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57071319 No.57071319 [Reply] [Original]

If not, let's say you did. Your portfolio is capable of keeping your lifestyle and that of future generations without ever needing to work. But there is one problem: Marriage
You're in a relationship, and in order to move towards the next step your girlfriend wants to marry. Would you do it? If so, what precautions would you take? If not, why not? How would you protect your portfolio from a - 50% correction?

>> No.57071324

Burgerfat thread

>> No.57071339

fuck that, just get a prenup. If your gf doesn't want it find a one that does.

>> No.57071347

divorce rape is also a thing in Europe Ahmed

>> No.57071374

>implying I want to marry or have kids in this third world favela called the west

>> No.57071385

Get Mr. Smith and Mr. Colt to co-sign the prenup.

>> No.57071391


not really, im from europe and I never heard stories like that

and divorce is pretty common

>> No.57071402

Won’t hold up in court, these are useless.

If I already made it pre marriage I would simply never get married. There is no benefit. The benefit to marriage is when you are a middle class wagie and want to pay less taxes on your income.

You can do all of the things like be in love, share a home, have sex, have children, raise children, etc. all without being married.

Make sure that it’s a fundamental, discussed and written principle of any relationship you are in that the woman is responsible for her own expenses, expects nothing from you financially, and any money you spend on her is not to be taken as support she needs or wants from you to fund her lifestyle. Otherwise she can still fuck you over in court.

If she really loves you and is smart she’s not going to care about any of that stuff, she will get it. If she’s looking to you to be her paypig then this will out her intentions for you and you can move along happily.

>> No.57071408

Europe isn't 1 country Yusef Abdul

>> No.57071425

my wedding is next 24 February btw

>> No.57071428

How are you feeling about it? Does it cost much?

>> No.57071433

Having kids is nice and all if youre a old man with no passions.
I'll die at 60 with no regrets save for the lack of kids. Better than dying at 70 working all the while to support my kids and having unfulfilled dreams. You only have one life. Why waste it by subjecting another soul to the horrors of this world? Unless its marriage with no kids then thats just a cuck move.

>> No.57071442

luckily my gf is autistic and is too scared of marriage because she doesnt like being in the center of attention

>> No.57071454

This. If your girl isn't completely ride or die, independent and dependable (which any good wife should be) then that's a good opportunity to end things.

>> No.57071474

it costs almost the double I thought it will cost.
(I have to pay the 100% also)
I think it's a waste of money, something frivolous and superficial, only serving to display opulence (even if I were wealthy, I would still think the same).
Thats why women like it, because is like they are, pretty outside but empty inside.

>> No.57071490

Du bist so schön, so wunderschön
Ich will nur dich, immer nur dich anseh'n
Du lässt die Welt um mich verblassen
Kann den Blick nicht von dir lassen
Und dieses Funkeln deiner Augen
Will die Seele aus mir saugen

Du bist schön wie ein Diamant
Schön anzuseh'n wie ein Diamant
Doch bitte lass mich geh'n

Wie ein Juwel, so klar und rein
Dein feines Licht war mein ganzes Sein
Wollte dich ins Herzen fassen
Doch was nicht leben kann, muss hassen
Und dieses Funkeln deiner Augen
Will die Seele aus mir saugen

Du bist schön wie ein Diamant
Schön anzuseh'n wie ein Diamant
Doch bitte lass mich geh'n
Welche Kraft, was für ein Schein!
Wunderschön wie ein Diamant
Doch nur ein Stein

>> No.57071531

>If I already made it pre marriage I would simply never get married
not an expert but she won't be entitled to what you had before marriage i think. it's only the wealth you build while you're being married.

>> No.57071540

why would you ever, ever marry..? Retarded.

>> No.57071548

I got her pregnant, with twins, thats why
retard, yes

>> No.57071572

Sure. She better propose on her knees tho. I am the prize, after all.

>> No.57071925
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You guys don't understand women at all.
If you don't marry her she will likely just leave.
There is social pressure for women to be married at some point, if you don't you're basically a loser cat lady (the equivalent of an incel for women).

If the guy doesn't marry that means he isn't really serious about the relationship in the female mind.
Their friends will ask her regularly "so... why aren't you tying the knot already?" while they all get a nice marriage ceremonies with photos and shit. Their mother will ask "why aren't you leaving" if he doesn't propose. The ultimate humiliation will be when their younger sister or cousin marry before. All of this will slowly build the resentment little by little, creeping into the relationship until it blows up.

