> No.57122335

the biggest markets for crypto are east asia and north america
no one cares if turd worlders use crypto or not, a billion turdies are barely worth 1 american

>> No.57122460

Pajeets will be spamming Elon Musk on twitter to somehow undo this

>> No.57122473


>> No.57122477

Indians already out of crypto since like last year when their govt put taxes on transactions

>> No.57122628

those jeets are poor because their 1% is fucking insane compared to our 1%. You're either a billionaire or you're making less than $1k a month.

>> No.57122645

almost around the same time /biz/ died, woah

>> No.57122661

they're poor because they're brown turd world subhumans

>> No.57122698

I don't think I'm ever not going to laugh and be amazed at these

>> No.57122707

So that's why we're doomping. All the pajeets are furiously selling their shitcoins and cashing them out lel.

>> No.57122711
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It's funny how turboracist AI is given the right prompts.

>> No.57122744

Can a fellow pajeet or someone in the know please give me more information about this? I am a poojeet who has around 120k (lifetime savings) in Binance. Which is currently staked in BNB for launch pool rewards. How serious is this 'Ban' should I redeem and sell it all? Please be serious since this is really important for me sirs...

>> No.57124114

That's a lot of money in India, isn't it? Pull out now and look into investing in other things or move from India with that money.

>> No.57124130 [DELETED] 

you should move to malaysia

>> No.57124172

The politicians bought out the domestic wazir x's of the world and are directing all liquidity to their own exchanges. Bullish

>> No.57124192
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>world is beginning the process of transferring everything over to blockchain
>india decides now is the time to ban crypto

>> No.57124200

I fucking love AI so much.

>> No.57124232

sirs we must redeem now

>> No.57124498

What a time to be alive

>> No.57124526
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Thanks, as a poor murican I feel like that's a compliment. I got butterflies fren

>> No.57124560

How many scams will rugpull in the next days due to ser cashing out before the fallout on these cexes?

>> No.57124591

the old establishments are afraid

>> No.57124638

bullish. india ban fud will be the china ban fud of this upcoming bullrun.

>> No.57124753

L-Lord Farquaad??