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File: 691 KB, 1260x787, Solana-1260x787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57071063 No.57071063 [Reply] [Original]

This board is fucking retarded
SOL is the single best performing major altcoin this season, its now up over 1100% from the recent bottom

Yet everytime I recommended it, I was met with "dude it's centralised, fuck off"

Are you here to make money or to be crypto hipsters?
Muh decentralisation has to be the most retarded biz meme

>> No.57071103

FTX pumping their holdings. It won't end well.

>> No.57071120

VC scam like aptos, SEI, SUI, etc.. fk off shill

>> No.57071125

People are telling you to fuck off because you're shilling a top 5 token that's up 1100%. We already know about solana, we've either already bought it or we don't care. Fuck off.

>> No.57071136



SOL is literally going to $1000 or even $10000 next bullrun

you guys are NGMI

it's flipping ETH as we speak

>> No.57071141

Not buying your FTX bags at 10x sam.

>> No.57071142
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>its centralized and could rug any second
>fake defi and fake tvl
>token not needed
>propped up by centralized exchanges
>its only a single chain and it still cant scale
>FTX jew was heavily involved and he isnt very trustworthy
>Solana is a total scam and they are once again luring in dumb money

better take profits and move them onto a proper Blockchain like Avalanche

>> No.57071149

>flipping eth
imagine being this delusional.

>> No.57071153

He's not wrong you know. SOL basicly is what ETH is supposed to be. If you are not at least 50% in SOL at this moment you are NGMI.

>> No.57071158


It's still under $100 right now and its'definately going to previous ATH which is a 2.5x from here. But probably goes way beyond that. There hasn't been a play this obvious in crypto since like ever.

>> No.57071175

$1000 would be a 10x, which is a nothing burger in a bull run. If solana goes to $10k, in 2025, that would be a $4+ trillion mcap, which you'd be a complete retard for thinking might happen. Solana will do fine in the next run. That's not the point. The point is everyone on biz already knows about it, so the constant solana spam just makes it look like top buyers are trying to build up exit liquidity.

>> No.57071190

10millions per coin ser!

>> No.57071250

I think it’s not about being crypto hipsters, it’s about recognizing a glaring flaw that makes it highly likely solana goes to zero at some point. You can’t really predict when that will be, so you either stay the fuck away from it completely or you realize you’re just playing roulette and put all your money on centralized and hope the wheel spins in your favor for as long as possible.

Yes, in hindsight it is easy to say betting on solana was a no brainer because now we can easily see the price action. But looking forward, what do you do? Do you buy now? It’s still a centralized piece of shit likely to go to $0 at some point.

The response you get IS about making money, it’s just reactionary to actually sound fundamental investing vs degenerate gambling.

Have you ever looked at the distribution of SOL? More than 50% owned by VCs/founding team and like 30%ish currently held by actual people. When it dumps, it will be violent.

>> No.57071351

Hello sers, please buy Solana, is good coin and village need money, ser

>> No.57071455

>Shilling sol like a cuck
>not balls deep in BINGUS

>> No.57071720

Holy cope

>> No.57071797
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>> No.57071802

Fuck off with your jew coin it's not meme
Also still more down from the top then btc or eth

>> No.57071813

It wasn't even obvious the sec could have cracked down hard on it and it's centralized in the usa

>> No.57071841

Lmao they can literally turn the chain off at will to fuck you over. Better hope too many people don't try to sell at once.

>> No.57071852

but can it flip tether?

>> No.57071855

for once OP is completely right and all these replies are from seething faggots who missed out
>muh vc scam
vc scams pump. you're not gonna make 1000x like the insiders but you can still make 10x or more of you're lucky. it's a simple as that.

always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.57071867
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Why are you talking to yourself and why do your posts stink of shit?

>> No.57071874

>"dude it's centralised, fuck off"
That's never been the argument against Solana. It was always that it goes down and that it was controlled by SCAM BANKRUN FRAUD.
This blatant lie tells us that you just bought a bag at the top.