If you somewhat manage to make a kid before that then the pressure will be multiplied by 10 and it will apply to you too in bonus (what kind of man doesn't marry the mother of his children? a selfish bum!).

Life is a lot more complicated than just making ultra rational choices based on divorce statistics. Marrying a woman is a risk, just like gambling on a shitcoin, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.57071975
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>Sorry babe, but I can't support a white patriarchal institution like marr*age.
>You agree as a feminist, right?
>We can do a wiccan ceremony or some bullshit but I won't sign a contract with a colonial white supremacist state.

>> No.57072005
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The funny thing is all those are actually good influences (once you're married the social pressure becomes for babies) in a system where women can't just arbitrarily wake up one day and steal half your shit forever. Women are working basically as intended aside from hormonal birth control, the law is not.

>> No.57072106

Marriage is a patriarchical scam and is bad for both parties involved

>> No.57072214
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After the ink dries on the contract
>"so... why aren't you tying the knot already?"
>"why aren't you leaving"
>"You deserve more kween!"
>"He'd never find out if you slept with Chad just once"
>"Why aren't you leaving?"

>> No.57072265

Itt all people who dont know what common law marriage or its many local equivalents are
You life together registered on the same address for a year in the eyes of divorce rape court you might as well done the whole marriage ceremony

Your only hope at this point is to move to a country that isnt retarded in that regard

>> No.57072337

If you don't love someone enough to be comfortable risking half your assets, then why would you consider marrying them anyway?
The litmus test should be, "I love this person enough that even were I to lose half my assets, it was a risk worth taking."

Losing half your assets is the least of your concerns. They could become diagnosed with some horrible disease that requires 24/7 care. They could become horribly mauled or disfigured. They could be infertile and unable to have kids. You could meet and fall in love with your real soulmate later on but be unable to marry them.
Marriage is a huge decision. For a man, there is no immediate reason to rush things. If you are not 100% sure of it in your heart, don't. You should just kind of "know" they are the right person.

If you aren't sure, don't. It's a no called strike game for a man. You can wait until the right person comes into your life, then swing for that perfect homerun. You can stand at the plate all day and do nothing. Focus on finding your own happiness and success in yourself. Let the rest fall into place and take care of itself on its own.

For a woman, it is much harder. She can't have children after basically just a short while after becoming an adult. Don't waste her time.
Great perspective and true.

>> No.57072347

>I got her pregnant, with twins, that's why
Well then, this changes things. You will be responsible for those kids one way or another, marriage or not. Accept it now. Your life will be easier.
I don't know if you love her or not. You can try to make it work. You can co-parent if it doesn't. Your portfolio is likely to be reduced regardless. Try to be as successful as you can and make as much as you can. You could always sign a prenup before marriage, but that is really not ideal, and would sour the tone. Plus again, you'd need to pay for the kids. Although if you get 50/50 custody, you will not have to pay child support. Be a good dad. Child support only happens if she ends up taking full/majority custody.

>> No.57072383


THIS was the great persoective I meant to link.

>> No.57072447 [DELETED] 

what if sex is actually marrige, ive heared that take before. Everytime you are having sex you are defacto marrying the other person.

>> No.57072579

>you’ve made enough money to take care of yourself and your children
>should you marry a woman and risk her taking at least 50% of that
No, brainlet. Tell that bitch to enjoy early retirement as your girlfriend or get lost. There is not one reason to get married and put your financial success at the whim of a woman.

>> No.57072630

>b-but she might leave if you don’t cuck
Oh no, a woman might leave you. The horror! I’ve told multiple girls (and later their parents) that I will never marry and I am a middle class young man. Who gives a fuck if they get upset and leave (they won’t). On to the next one.

>> No.57072668

Normies aren't capable of forming truly meaningful bonds with each other with the exception of parent bonding with their child, and sometimes not even then. There is nothing that could form a lasting bond between normies other than material necessity and then the bond is only temporary.

>> No.57072741

More true for women than men. Every man a woman lets nut in her changes her, permanently. For men the risk is more burnout, after a certain number of women you can't pairbond properly anymore and it becomes about legality, convenience, kids, etc. than romance.

