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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 795 KB, 3024x4032, 7o4l3krrzd701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5707982 No.5707982 [Reply] [Original]

Some dumb chinaman chick from SF and Coinbase dropped Molly with all of us and she's blabbing the fuck out of insider secrets. All you XML people aren't doing life wrong. BRB, gonna roll in NYC.

>> No.5708004

XLM*, I'm high fuck you for judgments.

>> No.5708018

Scam. Scam scam scam scam

>> No.5708028

hhaa cool !!!

>> No.5708050
File: 361 KB, 950x530, 1514779801297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to fake a Coinbase listing:
>screenshot the actual Coinbase app on your phone
>use photoshop to add fake listings
>send the new fake image to your phone
>view in full screen
>take a picture and post on /biz/

>> No.5708064

nice shop

>> No.5708065

yea man great story i totally believed that wording

>> No.5708070

It's fake you faggot, you can even see the horrible job they did top left.

>> No.5708074

Really really anyone here who still cares About what coinbase does?
If u do please reply letting it be know.
Kek no one here gives a shit what scam coinbase does any more if ever.

>> No.5708081

The dumb slut kept saying bitcoin and ether is leaving gdax too fast so they are forced to add XLM and XRP and profit off of holdings of the TRX to recover from their LTC and BTC loss.

>> No.5708085

no one would ever lie on the internet

>> No.5708088

Fake and possibly gay

>> No.5708104

I care only so I can have sour grapes over whatever shitcoin I missed out on. I like to pout because my mommy gf spoils me when I pout

>> No.5708106

I won't deny this is fake but you actually can't screenshot coinbase. You would have to use a screen recorder I guess.

>> No.5708127

This looks shopped
I can tell from the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time

Just kidding, noripplers BTFO yet again.

>> No.5708128

A-anon... this is the shittiest bait.

>> No.5708133

so the exchange isn't solvent?
>transferring 100k into my coinbase account

>> No.5708139
File: 148 KB, 800x533, Porsche 962c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped Molly with all of us
What the hell you doing hanging out with Miley Cyrus and what has she got to do with crypto?

>> No.5708143


>> No.5708145

This, XLM might be believable not TRX

>> No.5708174

>ScamRx added on coinbase

>> No.5708178

Digital screens don't photograph that clean. Look at the coinbase logo, all the logo would have little squiggles on them too.

But I am big on XLM, XRP and TRX lol

>> No.5708199

High on drugs on NYE and talking about crypto...now I know you're lying!!

>> No.5708204


the fuck is this shit I don't read robot

>> No.5708210

>"in today's local news, coinbase adds trx...."
Killed it kek

>> No.5708229
File: 27 KB, 187x197, fefer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teh robet say coinburs

>> No.5708256

They must have magically added that Tron shit since we weee demo’d The new iOS GDAX app for feb. I assume OP is Chinese. The XML and XRP to USD were Demo’d but that last one doesn’t seem real. Also. You’re dumb for posting this if it is. Buy HODL and shut the fuck you with WOP.

>> No.5708274

Dude wtf is this link??? I opened it and went back to the exchange and all my Link are gone?? Wtf!!

>> No.5708277
File: 80 KB, 478x523, 1514675190996-biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol, if you wanted this to be remotely believable why the fuck did you put Tron in it?

>> No.5708279

I literally just screenshotted coinbase

>> No.5708289

TRX, Coinbase, and Ripple all share a major Chinese investor.

For those who think TRX is far fetched.

>> No.5708300

now that is being politically incorrect now. you should have read chinaWOMAN

>> No.5708302

Shut the fuck up and keep quiet retard.

>> No.5708320

its a github link you pleb, its not malicious

trx has coinbase mentioned in their code multiple times

>> No.5708321
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1514761863597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5708322

this is pathetic

>> No.5708343

the fuck are you talking about

>I'm not buying trx faggots fuck you

>> No.5708377

I'm fucking with you. it's fake, but the Coinbase intern is gonna be my Coinbae when she see my dick or my coke. DONT BUY ANYTHING EXCEPT BTCCASH

>> No.5708376

> the state of biz brainlets

coinbase is the name of the wallet mining/staking fees go to

>> No.5708407

Don’t worry anon, I know it’s real and she got mad at you for postin it because it could get her fired and even arrested for insider trading.

Thank you.

>> No.5708431

TY - But send me BTC if I post my cock and address and her lanyard with CB SF on it.

>> No.5708507

CB IS ALL insider trading. Those 20 somethings all post buy walls to pad their accounts. They're more egotistical than than they are stupid, but they're fucking stupid. When they come to our NY firm, we kinda lol @ their lack of keeping their mouths and cunts shit. I can't/don't want to fuck NYC broker cunt, but Sillycunt Valley is dumb and dicksuckin' if I'm wearing my jacket. They're just happy to be here on GS's dime.

>> No.5708641


Have a nice evening OP, thanks for the info. Just be happy you posted this very late, and not in the middle of the day where more people would believe you.

