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57064376 No.57064376 [Reply] [Original]

> Have microscopic (literally) attention spans
> Are extremely fickle
> They easily betray you over a crumb of p-sleeve
> They're so stubborn that if you argue with/challenge any of their ideas, they gaslight you, shout over you, ignore you, spread false rumors about you to destroy your reputation, etc etc etc
> Their sense of humor sucks (they always laugh in unison at stupid ramblings of yesterday's petty bullshit and stupid sitcoms like the Office and that other stupid one with Neil Patrick Harris)
> Don't even get me started with their financial opinions; "le crypto is a scam because SBF AND FTX BRO!!!"
> Extending on their financial opinions, they always listen to grifters like Peter Schiff, Michael Bordenero, etc. and they always easily swallow up their doom porn with stupid bullshit like, "THE OMEGA GIGA ALMIGHTY SEVERE RECESSION IS COMING!!!! OMG!!!! THE US DOLLAR IS GONNA SINK TO ALL TIME LOWS AND I'M GONNA LOSE EVERYTHING!!! BETTER SELL MY HOUSE!!!"
> Speaking of houses, normies also get irritatingly lucky with dumb shit like that - they get into their house early, and make millions on equity; either that or they refuse to learn from their mistake and "lalalalalalalalalala" over you whenever you provide them with actual good financial advice (not related to crypto btw)
> When normies are involved in crypto, again they're fickle AF and change on a whim, they're interested in eth memes yesterday and now they're into SOL memes today - tomorrow they'll be into AI memes, and so on and so forth - if you're going to blame the clown market on anyone, it's the normies
> Worst of all, for normie dudes, women and pussy are by far and away the #1 priority over everything - extending to the point I made above, your bro friends will ALWAYS betray you eventually over a woman, it's inevitable - and then their entire lives are centered around their pathetic simphood and everything is woman this, pussy that, "HOW DARE YOU! SARAH DOESN'T LIKE THAT WACK SHIT!!!"

>> No.57064414

Three classes of human anon. Hylic, Psychics, and Pneumatics. Most are Hylics made of Earth, golems. They become what they are needed to be at the time not holding any concrete views

>> No.57064466
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>They're so stubborn that if you argue with/challenge any of their ideas, they gaslight you, shout over you, ignore you, spread false rumors about you to destroy your reputation, etc etc etc

>> No.57064469

Needed slaves, yes. I suppose every fast food joint needs it's good little wagies.

>> No.57065087

Because the schools they go to are run by democrats where having a sense of humor is considered illegal.

>> No.57065239

Mouse experiment playing out in real time

>> No.57065342

rat utopia

>> No.57065386

>t. early 20's fag realizing they're an autist and near totally isolated in a populated world.

>> No.57065403

>why normies so irritating
>writes wall of text

>> No.57065404

I've known about normies' bullshit for a very long time (at least since my mid 20's is when I came to the conclusions above about normies, after college graduation). Early 30's here btw.

>> No.57065428

Then you're too old to be whinging about it.
A grown arse autist in their thirties complaining about fucking normies who are mentally 11 is a sleight against other autists.
These things are fucking retarded children, and you've had more than enough time to stop betting on them.

Go put money into a rugged shitcoin if you're desperate to feed waste.

>> No.57066089

It’s crazy that even 1000+ years ago we had names for the NPC normie masses

>> No.57066323

Wet toilet paper is more resilient than OP.

>> No.57066371

The flaw in your post OP is because you’re simultaneously getting mad that socialization is boring yet that guys would prefer to have a girlfriend than spend time with you.

Having friends is gay shit for little kids. Just find a slampig and work on yourself.

>> No.57066374

its drugs, stop hanging out with faggots. and even if they aint taking drugs they're hanging out and getting terrible ideas from druggos

>> No.57067738

It sounds like people don’t like you because you’re gay and annoying

>> No.57069188

thats retarded.. OP is autistic and talking about crypto to normies. its that simple

>> No.57069232

yes it's infuriating, have to learn to stop being mad though and just laugh

>> No.57069269

>--Finally, Pneumatics. Purely spiritual beings bound by no material essence. These can be the ones of greatest importance: The six-eyed poet/dracula, The Three Sages, Gibby, and Wayne.

literally me