>> No.57072804

Have a religious marriage ceremony but don't get legally married. If she loves me that is enough for her.

>> No.57072883

Women will always have some lame shit they “feel embarrassed” about.
The trick is to never give them the feeling that you’re chasing their approval because a woman should always be searching for a man’s approval.

>> No.57072923

That's the problem: having your girl consider her friends', and mother's opinions over yours. You normies are such fucking pussies

>> No.57073175

Put the majority of my assets in an irrevocable trust with me as the sole beneficiary. Hire Goldman's Sack to manage it. Keep some out so the missus has some small pot to split.

>> No.57073215

I know you won't understand this because you are incapable, but at a certain point, us "normies" want to make the closest person in our lives happy, because we love them and care about them, and want to make them feel special.

This is the difference, and also why you will never develop an emotional bond with anyone.

>> No.57073224

Easy. You make sure that the money is 'gone'.

>> No.57073231

Why don’t prenups hold up in court? Everyone says this but what is the point of it then?

>> No.57073277

If the richest men in the world can’t hide their wealth from their wives during their divorce, you can’t either.

>just risk your finances to make a woman happy
He’s right, you’re a pussy.

They exist for the same reason they keep being brought up in this discussion. Most people don’t know how useless they are. People get them, foolishly believing that they are being smart and protecting themselves, only to find out the judge can just wipe his ass with them and they’ve effectively placed all their hopes in a worthless piece of paper. I expect in the future it will be even worse. It may just be the standard for them to be thrown out immediately.

>> No.57073298

First of all don't get married for any reason except for a substantial tax break, and get a prenup if you do. Retards say they're worthless. They're wortha hell of a lot more than walking into court with nothing but your bare ass for her attorney to spank. In addition tie the bulk of your wealth up in an irrevocable trust so she flat cannot even attempt to grab it, and do not have a child without an associated contract specifying exactly how they will be cared for. Retain an attorney before making big life decision, not after.

But personally I'd just go without having a bitch around me 24/7. Every single man who falls for the marriage meme regrets it after some years.

>> No.57073306

>it's only the wealth you build while you're being married.
This includes gains on your previous investments.
>have 1M in BTC
>get married
>bitcorn does 10x
>have 10M now
>get divorced
>lose 4.5M+

>> No.57073354

Get married first, make it after, for several reasons:
1) You got a woman when you were poor, so she's not after your money
2) Having kids exponentially increases your work ethic, it's harder to make it, but you're capable of much more
3) Having kids is making it, more than money could ever be

>> No.57073368

Irrevocable trusts can't be touched because they are not assets you own. The assets are owned by the trust. And it would be pre martial assets.

Also, you are incapable of keeping a woman which is why you fear them so much. You can't access emotional connections so you will be better off whoring, as you are not marriage material. Any good woman will smell it on you

>> No.57073384

Women are weak to peer pressure, if they weren't they would be men.

>> No.57073467

>you can only save the assets you owned previous to being married
So it’s worthless

>y-youre just afraid of losing a woman
No, retard. I’m afraid of the long dick of the American judicial system. Betting half of your net worth on the 50% chance that your relationship will last is a terrible idea, no matter how you look at it. Doing it to make a woman “feel special” is so cucked that you actually deserve what you’ve got coming. You don’t need to be neurotic to not want to take these risks, it’s quite the opposite. You either have to be crazy or retarded to be willing to take these risks. Men far better than you in every way have been fucked in divorce by women they were convinced would never leave them. Men richer, smarter, more good looking, more attractive and capable of keeping a woman than you in every way possible, yet you insist that it will never happen to you like a 16 year old boy who insists that he doesn’t need a condom. I feel bad for the guys who don’t know better but fools like you get what you deserve.

>> No.57073505

>So it’s worthless
Now you're being salty

You can be pissy all you want. You protect the bulk of your assets while giving your LIFE PARTNER what they dream about. And if she doesn't tick that box for you, guess what? DON'T MARRY HER.

christ, you aren't marrying some fucking random. Learn some fucking character judgement.

>> No.57073535

pretty sure you're the one who's insecure about holding down a woman. if you're having kids with someone there should be no one you're more intimate with that that woman, and you're too much of a bitch to take the risk. who's the real pussy?

>> No.57073545

Sex outside the sacrament of holy matrimony is fornication and gravely sinful.

