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File: 242 KB, 1175x759, GCZz5ULbAAAwGEQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57115574 No.57115574 [Reply] [Original]

Why is fear porn the new meta?

>> No.57115596

>general pic of money
>"DUMP THIS NOW" capitalized in the thumbnail
side note, but i fucking hate these low effort clickbait attempts with generic bullshit, wether it's about the market or geopolitical issues im not clicking on your link because i know im due for some retarded rambling that could've been summarized in a few minutes.

>> No.57115713

what did he mean by this?
fear sells, triggers the "I must react to this dangerous stimuli" amygdala response

>> No.57115725

Its not. Honestly the collapse is sure to come but because the warning signs are too early you have people predicting this shit over a decade ahead of time only to realize their youth doesn't last long enough for them to get the big short.

>> No.57115728
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someone said yesterday he looks like this meme and I laughed my ass off

>> No.57115772

is this an NPC from Half Life 1?

>> No.57115915

it gets clicks. I don’t watch this guy’s videos but there are plenty of other economics/finance types on youtube who’s thumbnails and titles look like that but the actual content of the video is pretty rational and not even always bearish.

>> No.57116597


I had exactly the same thought lmao

>> No.57117489

I like to watch these doomposters for entertainment, shits hilarious

>> No.57117515


I watched the Fidelity one. It wasn't even a big deal.

The guy in charge of their EMERGING MARKETS FUNDS was putting a little more money into China. Literally that was the whole story.

>> No.57117744

yeah that’s what I mean. it’s just clickbait to get people’s attention. most of these guys aren’t actually predicting the end of the world in just two more weeks in their actual videos.

>> No.57117765

huge psyop. the last few years have made angry people schizophrenic. also being pessimistic has always looked wise and being positive has always looked naive

>> No.57117986

this guy went all in on bonds at the start of 2021
he literally caught the only bear market in ages
he's still underwater

>> No.57117999

let me elaborate:
he desperately wants rates to go back to 0
he thinks QE is deflationary and tightens economic conditions
he will only make money when rates hit 0 and bond prices go above 2021 levels
if that happens, he will then shift to shilling for MMT so rates go negative and bonds go parabolic

>> No.57118011

It sells. News channels figured this out long ago.

>> No.57118365

It's the ultimate midwit trap right now. The truth is even more bleak than self proclaimed doomers can comprehend. Real doomers know the jews are completely in control at a level previously thought impossible and whatever they want to happen is going to happen and your le logical arguments about muh inflation or whatever have no basis in reality!

>> No.57118396

Also this doesn't even look real. It's like his head is from GoldenEye n64 or something.

>> No.57118410


datadash's father

>> No.57118414

Sex and fear keep the masses placated

>> No.57118610

I'd kill myself if my face looked like that

>> No.57118629
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Doombull gang.

>> No.57119441

no matter your angle of attack, I remain highly motivated.

>> No.57119493

lol it‘s true

>> No.57119509

He does lol
He says his name altogether: stevanmeter

Did you guys see the one where he talks about his wife leaving himjrjw2

>> No.57119545
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>> No.57119556
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>> No.57119616


Correct, he's an annoying midwit hawking shitty momentum indicators and purposefully trying to get people to hate-watch his videos. Lacy Hunt at least had the decency to say "maybe QE IS money printing depending on how its done... lol whoops my bad", but a lot of the retards like SVM who suck Hunt's dick were calling for deflation in the midst of a historic M2 spike and have still learned zero lessons.

I know long duration will rally a bit soon and bond bull dipshits like him will be undeservedly smug, but I'm comforted by the thought that he doesn't understand why the US's fiscal problem makes his bond folio completely retarded, so he'll just keep doubling down on them forever.

>> No.57121244

>2 more weeks China is over
>2 more weeks global warming will kill us all (nuclear is still.... le bad btw)
>2 more weeks till russia surrenders
I love seeing these faggots do mental gymnastics.

>> No.57122066

I love it when he pulls up his material in google chrome with at least 200 tabs open.

>> No.57123592

No one can predict the future and guys like this just get clicks telling people what they want to hear.

On a Macro level the recession won't hit until mid to late 2027. Just watch unemployment numbers.

>> No.57123660

Peter Schiff is all I can stomach. I am sorta detached from normie life, but people do seem stressed and miserable for a “good” economy

>> No.57123898
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The problem is all sides are full of shit.

Steven is using clickbait to get attention from normies, but his actual videos aren't even that doom and gloom compared to the titles. See my other post; >>57117515

Jeff Snider and George Gammon have shown hundreds of graphs and charts at this point showing how fucked up the economy is, especially in the eurodollar system. Calling them "permadoomers" is disingenuous, they're just showing the charts from the FED themselves.

Peter Schiff got 2008 right, but he has no idea how the banking system works, which is why he's been wrong for the last 15 years.

The "permabulls" are also stupid and annoying as fuck because they are literally ignoring everything negative in the economy and just pointing at the S&P 500 going, "no look! The plebs are doing great! Look at the stock market!". (Ignoring the fact it's literally 10 stocks holding up the other 490)

Meanwhile you have the government and msm telling people not to believe their own experiences, pushing full blown propaganda. Real inflation is up 40%, but don't worry, your 9% raise over the last 3 years actually means you're richer!

Seriously, fuck all of these perma-whatevers. You can have a shitty economy and an increasing stock market. They're not mutually exclusive. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. It's pretty fucking obvious at this point.

>> No.57123977
File: 110 KB, 1024x927, AEE76291-0E53-448C-8BBF-C99FA72C8D6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just watch unemployment numbers.
who’s going to tell him?

>> No.57124174

Its been the meta for everything. Rage bait and negative emotions gets all the clicks

>> No.57124191

Don't worry the illegal immigrants will take your jobs

>> No.57124259
File: 319 KB, 769x765, dff76gl-3b7e98c9-30cd-4dc3-a25b-3c18e7161bfa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't get it

>> No.57124271

Top kek you could take all of his video captions and chudjak them. What a fucking meme

>> No.57124281

life imitates art, time and time again.

>> No.57124312

epic economist is pretty good but does get boring after a while. it is what the youtube algorithm promotes unfortunately. anyway, clicbait ISNT the new meta, AI generated content is.

>> No.57124314

kek this guy looks like the chud meme