>> No.57071876

solana. more like sogay

>> No.57071894
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>> No.57072068

The desperation of those who bought the top in here. Lmfao.

>> No.57072142

Plus it has beeples newest con

>> No.57072207 [DELETED] 

Dude it's centralized, fuck off

>> No.57072336

gonna dump harder then your moms love for white cocks

>> No.57072352 [DELETED] 


>> No.57072372

white boi thinks he got a chance with OP's mom when there is a line of negros.

>> No.57072384

>hurrrrr why do biz be calling me a shill when I bes posting about dat Soulana???
>proceeds to samefag and expose himself as a paid shill
How much is king jeet Chamath paying your village?

>> No.57072392

Can someone post a picture of their hand along with their opinion of this coin? I’m tempted to buy but seems like way too much jeet shit going on with it

>> No.57072431 [DELETED] 

Yeah sec declared it a security, bankman literally scammed billions with his gf and now they are pumping their bags. Solana is a centralized piece of garbage.

>> No.57072572
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Stay poor

>> No.57072620

FTX mayor bag holder. do people even realize this

>> No.57072621 [DELETED] 

I'll do just fine

>> No.57072640

>it's flipping ETH as we speak
You woke up today and chose to be retarded.

>> No.57072794
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are we really breaking out SOL-chans?

>> No.57073186
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lmao, good thing the foundation literally pay them to run the validators or the whole thing would crash

>> No.57073212

>FTX pumping their holdings. It won't end well.
The thing they are missing for sane longs is that whoever is connected to the FTX debacle is probably holding a lot more than anyone thinks and SBF is just a stupid pundit.

>> No.57073445

easy to say that now with the price action, I honestly thought this would be like EOS or some other L1 shit blockchain

>> No.57073454 [DELETED] 
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Hey S o y l a n a S o i b o i. I just stuck my fat, uncut, spic cock in your moms ass and Im gonna need you to clean it up with your mouth

>> No.57073462

Get in FUN and RSR before they follow in SOL footsteps now that you already missed it

>> No.57073618

Solana is the next FTX
>Verification not required.

>> No.57073657

Too many people on /biz/ cling to libertarianism from /pol/ and genuinely believe in crypto as a transformative technology to fight the ZOG or whatever. This is why so many on /biz/ cling to LINK for example. Smart people recognize that this technology is a scam, and scams pump hardest. Having the right mindset also makes it much easier to part with your bags.

>> No.57073933

Surprised how chads keep fading RAIL and AVAX. Holders are gonna be top gainers.

>> No.57073940


>> No.57073950

what lowcap sol shitcoin do I buy right now(less than a few hundred k mc)

>> No.57073969

>its now up over 1100% from the recent bottom
thats exactly why people arent buying it, retard

>> No.57074015

Imagine buying this trash when the new FTX is almost finishing the deal to dump and pay back its creditors.

>> No.57074244 [DELETED] 
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This is getting shilled hard. Sorry S O I B O I. But I’m not buying into your scam

>> No.57074264

I'm kicking myself for not buying last year because I was considering it. I just don't like the tech, the fact the network goes down all the time, or the jewishness surrounding it. I admid I was wrong because at the end of the day I want money, but that's how it is I guess. Now I just don't want to buy the top become a baggie desu.

>> No.57074268

Check out a good airdrop.

>> No.57074303 [DELETED] 

Nah Cucky the Faggy Cuckold

>> No.57074329

I think you meant ICP. Avax is essentially the same shit but with a different name and logo. Also, Rose.

>> No.57074367

People tend to forget and analyze the core fundamentals of a coin when price action is impressive enough, and it has been, but the fact is that in 2 years Solana has increased in supply from 272M tokens to a whooping near 500M, that's almost 90% inflation since july 2021...

That inflation is happening because they print new coins to pay their validators instead of paying them through transactions fees so the fundation kind of subsidies those costs but in the end it's the users that pay anyway via their token getting more and more diluted...sounds like FIAT doesn't it?