>> No.57073556

If what you described actually worked, we wouldn’t see rich men losing half of their fortunes to their wives. There is simply no way to protect yourself from divorce except to not get married in the first place. You’re not the first brainlet to think his wife was a super special good person that would never do that to him, just to get raked over tho coals in a divorce. But guys like you will never be convinced you might be wrong until you experience it yourselves.

>> No.57073568

So what? Better than nothing.

>> No.57073577
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Dude it's all pointless, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.

>> No.57073631

Kids? Not interested.

I'm a bitch? Projecting. Speaking of which, is this a woman posting? This posting of yours seems awfully emotional. It's ok, you can admit it.

>> No.57073709

Listen to what this man has to say

>> No.57073935

You're giving up an experience that has been a staple of humanity for generations. And it's a self fulfilling prophecy. You would manifest divorce in any marriage you got into. There's no problem with being obsessed with the material but some of us want more out of life. I don't care if divorce might be in the cards, if I find a girl worth that commitment, she will receive it. You just don't get it.

>> No.57073954

They can''t hide it because they're the richest men in the world lmao. You think a court would believe Bezos had a bad day in the bookies and is broke?

My uncle got divorced about 15 years ago and he "gifted" about a 7 figure sum between his 3 siblings and friends. He wasn't broke but all he had was a house and a small amount in savings. They sold the house, he got half of it, kept the rest of his money. This was in Canada btw one of the worst countries in which to get divorced.

>> No.57074057

>y-you don’t understand. I MUST get married despite the obvious risks and zero return b-because that’s what everyone else does.
Peak brainlet. Surely if you just believe hard enough, you won’t get divorce raped lmao.

Your uncle took a gamble and lost. Then he took another gamble by committing a crime and lucked out (so far). That doesn’t make either of those risks intelligent, and it definitely doesn’t mean you can count on being able to do the same thing. Now you’re not only risking losing half your shit, you’re risking losing the majority of your shit, significant jail time, and a criminal record. All because you’re too much of a pussy to tell a woman no.

>> No.57074092

Whatever you say. I'm sure prostitutes will be very fulfilling in your life

>> No.57074097

Dude it's all pointless, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.

>> No.57074143

See, a woman isn't a person to you, she's a collection of holes to fill. People aren't more than the sum of their parts to you, they are sacks of meat and bone. Marriage isn't a union of souls or a commitment to each other, it's a government contact. I hope you never have children. They would be complete pieces of shit

>> No.57074149

Chink-bot demoralization script spotted

>> No.57074194

I’ve never paid for a prostitute because women are perfectly willing to date and fuck me knowing I will never marry them. Keep coping. Enjoy your divorce.

Oh, you’re a woman. You should’ve just said that so I could disregard your opinions from the beginning.

>> No.57074199

>just give the roastie half your gains
>t. cuck
With that kind of attitude I doubt the kids are yours desu.

>> No.57074235

Deluded christcuck spotted. There is no metaphysical justification for being a simp and a retard. You aren't going to heaven.

>> No.57074255
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>Marriage isn't a union of souls or a commitment to each other, it's a government contact.
That's right, it's a contract between the man and the government that he's going to take care of the woman forever even if she's sleeping with other dudes and not him. Covenant marriage is the closest thing left to a proper traditional marriage in the US and literally 99% of women in states with covenant marriages won't go for it. Hmm, I wonder why.


>> No.57074455

Not a woman, you're a hylic

Not a Christcuck

Then find the 1% who will

>> No.57074506

Christcuck woman

>> No.57074525

don't get married, simple.

>> No.57074599
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Half your gains is better than half of everything. I'm not gonna comment on marriage or anything else but I imagine any serious gains you made after that long probably means both parties made a serious attempt. Generally I wouldn't plan on significant gains over a really short period of time which is really what a prenup is there to protect from -- gold diggers.

>> No.57074614

>Put the majority of my assets in an irrevocable trust with me as the sole beneficiary. Hire Goldman's Sack to manage it. Keep some out so the missus has some small pot to split.
Based, a trust was my immediate thought if I ever make it before getting married.
Was also thinking if I ever hit 8 or 9 figs I'd set one up so I can lighten the burden for my parents/siblings and their families, rather than giving them a big gift or money. That way they can't piss it all away immediately and won't come begging to me more. Would probably aim to give each couple 40k/yr to share, enough to make things easier and survive, not so much they'd be comfy with that lifestyle but enough to remove most major financial stress.

