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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57036312 No.57036312 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or are like 70% of the people here newfag zoomers? Where did everyone else go? The amount of dumbass takes I've seen this whole bear market (though it seems even worse now) makes me want to rip my hair off. It reads like fucking reddit. I can literally smell the new shoe smell coming out from them.

>> No.57036323

What you say new'fag'. Do you have something against fag?

Admin? Can this topic be locked? It's kinda offensive. Thanks

>> No.57036342


>> No.57036348

>bear market
post your shorts larper faggot

>> No.57036355

>frogposter complaining about ledditposting
fuck off

>> No.57036358

dead board because of CIA controlled jannies

>> No.57036365

They think they fit in

>> No.57036368

It's only going to get worse. Too many people posting and only so many room

>> No.57036372
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>Where did everyone else go?
Everyone else already made it in 2021 bullrun, only either newfag or the most retarded nigger poorfag moron who didn't make it left

which one is you?

>> No.57036385

Dumb nigger. Frogs are a staple. Imagine outting yourself like this
I'm not bearish, retard, but it's not a full on bull yet
Ya.. idk why they didn't just stay over there with the rest of their kind
The retard that didn't take profits. I got rekt. Was very close to 7 figs too. Sad shit

>> No.57036389

I think the LINK fud campaign was a success and all the old fags were driven away. /biz/ is now kind of like /pol/ after the 2016 election, the egregore has dissipated.

>> No.57036394
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I only started browsing this board regularly a few months ago and almost immediately noticed how reddit this place is. It's definitely not just you. They either treat this place like it's reddit outright, or seem like they only initially visited 4chan because they saw a youtube video or something about it and never bothered to figure out how to fit in. Most boards on the site don't feel like 4chan anymore and /biz/ is no exception

>> No.57036401

Assblaster talked about this. He said after link pumped biz would be invaded by newfags and all the alpha would be gone.

95% of the people here are now normie mulatto perm retards so he was right.

>> No.57036421
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>Was very close to 7 figs too
>after a bullrun from the biggest money printing event ever
wtf, I'm 2022 newfag who entered in May one week before the beginning of the biggest dump in the last cycle and I already reached mid 6 figs from the 20k initial.

Are you a nigger by chance? Might explain your retardedness

>> No.57036426

This is my first post in almost two years, so this Anon is right.

>> No.57036431

>2022 newfag who entered in May one week before the beginning of the biggest dump in the last cycle
Bull market ended in November 2021, you stupid bitch

>> No.57036456
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That's exactly my fucking point you fucking dumb nigger.
I reached 6figs in the middle of the bear market, and you said you could only get into 6figs, at max, in the biggest bullrun in history?
How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.57036469

>That's exactly my fucking point you fucking dumb nigger.
You said you were here in 2022 you stupid dumbass monkey inbred fuck.
>I reached 6figs in the middle of the bear market
What a larping nigger. Okay in that case I actually am a billionaire because "I said so". Prove it, you cock sucking bitch

>> No.57036483

So fun to lie, right? There is literally no way you turned 20k to 6 figs in one of the most brutal bear markets of all time besides getting lucky on some memecoins which I highly doubt you did. Insufferable little larpers need a cock shoved up their mouth. Get on your knees and open your mouth. I'm going in sloppy

>> No.57036501

Actually he claims
>mid 6 figs

>> No.57036504

kek your fucking deformed genes are the only reason you're fucking poor and why you're still here among us newfags.
Next year I'll ascend after making another 10x while your sorry ass would be stuck here in the next 2030 bullrun making another retarded thread like this.

Might as well take profit this time and build a suicide bag with it, you fucking nigger

>> No.57036509

Ya, that's hilarious. The newfag could at least try to make a believable larp. Normies suck at it.

>> No.57036510

Lurk moar pls

>> No.57036518

>can't prove shit like a retarded monkey
LMAO instead of writing your woman babble, put up or shut up, dumb stupid faggot. Post proof or kys

>> No.57036534

got to 5x from the GNS pump earlier this year (was a 10x pump) and another 4x from p3pecoin pump (was a 30x).

Could 300x if I timed the market perfectly but meh, I'll take 20x anytime over nothing. the game's fucking simple if you're not a fucking moron.

>> No.57036541

Shut the fuck up and post proof. Anyone can say "I bought the bottom of x and sold the top during the bear of all things!!!".
You either got extremely lucky and confuse that as a skill or what's more likely is you're a fucking idiot that is horrible at larping

>> No.57036554

>Makes 80k off 20k
>Nah, all in Pepe
If you can prove it I'll admit you're based

>> No.57036555

Everyone who has posted in this thread is a newfag. Lurk more.