>> No.57074401


the low transactions costs only happen because they mint new coins to pay validators, so they can keep this scheme of "we got the fastest and cheapest chain" nigga you paying for that transactions either way, but in this way you pay via dilution of your own coins aka "inflation"

>> No.57075235

amen to that! fuck solANAL casinó, fuck noggers and most of all fuck the jooos. avax will flip all but btc (bc normies like safe brand more than everything else). screencap my balls

>> No.57075254

when the government shuts it down or censors your wallet you’re gonna care to baggot

>> No.57075255
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>/biz/ hates it
Top signal

>> No.57075262
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You make this entire statement knowing full well that's also how tether works.
The entire industry is corrupt. You don't get a pass.

>> No.57075299

Fine I'll admit that I really wish I had bought some, but the idea that it was centralized enough to be shut down on purpose made me not want to own any of it. I'll admit it, the decentralization fud got me. But was it really fud? I remember that during the ftx trial Caroline admitted that they purposely shut down Solana so that they would liquidate some of their customers. No this is not fud look it up. Either way, I wish I had some because I like money too.

>> No.57075306

oh god solANAL is worse than i thuoght... just what I look for in crypto: more fiat like debasement. no surprise jooos were involved

>> No.57075322
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Ok then, smart guy?
If Solana isn't the network and the validators are all just paid with inflation, then what chain beats it for the speed and cost that's on the up and up?
I hear INJ has some potential and a few memecoins.

>> No.57075410


>> No.57075418

that's the one million question my dear frog bro, the problem called "Blockchain Trilemma"

whoever solves it will probably be able to flip btc/eth.

Solana just isn't it, security is flawed because of a few vcs running the expensive network validators, they also gave up on decentralization in favor of fast speed and low transactions costs which they subsidize by doing token unlocks to pay said validators.

>> No.57075429

Avalanche will eventually beat it in speed and cost, and can scale infinitely

>> No.57075434

to the common user this might go unnoticed for a while but inflation tend to be a death spiral, it's not just a few percent an year we are talking almost 90% in 2 years...i hope they change how things work before it gets too bad, but i imagine if they do people will just stop using the blockchain because they will have to increase transaction fees a lot instead which defeats the point of their chain.

>> No.57075468

Surprising how anal os gets a pass on token dilution and utterly broken tokenomics
While to that other token gets hounded every single day about its dumps despite having a hard cap
Really makes you think about paid for posts

>> No.57075534
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amen based avax bro

>> No.57075537

Not only was that FUD, it was a tweet from a parody account you retarded nigger. The SOL haters then spread it around like it was real and you fell for it.

>> No.57075564

people won't listen, they'd rather whine about how other coins are making money and theres isn't. i got people telling me they're in it for the tech and holding XMR or ETH because they're real projects.. people with thousands just sat there not listening to me doing nothing with their investments.. SAD. make some fucking money nigga! dont wanna hear about your fucking mortgage

>> No.57075570

it actually is true though, she admitted to a lot in the trials, that was one of the things she confessed about.

>> No.57075595

INJ cucked Solana this year wtf are you talking about tunnel vision nigger

>> No.57075626
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>> No.57075722

I care
Without fundamentals it'll plummet back down, likely right after you buy and eggs you're asleep that night

>> No.57075764

Yeah, I don’t get it. Shit tech and it’s just pumped beyond belief. Congrats to those who won with this one, it’s back deal shit on another level

>> No.57075767

i cant believe i listened to biz about them being able to turn off the chain, centralized shit, and sol FTX bankmanfry relationship

this is printing money i knew id regret it but refused to buy now im left on the sidelines

this shit definitely going to 500-1k, my only cope is that my shitcoins will rise with the tide too

>> No.57075835

This same copypasta is on 5 different threads right now.