>> No.57074727

The world changes anon, and we have to change with it. In some ways its admirable to try to cling on to old traditions, but in others its retarded. You know it. There is simply no rational reason for a man to sign a contract which says his woman can leave at any time for any reason with half his shit and his children. This is even true if she cheats on him for god's sake. You can get to know someone for years, but you never really know what they are truly like unless you've seen them deal with a true crisis. Also not everyone is a good judge of character, nor should have to be. The whole thing is a just a scam for men. I encourage you to adapt to the new environment, and you should know that it's only when enough men say enough is enough that the system will have to change.

>> No.57074774

>christ, you aren't marrying some fucking random. Learn some fucking character judgement.
The woman I dated for 2.5 years flipped the fucking script on me the moment we got married. You have no idea.

>> No.57074836

Yeah, I've got no capacity to bond with women...that's why I live in a closed relationship with two women. Girl, you're hilarious, but typical.

>> No.57074852
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I don't have that problem because I am repulsive to women and never had a gf

>> No.57074862

Completely agree. Marriage is a wonderfully romantic concept, but its modern expression through the court system is nothing but a scam. You could become financially independent then proceed to get divorce raped back into the wagecage simply because you are male (men and women are equal though, don't forget that). It's a rigged game, don't play - at least not in the west where the incentives are so incredibly fucked.

>> No.57074881

Getting married has no objective benefit to it and if I supposedly made it I see no reason to complicate things.

>> No.57074983

Obviously it's a trade-off. As I get closer to my inevitable death I imagine my networth will matter to me less and less. However I'm quite far away from that and it would be a catastrophic blunder to lose half of my gains over the next 10-20 years just for the pleasure of cooming in one hole and maybe getting a couple kids out of it.

>> No.57075185

lol nah man I'm married though, good God fearing woman who lets me deal with the finances and she puts in work. wasn't the hardest thing to pull off either - kinda blown away by the warped view of relationships and men's general disdain for organic relationships fueled by their insecurity. for me money is a means to an end, one of those ends is my relationship which makes it the more important thing. Procreating is literally the reason your biology wants you to fuck so being open to kids is pretty central to being with a woman. when you start fucking around and reorganising natural ends to suit your warped view of the world you're going to suffer. You are definitely insecure and sound like a bitch and women will smell that shit from a mile away so it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Good luck out there

>> No.57075334 [DELETED] 

>lets me deal with the finances
>lets me
Hilarious, congrats that she *lets* you do that. Man, I wish that I was as tough, and could pull chicks as well as you.

>You are definitely insecure and sound like a bitch and women will smell that shit from a mile away
What's next on your checklist? Actually , wait, I got an idea. Let's go directly to the source of the list. I'll wait, go get your wife. I don't deal with middlemen.

>> No.57075358

>lets me deal with the finances
>lets me
Hilarious, congrats that she *lets* you do that. Man, I wish that I was as tough, and could pull chicks as well as you.

>You are definitely insecure and sound like a bitch and women will smell that shit from a mile away
Please see >>57074836
So, what's next on your checklist? Actually , wait, I got an idea. Let's go directly to the source of the list. I'll wait, go get your wife. I don't deal with middlemen.

>> No.57075399

This right here. Really shows the misunderstanding of love and relationships that people have on this board.

>> No.57075440

lol you're so angry... If I said she "lets" me do what I want would that confuse you? My wife is lovely man she is literally writing down a recipe for cookies atm and im playing sinatra christmas jingles.

>> No.57075476

I'm not angry, I'm amused dude. No confusion here, just observing what you're posting. Both of my ladies are prepping the turkey. Merry Christmas.

>> No.57075478

His point is that your use of language implies you are whipped. Not uncommon mind you, it's been pretty much universally the case among all married men I've met who weren't also cheating on their wives behind their backs and confiding about with me while drunk on a business trip. Some men are naturally deferent and easily sublimate their individuality into their marriage, while others are not so. Encouraging the latter type to marry is probably a mistake.

>> No.57075487

>and zero return
See that's the thing, there is a return but you are incapable of seeing it because you don't see the value in relationships. You live in a purely transactional world, which no, doesn't make you edgy or cool, or above the sheep or whatever the fuck, it makes you pathetic and mentally ill.