>> No.5708648

Bro, She's visiting Evercore, Greenhill and JPmo this week, and I think she's a hooker paid by CoinBase or just hard and retarded... but an ol' fashion net'd me an uber to my loft with her then she's out if 45 minutes. I got shit to do. Fun and fuck you all in 2018. Niggers, faggots, cunts, retards, and jews... fuck and love you all. Time for a cock suck or a "can I invite a friend over so we can play scrabbled" then I say fuck you and have a hooker eat my drunk ass. #coinbase-ass-munch

>> No.5708676

Thanks for the blogposts, subscribed

>> No.5708683


HAHA knew I was lurking in this gay ass thread for a reason

>> No.5708686

The less who believe in me, the more truth I spew. I cry alone at gravesite and lie to thousands at meetings.

>> No.5708771

:( also fuck you and your stupid suit. But let us know how her tits are.

>> No.5708808

Explains why you’re a loser and you pad is normie

>> No.5708846

Painting on Wall is pajeet fag material too

>> No.5708927
File: 2.19 MB, 3024x4032, COINBASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is fake. This is the real one.

>> No.5708942

How do I get a job at CoinBase?

>> No.5708966

Where's the bob and vagene posts tho?

>> No.5708978

u wot

>> No.5708999

This one is real

>> No.5709003

nice just bought 1mil trx

>> No.5709144
File: 132 KB, 782x768, Screen Shot 2017-12-31 at 11.24.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys mentally ill? Look at this shit.

>> No.5709163

yeah if you would have just left TRX out, people may have believed you

>> No.5709204


Dawg, just keep it to yourself. Buy as much TRX as you can and go to sleep, forget about crypto, buy a dog or something.

>> No.5709235

If the retard didn't add TRX it wouldn't be so obviously fake

>> No.5709373

NO WAY they will list TRON. Can guarantee it. Screenshots are fake. Owner has been involved in too many shady deals, listing TRX / chinese coin will have SEC on their backs like hawks.

>> No.5709386
File: 1.01 MB, 1242x2083, BC12B5BE-1E7D-462F-ADA2-91F8F5474FB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it’s real

>> No.5709429

True if big

>> No.5709463

It's talking about the start of the coin, the base. Nothing to do with coinbase the company. Those calls are used to create/initialize a new blockchain. Look at how org.tron.core.Blockchain#Blockchain(string address) is used vs other constructors.

>> No.5709503

Guys don't be retarded. Dev copies don't get installed on personal phones, dumb bitches aren't privy to juicy details like this, that screenshot is fake chill the fuck out

>> No.5709545

Goddammit it's actually real

>> No.5709568

So out of XRP XLM and TRX, Which one would moon the most?

>> No.5709599

This is hella fake, if it was real you would have kept quiet and put everything you own into TRX and XLM.

>> No.5709603

trx is only a few shekels

>> No.5709633

It's definitely going to moon next week. How far, idk

>> No.5709689

Either way, both coins are safe to hold. If you want to be a bitch don’t hold any, if it’s real woohoo, if it’s fake at least they didn’t plummet.

>> No.5709699

implying the liquidity is so bad that one can't have done that after posting on 4chan?

>> No.5709731
File: 832 KB, 1136x640, 1497965350058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies see 0.04 cent coin
what would they do

>> No.5709824

Send me on a one way ticket to lamboland

>> No.5709835

If I had this info, I would be selling everything I own for more TRX and XLM. Stocks, calling up family for money, etc. That would be life changing gains.

Also, this chick would be immediately fired if this were true. You don't think she might get someone to fuck up OP for this? People get beat up, shot, stabbed, or worse for shit like this.


>> No.5709850

You guys have not done your due diligence if you think any centralized coin is going to be on coinbase

Can't expect much from retards that make emotional decisions LOL

>> No.5709926
File: 947 KB, 3024x4032, shqcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dumb chinaman chick from SF and Coinbase dropped Molly with all of us and she's blabbing the fuck out of insider secrets. All you people that aren't investing into SHQ Coin in 2018 doing life wrong. BRB, gonna roll in NYC.

>> No.5710015

a new meme has started... thank you anon
>copypasta your favorite shill coin

>> No.5710175

This might actually be the reason why these 3 coins are mooning so hard.

>> No.5710558
File: 83 KB, 1099x516, 1514771505539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5710636

can confirm, regards an insider from coinbase

>> No.5710660


>> No.5710707
File: 180 KB, 744x717, 64541121478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5710831


>header says "Accounts"
>buy tab is highlighted, not accounts tab


>> No.5710916

Tested my app, the buy button stays blue when in accounts tab

>> No.5710979

thanks just bought 100k TRX

>> No.5710981


No you fucking mong, the middle button is the main call to action for the app so it's always highlighted. Shit loads of apps do this: reddit, instagram, foursquare etc

>> No.5711060

confirmed that on mine too. button stays blue.

>> No.5711096


>> No.5711098

$1 soon

>> No.5711294
File: 423 KB, 645x645, jThLmOb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 17k, even if it's not true I think it'll go up due to all the hype and connections behind devs. see you at the top boys

>> No.5711879
File: 3.00 MB, 3024x4032, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dumb chinaman chick from SF and Coinbase dropped Molly with all of us and she's blabbing the fuck out of insider secrets. All you XRP people aren't doing life wrong. BRB, gonna roll in NYC.

>> No.5712049

Shine on you crazy diamond.

>> No.5712081

Thanks, just bought 100k Niggers.

>> No.5712087

>He still doesn't understand what Coinbase in code means

You are stupid as fuck.

>> No.5712595

Holy shit, is that the fairX prototype?