>> No.57036565

Checked and I agree.

>> No.57036567

Also you're a dumb nigger because anyone can go "all in on shitcoin x" and make it. You quite easily could have lost it all. That's not a skill. At best you're a clown that got lucky and want to pretend that what you did was "very likely". No dumb nigger. You have no risk management and lucked the fuck out. That's not "skill". That's the equivalent to winning a million dollar lotto and say "it's easy if you're mot retarded". It's called luck, uneducated nigger. Actual inbred IQ whether you lucked out or not
Highly doubt he lucked out the way he claims he did, but end of the day it would be like a one in a hundred million chance of realistically getting that lucky. The fact that the pussy is too afraid to post proof already shows what's more likely is then nigger is larping

>> No.57036579

Nice trips. I'm a 2019 newfag myself. Those were truly better days for this shithole.

>> No.57036588

>made a fortune from trading on chain
>ooh, let me dox myself to own a nigger in 4ch
There's a reason OP didn't make it after all this time kek

keep seething poorfag.
Also you know what? I also made 10k from 500 bucks in wolf on avax & another 20k from 500 initial in aix, of course I lost 6k in numerous rugpull.
The game's fucking retarded its fucking amusing

>> No.57036597

This dumbass monkey nigger STILL refuses to post proof. LOL
Okay I have a billion dollars then. Proof? Just trust me bro! Fucking homeless retard KEK

>> No.57036604

Btw no one believes you. Anyone that lucked out like that would be rubbing it in. Nice job outting yourself, fucking clown

>> No.57036613

>>made a fortune from trading on chain
>>ooh, let me dox myself to own a nigger in 4ch
>There's a reason OP didn't make it after all this time kek
Digits of dumbassery desu. No one can doxx you from a public wallet address or transaction hash.

>> No.57036619

Seriously. Normie newfags truly are peak midwits, kek

>> No.57036633

They really need to go back. It's all so tiresome, unironically.

>> No.57036680
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>> No.57036762

First we got Elon Musk with a ton of memecoins and normies flooding the board, then trannies, and together they destroyed the board. Much of it thanks to new tranny/newfag m0ds and jânnies as well..

>> No.57036782

The gme and the wallstreetbets crowd eviscerated this place

>> No.57036790

True, before that plebbitors seriously believed they were superior to /biz/ with PhDs and midwit vocabulary, while they were discussing how big their Nano bags were. After Link they started to monitor /biz/ to find hidden gems, and then they started to comment their retarded takes on everything, too stupid to understand that we could easily see they were plebbitors.

>> No.57036799

mommy cum cum fucky peen peen, please give me ball peen hammer for my peen peen. OONI OONI please banooni my OONI mommy cum cum. unga eata drip drip for momma faucet

>> No.57036814

This always happens during crypto winter

I'm a 2016fag and we'll be coming back in droves as things heat up

>> No.57036819
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>> No.57036844

daddy please

>> No.57036876

do you think youve got it all figured out? tell me your predictions. they will most likely come out to be false.

>> No.57037235

You will find a woman one day

>> No.57037283

wrong, the narrative was that bear market biz is the best biz, and bull market biz brings the pajeets and the shit token spamming. biz will slowly deteriorate over time as the smart people get rich and leave while the dumb laggers continue to show up with each bull market and end up staying.

>> No.57037359

Look at me, I'm the new capitan.

>> No.57037368

What did you buy ?

>> No.57037495

was posted here >>57036534

>> No.57037511

Anyway, is getting 10-50x so hard to believe in this bullmarket? People's posting literal 1000x porto from memecoin in CT ffs

I myself 25x'd from RSC, made 125k from 5k

>> No.57037608


This board is garbage.

>> No.57037713
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frogposting and chainlink are what this board is about. dont like it? go talk on yahoo finance with the general public like a dog

>> No.57037720

I have over 120 hidden threads atm.
Been here for 4 years but on the brink of ditching it.

>> No.57037729
File: 41 KB, 590x637, zdkevobsarvb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boom mi think u just jelly u got no rizz, nocap mi dogelonmoon coin gonna go 2 mars bet, mi fren logan paul told me it yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.57037769

> Most boards on the site don't feel like 4chan anymore
Yeah so why isn’t there a noticeable uptick in posting? Dead internet brah. We /reddit/ now.

>> No.57037791

Ima go to the… well you know what I dont want anyone here to follow me. I used to like /biz/. You’ve changed.

>> No.57037812
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