>> No.57075524

>just for the pleasure of cooming in one hole and maybe getting a couple kids out of it.
If this is all a relationship is to you then don't get married

>> No.57075577

yeah I can see that, my point is that he's being reactionary and has fallen victim to the same shit you just explained, he's just responding in a more hostile way rather than conceding his manhood like the examples you described. it's just a sad situation when men fear women lol. The risk should be outweighed by your confidence... there's no "power-play" when you're biologically built to penetrate... just let nature dovetail. There is definitely a level of prudence required and you never stick your dick in crazy, but it's like this cosmic law that the more you fret over it the more it becomes a thing.

i get it though. people are fucking warped

>> No.57075646

There’s literally not one single thing that you can do with a woman in marriage that you cannot do before signing a piece of paper that legally places half of your assets under her control. You’re just a woman or a retard that needs to justify your foolish decision by pretending what you did gained you something besides peace from your girlfriend’s incessant bitching.

>> No.57075671
File: 20 KB, 112x112, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone remind me what the hell is benefit of marriage if your not a chirstfag?

How does signing away 50% of your wealth to an emotionally drive creature a good idea? The odds on it lasting are low... Why do people still do this? Do men love being scammed?

>> No.57075684

Exactly, I agree

>> No.57075689

>Men fear women
Dude, again, I've got two of them. I don't know about you, but I don't know anybody who willingly hangs out with multiple instances of anything, in which, they harbor fear. Hell, I even asked you to get your "terrifying wife".

I asked to cut out the middleman in your emotionally-laden posting because that's moreso how women naturally communicate. You didn't even address even of my points, you just went for calling me "angry". So, I'm correct in saying that I'd rather deal with the real thing than the messenger.

Anyways, this is overplayed. The other poster was right on the money with regards to your posting. You're not going to address my points, despite me acknowledging yours, and you're just going to continue projecting with female-tier posts. We are at an impasse and that's that.

>> No.57075713
File: 46 KB, 640x513, 1701251052531999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also its not only men, in my country they can rugpull your house after living together for 2 years and my mothers boy friend rugged her for one million dollar house despite them having no kids together or anything and only together 2 years it was considered in law to be a "family home".

>> No.57075727

Then don’t just say "Europe" and say the country you’re thinking of, retard

>> No.57075730

what was your point turkey boy? summarise it for me

>> No.57075734

Woah, anon, didn’t you hear? You risk half your assets and gain… uuuh... you know. Rejecting this deal makes you afraid of losing a woman and crazy.

>> No.57075809
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If milk is cheap at the market why would I buy a cow?

What benefits does it offer when women are a dime a dozen and can even be rented by the hour in this interconnected modern world?

>> No.57076586

Until alimony and 50/50 splits are abolished, it does not make sense to marry. And that goes even for men who aren't rich. The tax benefit does not warrant the risk.

>> No.57077994

you have to be literally retarded if you think the circumstances around marriage are the same now as they were just 50 years ago, hell even later than that like the 80s and 90s.

>> No.57078007

>j-just find the 1% bro!
uhh....okay then, great advice lol. and how exactly does one know if they've come across such a person? seeing as how often people either flip the script or 'change' into someone completely different.

>> No.57078023

come on now, lol... be the change you want to be. easiest way to do that (for you) is multiplying the number of people who share your vision of the world.

>> No.57078051

this is just as cucked, if not 10X worse.

>> No.57078072

be the change you want to see*
fuck it's late

>> No.57078308 [DELETED] 

most aware /biz/tard

>> No.57078622

There will not be a next one eventually. Or you'll find your options aren't what they used to be.

If you intend to have kids, I think it's best to marry. Otherwise make do with women who've been psyop'd into denying their bodily urge to procreate.

>> No.57078655

Nice to see some anons who actually interact with women in one of these threads

>> No.57079666

Impregnate your girlfriend. Do not marry. Worse case is child support. Best case is happy family with no government in your bedroom.

