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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 64 KB, 1953x1023, ALGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57052628 No.57052628 [Reply] [Original]

WHOA algo is 21 cents

>> No.57052811

Dead coin with a tranny in charge

>> No.57053681

why is biz sleeping on algo

>> No.57053765

Checked this

>> No.57053786

i bought algorand in 2019 for 25 cents

>> No.57054157

Meh, i bought at 8 cents a few weeks ago

22 cent watiing room

>> No.57054439

27k stacklet checking in

>> No.57054469


hey guys im a trend reader in the market and ive gotta just tell you.. this coin feels very dead. the branding, logo, and name are all very "2019 coin" vibes and feel dated and unnappealing

nobody is hyped or cares about this coin. it has 0 meme potential, lacks sex appeal or intrigue.. im sure it works but its just... boring

id move on desu senpai

>> No.57054737

40k stacklet here everytime it goes up a cent i get 400 dollars ;)

nahhhh im not selling nice try

>> No.57055587


>> No.57055679


>> No.57055880

feels bad, I put almost everything in the pact ALGO/USDC liquidity pool so losing algos to impermanent loss while this is pumping. Still getting a nice payout from staking but not enough to make up for it

>> No.57056688
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>> No.57057385

ALGORAND. 24 cent waiting room

>> No.57057396

I saw front runner wallets running into this, someone will lose some money

>> No.57057465

staJ 3
miztur mcdonnell

>> No.57057485
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>> No.57057651
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eggtiv8 smi

>> No.57057874
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nem e-CIS

>> No.57057944

thanks for the sell signal
will pump and dump again

>> No.57058186


What are you talking about? Its mooning.

>> No.57058210

Zoom out

>> No.57058248
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the fire rises

>> No.57058399

unsustainable rally
locks releasing on new year and you best bet the insiders are selling before normals do

>> No.57058540

Exactly. This happens almost every 3 months. Governance ends and the price pumps for a good whale exit point and for more clueless midwits to get in. Then the whole thing pulls back. People just forget because Algo holders are among the dumbest out there.

Fact of the matter is that Algo has been a mediocre coin to hold since it launched. It had one decent pump at the very end of the last bull market that quickly retracted heavily. You might make some profits like you would with any other coin but you're not getting wife changing gains from it.

>> No.57058626

cope did u sell the bottom ? lol

>> No.57058662
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>> No.57058666

tell me what all of these have in common

>> No.57058685

No, I sold most around 60-70 cents and have made way more in coins like SOL and KAS

This is crypto, pumps like this happen every week to a different coin. Algo was just due for some bounce since it fell way, way harder than everything else

But Algo has become so irrelevant and will have so many bagholders dumping on the way up that it's just not worth touching. It's become just "another" coin out there among the crowd

>> No.57058973
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this is pretty poggers

>> No.57060175

buying vest the first chance i get bros

>> No.57060281

> 100k stacklet reporting in

>> No.57061255

nice cope
zoom out fags, all you need to know is that AF stopped giving handouts to small projects (aka waste), liquidity is enormous, 85% of supply is circulating, no more inflation, a crypto cartel entered at around $0.1

That's all I need to know, and I don't even want to talk about "tech"

>> No.57061634

hodling VEST instead of (((governance))) doubled my algos, would do again