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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57112293 No.57112293 [Reply] [Original]

Or is it just fud? i was thinking about doing a huge lump sum because it's holding 3 digits so well.

but anon said that they are propping up low transactions costs at the expense of minting new coins to pay validators, that doesn't seem too sustainable

>> No.57112327

solana inflation is not fud it just works this way
just go to their explorer make a screenshot of total and circulating supply and then week later look at it again and see how much new tokens were printed from thin air and inflated total supply and circulating.

>> No.57112336

Yes that problem is very real, but during a bull market such problems don't matter as much when all the retard buy pressure keeps coming in no matter what, simila how FDV and market cap go to absolutely stupid high valuations. You can have high inflation, but as long as there are retards like you fomoing in that inflation isn't felt that much.

All these things start mattering A LOT once the top is in and the retard buy pressure cools down.

>> No.57113850

It's not fud and it's not sustainable so the music will stop at some point, SOL however probably also has the strongest marketing in all of crypto so during a bull they can override the fact that the chain itself is horseshit.

>> No.57113978

So what's an L1 alternative that not be INJ Avax or any other past bull run L1?

>> No.57114347

The inflation thing is only a problem when the price is low. Higher prices means less coins need to be 'created' to pay validators. If prices stay as they are now the rate will only be something like 2-5% increase in circulation per year, aka similar to fiat. If the price goes up then it will be even less.
Also note that 'inflation' doesn't actually mean what the image says it means. An increase in circulation doesn't equate to inflation. Fiat inflates because more money is created than the market demands. If demand increased more than the percentage increase in circulation, it would actually be deflationary despite that increased number.
So yes, more Sol is being created, but if demand outstrips that, then it doesn't really matter until the demand bottoms out and the value of the coin drops.
You can say Sol is a ticking time bomb, which is possible, but it's also possible that the mechanics of it allow for better staying power than something with better 'fundamentals' like Eth thanks to its repressed gas fees. If people value those low fees and speedy transactions more than they value 'fundamentals', then Sol can easily win out.

>> No.57115815

Alephium (ticker: ALPH)

>> No.57115902

copypasta faggot

>> No.57116051

Nigger I spent like 10 minutes typing that out