>> No.57079694

Very true

>> No.57079908

Just move everything to a new wallet

>> No.57080053

>Would you do it?
how long have we been dating for? is she coercing me about it, or is she only mentioning it casually once in a while?
if we spent 10 years together and the relationship never fractured, no drama, no cheating, then may as well give her a chance
no woman would waste 10 years of her life only to backstab me
now, if she's giving some kind of ultimatum saying we NEED to marry to keep the relationship going, then a huge red flag just got raised, all my danger alerts will be sounding off to not do it
too many variables
the final answer is: it depends

>> No.57080169

My mom divorced my dad after more than 20 years. Bitches be crazy.

>> No.57080236

>no woman would waste 10 years of her life only to backstab me
I personally know 3 couples where the woman initiated a divorce after being together for 10+ years, even when they have young kids together.
Every time the husband thinks everything is going perfectly well and dandy when she suddenly springs on him that it hasn't been working, and that's that.
No opportunity to "fix" whatever is going wrong, just suddenly she wants out and has apparently wanted out for awhile.
I don't really understand it, blowing up their own family, forcing their kids to live with one parent at a time, all for what? Just so she can play around with some other guys or be single? Divorce should just be illegal.

>> No.57080350

Marrying a religious woman prevents this from happening.

>> No.57080376
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>I don't really understand it

>> No.57080394

Lmao you should always be prepared for at least a 50% correction, these are baby tier numbers

>> No.57080404

Women are all the same with slight variation. There's no benefit to marriage.

>> No.57080761

>The litmus test should be, "I love this person enough that even were I to lose half my assets, it was a risk worth taking."

Except that's a completely arbitrary and biased "litmus test" that wouldn't exist if it weren't for modern western governments.

>> No.57080942

That's true, but have to make sure they were raised religious, it doesn't really work if they convert after the damage is done.
One of my female relatives wasn't religious, was a cheerleader growing up and was one of the popular girls with lots of different bfs. Years later she converted to Catholicism because her bf husband-to-be was deeply catholic and so was his family. They have a big catholic wedding, they have 4 white kids, everything seems to be going well. 12 years later they're getting divorced, initiated by her of course.
This doesn't really offer an explanation for why women are irrationally ending otherwise good marriages without even bothering to try to resolve any issues with them, in exchange for a future being single or a doomed short term relationship. Unless you're saying women just don't realize that aging and being single is going to be like that? Which is probably the case, high time preference. Kind of interesting that the husband left in this situation which is rare, but it makes sense when you read all the new ways she tries to take care of herself afterwards, which she supposedly was neglecting when married.

>> No.57081045

> You can do all of the things like be in love, share a home, have sex, have children, raise children, etc. all without being married.

You just end up as common law which is legally the exact same thing as being married in the eyes of the state. Where I live in Canada it’s 3 years or 1 year if you have a child together. Common law status gives them the right to literally half your stuff and continued spousal support and also child support

>> No.57081057

Compromising makes them not as attracted to you which is why sex drops dramatically in nearly all couples who marry

>> No.57081093

if the first thing coming into your head when you think about your partner and marriage is how do i save my money, then you are definitely a poor, although greedy, nigger

>> No.57081248

my sister is religious w/ 4 kids, still got divorced.
fat spoiled brat

>> No.57081270

>If she really loves you and is smart she’s not going to care about any of that stuff, she will get it.
Refusing to get married after years shows that you aren't actually serious or committed and that you'll never fully trust each other. Be honest, neither of you plan on sticking with each other into old age

>> No.57081328

>t. divorce attorney baiting betacucks into the marriage trap

>> No.57081451

Create an irrevocable trust with your private keys

>> No.57082666

smart contract wallets
EIP 4337 iirc

>> No.57082672

crypto doesn't care about the law
code is law

>> No.57082714

Yes. I really wish that I could get married. I’m 30 years old and don’t have a single friend or any relationship experience. It’s too late for me. If I had three wishes, one of them would be to be married.

>> No.57083309

Made it off crypto but wife still has more money than me. Feels really good.

>> No.57084110

Its not over for you anon. Im 30 and haven't dated in 12 years. Im also bipolar and basically a crypto NEET. I thought my tour was over. Just recently started talking to a woman who has 2 years left in her residency before she becomes a doctor. Going on our third date here soon hopefully. I thought I was doomed and always beat myself up. Since talking to her she has told me that im smart, funny, and kind which are traits I didn't really put a lot of value in. I am now playing to those strengths rather than focusing so much on my weaknesses. Dont give up yet anon and Merry Christmas.

>> No.57084431


Prenuptial agreement. Thank me later.