>> No.57075852

I'm not going to do that but you need to look at the good and bad points of the coin.
We're still a long way off from the previous ATH and the coin is pretty likely to get back there and beyond at this point.
Simultaneously there are some shady actors who hold a huge amount of the reserves and can rug at any point.
Invest intelligently with this information in mind.

>> No.57075868

Sauce me up sempai I hold a lot of this coin and I'm starting to get an itchy trigger finger from the fud on here

>> No.57075878

>to the common user this might go unnoticed for a while but inflation tend to be a death spiral, it's not just a few percent an year we are talking almost 90% in 2 years...i hope they change how things work before it gets too bad, but i imagine if they do people will just stop using the blockchain because they will have to increase transaction fees a lot instead which defeats the point of their chain.
so when will this actually start affecting the price of the coin? End of 2024? 25?

>> No.57075891

i admit i listened to the wrong niggers about solana. but im coping that i bought BTC at near pico bottom so i'm not totally upset.

>> No.57075967

After this insane price action i would definitely sell some (at least go risk off and get back your principal amount you invested) if you plan on letting it ride a bit longer, but i wouldn't suggest it. Good luck!

>> No.57075983

Why would they rug before the coin hits its ATH? It seems like it's well on its way already

>> No.57076397

The more they FUD solana. The more i will buy. It is always been the case. There are more fuds in successful coins than loser coins. BTC and Eth have been Fud everyday.

>> No.57076423

Didn’t you see how it dropped from $260 to $8 already?

>> No.57076426

I admit I wish I put money towards sol instead of eth last year when both were at lows. My small $600 investment would become $7000 and would greatly help as I just barely got into 5 figures.

Oh well, as long as I’m making money it’s a win, congrats to those that made an easy 10x on a less risky project.

>> No.57076464

...and? Bitcoin lost tens of thousands of dollars in value during the same period.

>> No.57076474

The only reason it didn’t drop to 0 is it would look bad if a coin backed by coinbase rugged people.

>> No.57076497

This is some dumbass reasoning that has nothing to do with the post I replied to.

>> No.57076509

I’m talking about your shitcoin solana

>> No.57076515
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Solana niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.57076563
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>board is fucking retarded
Cut them slack. They're just LINK, ETH, and XRP cucccs who thought they were the all time great financial geniuses...when in reality they just bought well at a certain time in the past.

Now that others bought SOL at the right time they seethe because it invalidates their ego-investment. They see the world slowly passing them by and it hurts because they thought they were better than everyone else.

>> No.57076576

I seethe. I thought solana was dead. i have matic...

>> No.57076581

just sold my SOL for this round

>> No.57076596

The shitcoin that's made me 5 figures over the last 3 months? Is that why you're mad?

>> No.57076598

enjoy getting dumped on again by these clowns


>> No.57076608

>5 figures
Baby numbers

>> No.57076611

just sold my sol for more vaxxies
i suggest u do the same

>> No.57076627

Not bad for a $2k investment earlier this year. Sorry you missed out, I guess.

>> No.57076638

I rode 2k to 100k in Luna and got rugpulled to 0 in 3 days at 80b marketcap or something. So I’m not really impressed.

>> No.57076647

That's cool, too bad it's worthless now lol

>> No.57076656

Yeah, I’m saying solana would’ve dropped to 0 to if it wasn’t listed by coinbase, that’s all lol.

>> No.57076668

I'm sorry that happened to you, bro. Genuinely

>> No.57076682

Yeah, I felt safe to NEET at home for like another 15 years with that money. Thanks.

>> No.57076708

I'm trying to be smart with this. Going to sell my initial investment so I'm working on pure profit, and I have a map of valuations at which I'm going to be selling percentages of my holdings. Trying hard not to let the dollar signs in my eyes prevent me from making smart choices.

>> No.57076727

Well in the worst case you might have 3 days to get out at a 40-80% loss if it comes to it, just don’t be stubborn like me and think “it’s gonna go back up, it’s 40b marketcap, I’ll ignore it and continue playing video games”.

>> No.57076752
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