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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57078517 No.57078517 [Reply] [Original]

It's truly over ETH bros SOL going to flip us

>> No.57078527
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if it does, I'll have no sympathy because of the ETHluencers like Bankless and picrel. ETH is so dislikable to me because of them

>> No.57078615

ETH deserves it. Absolute shitcoin with no future.

>> No.57078730

Eth should go back to $10 and die

>> No.57078779

Kek! The cucks advocating for ETH hitting 10K also thought 100% vaccination rates were possible. Don't look to these clowns for investment advice.

>> No.57078780

Yeah bros. Fuck ethereum, right?

>> No.57078783

lol I'm getting some deja vu

>> No.57078796
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fuck off shill

>> No.57078798

I hate Ethereum. It's so bad

>> No.57078802
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>sol is gonna flip ether

ye ye, sure bro, your vc controlled shitcoin has a great future ahead, it won't crash like luna did and fuck everything up again.

>> No.57078825

dlet dis

>> No.57078856

That's not true
Just shit FUD from ETH hmmmhmaxis

>> No.57078909
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ETH MCAP: 275 Billion
SOL MCAP: 91 Billion

184 Billion more needed›

>> No.57078936
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>> No.57078941

People tend to forget to analyze the core fundamentals of a coin when price action is impressive enough, and it has been i won't dispute it, but the fact is that in 2 years Solana has increased in supply from 272M tokens to a whooping near 500M, that's almost 90% inflation since july 2021...

That inflation is happening because they print new coins to pay their validators instead of paying them through transactions fees so the fundation kind of subsidies those costs but in the end it's the users that pay anyway via their token getting more and more diluted...sounds like FIAT doesn't it?

the low transactions costs only happen because they mint new coins to pay validators, so they can keep this scheme of "we got the fastest and cheapest chain" holders are paying for that transactions either way, but in this way you pay via dilution of your own coins aka "inflation"

Because there is no cap to the amount of Sol tokens this could potentially create a death spiral in the future...they will either have to raise transaction fees by a LOT, to pay validators, which will pretty much defeat the point of their "fast and cheap blockchain"...they are kind of fucked either way, because people would just leave if they changed it.

>> No.57078957

The only serious answer. Read no more. /thread

>> No.57078989

why? are their validator rewards indexed on smth? why would a spiral happen?
also proof on the fact that validators are underpaid to operate??

>> No.57079060
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on average they are printing $110M on a monthly basis to pay validators costs, most validators were under water though or barely breaking even, if sol is at $20 then you need to mint 5,5M new coins every month to pay for validators securing the network.

I imagine inflation rate will go down for a bit now because the price has mooned to over $100 which means that even if they have to print $110M to pay up validators right now they only have to mint somewhere around 1M new sol tokens

The problem is when price goes in a downtrend and token price plummets, they have to print more and more and more and more sol tokens to ensure they can pay for their blockchain security (validators).

>> No.57079066

Because solana has no max supply it could lead to a death spiral like we've seen back in 2022 with luna

>> No.57079084

it's not algorithmic so at "best" itll be a slow dump

>> No.57079138

hey i sincerely hope sol holders will be okay through this, but i have the feeling this is gonna be a huge ordeal in the long term, i think the foundation is kind of fucked right now, its either keep transaction costs low and inflation high, or increase transaction fees by a lot to cover validator expenses and if that happens people will just leave because the low gas fees is the reason they were there anyway.

>> No.57079204

This chart shows what is really going to happen. Solana is probably a psyop. You can't time the market without sufficient enough information. So what if it pumps. I'm not gonna be these weasalfuckers exit liquidity
I'm not selling. I will buy atom and polkadot with my proceeds.

>> No.57079214

I dumped eth and switched to Avax, much better risk/reward. Even better than SOL. It will be so obvious.

>> No.57079266

Remember just after the FTX crash? Everybody was saying don't touch Solana, Solana is dead.

>> No.57079276

it can't really die until they rescue the private investors (vc's) money back

Institutions are raising the price so all their friends who had SOL in FTX can sell and minimize the losses.

Once they are done they will dump on retail.

>> No.57079319

based. When are we shorting?

>> No.57079354

I don't plan on shorting the token, there is too much private money involved for me to be willing to take a risk on this, they way it has pumped lately is definitely scary and they could potentially drop at anytime, i would advise you to be very careful and have a lot of funds in case they keep propping up the prices for longer.