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57027605 No.57027605 [Reply] [Original]

How did Boomers pull this off?

>> No.57027663

>10-15 more years of dealing with boomers and their insane unquenchable greed
>I'll be 45 then
God I fucking hate this earth. Please just pump crypto and set me free. Please

>> No.57027670
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that is the plan!

>> No.57027693

How old were boomers in 1990? Like 40-60?

>> No.57027767

Greed, solipsism, narcissism, demographic boom, low immigration, domestic manufacturing.

>> No.57027774

It says right there on the chart retard. Simply read the ordinata

>> No.57027782

They were the first of the weak men generations. Their parents and grandparents had fought tooth and nail to build something magnificent and they got the first pickings of the fruit.

>> No.57027792

Ah sorry. Yeah that is kinda young to have like double my generations wealth.

>> No.57027804

Fuck actually it's like 5x. I hope they die soon.

>> No.57027829

If you think that's bad, imagine that they have ~10-15x milennial wealth right now. What are they doing with it? Starting white families? Buying homes in which to secure those white families from psychotic vaccine mandates?
No, they are standing here, clotshot in hand, beckoning you to live in their apartment where they charge you even more. Of course ultimately the problem is the jews and artificial money through debt, but if boomers would only realize that then we could see real change. However, as >>57027767 points out, they are the perfect storm of greed

>> No.57028381

A real white man shouldn't beg for gibs like you are. Boomers secured their wealth by themselves by working and investing, they were the last real white generation. Millenials and zoomers are basically just niggers with white skin, they don't have the mentality and hardworking culture of white people.

>> No.57028453

>Their parents and grandparents had fought tooth and nail to build something magnificent
>destroy USA over niggers
>destroy europe and china
>destroy them again including japan with firebombs and everything cool globally was made out of wood
Ok boomer

>> No.57028460

firm handshake

>> No.57028471

Kneecapped without a firm handshake

>> No.57028479

Ponder where all that wealth goes once they are all dead.
Hint: It doesn't move to the following generations.

>> No.57028486

>Boomers secured their wealth by themselves by working and investing
>Buy stocks in 1971 after being a corporate bully to everyone around you to get money to hoard
>Sit on them for 50 years and sell on your deathbed surrounded by your legacy and give it to charity instead
>Wife spends what's left on a country club and children kill themselves
Ok boomer

>> No.57028495

We'll see about that.

>> No.57028845

they bought houses in their 20's and the government spent the next 60 years pumping those bags

and passed laws where employers pump stocks for their "retirement"

>> No.57029231

The U.S. had been set up to become the most prosperous society the world had ever seen since the 1800's and Europe's diminishment from its world wars gave us the push we needed to make it so, which the boomers were the prime beneficiaries for.
Unfortunately the nature of our society made it prone to utopian extremists gaining power and working to further diminish Europe's role worldwide while simultaneously passing legislation that depended on the tabula rasa theory of humanity to work. Reality is now setting in but the utopian extremists in power are doubling down rather than scaling back their project.

>> No.57029276

Right place right time. Unfortunately.

>> No.57029285

Are millennials really that fucking poor?

>> No.57029320


It goes to Washington DC where it's promptly redistributed to buy voters of color

>> No.57029363

this, they were early on the ponzi and now just need to prevent it from collapsing

>> No.57029385

How come we have to accept that ever generation our living standards will just keep getting worse. I thought things were suppose to get better the more humanity advances

>> No.57029487

This post is funny because I could actually jail my mom for stealing money from my inheritance, if i wanted. That I'd how worthless and greedy and stupid boomers are.

>> No.57029545

They came of age during the collapse of keynesianism, most public infrastructure was getting privatized, and they were in the right place and the right time to buy it up at rock bottom prices. They created a bunch of new industries (videogames, internet, aggressive advertizing of toys, corn syrup and other slop to kids), bought up the houses and voted against building new ones, cranked up asset values with quantative easing, and essentially cannibalized their children.

This is the funniest thing, when they cry about how kids these days are wasting their lives playing videogames and wasting money on goyslop, just remember that they're the ones that built this society for their kids to inhabit in the first place. At every turn boomers are there robbing or sabotaging their kids for profit, then blaming them for being the victims. Absolute psychopaths of a generation.

>> No.57029548

The money doesn't cease to exist just because a boomer spent it. Create some value (Spoiler: you won't) that causes the boomers to give you their easily gotten money.

>> No.57029559

Meant for>>57028486

>> No.57029578 [DELETED] 


>> No.57029710

Don't worry it will all just turn into inflation

>> No.57029736

And all of the Boomer wealth---100% of it---is going to pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and Blackrock for reverse mortgages. Millennial brats are getting nothing
Zoomers will get less than that.

>> No.57029805

They are the ones who spouted this government propaganda against "nepotism" too, so kids go fend for yourself

>> No.57029823

Agreed. Shitposting on /biz/ is the definition of hard unappreciated work

>> No.57029879

>utopian extremist
>concentrate wealth and power in the hands of the few

>> No.57029898

>concentrate wealth and power in the hands of the few
and then giving that money away to their pets (blacks and 3rd worlders), yes.

>> No.57029916

Literally every other country in the world was collapsing during their time.

>> No.57029949

Seems like there is a problem with healthcare, higher education, housing, industries being outsourced, wealth redistribution, bad incentives, huh...

>> No.57030035

This isn't even close to being true. Here is nothing utopian about todays international politics or economics. Wealth is overwhelmingly flowing upwards, aid given to africa is paltry and is always quid pro quo (access to resources - minerals, oil etc.), foodstamps and benefits are perhaps the meanest they've been since their conception once inflation is accounted for. Your ideas are totally backwards.

>> No.57030080

>government enforced DEI
>billions given in aid to support populations that would never be able to support themselves
>literally half of taxes collected go to wealth redistribution
>importing millions of 3rd worlders who do literally nothing positive for society and survive on government handouts
Yup nothing utopian here

>> No.57030131

OP, look at me.
Are you listening?
Real Estate

>> No.57030135

I'm a millenial, when i was late teens some boomer bought the neihbouring property for like 150k usd. It had a bunch of forrest land on it, he quickly cut some it down, divided the clearing into 10 plots and sold them for 60k a piece.
Just empty plots of land with sewage, water and electricity.

He had some other plot of land that i wanted to buy so i could build a house. Offered him 50k, forest wasnt worth shit (because he had cut it down already) and there was no water, electricity or sewage. He just lol'd at me and told me he is selling the other plots for 60k and gloated a little bit. So he is selling 1/150 of his land for more then 1/3 of what he bought ALL of it for, and he got a huge house with it as well. And the fucker still wants more. Well, fuck me for not thinking ahead and having 150k saved to buy some property with when i was 17.

Its like a whole generation of ticket scalpers. I could technically buy it, but he would be making such a huge fucking profit on me that i don't even want to.

>> No.57030319

why are fags here so jealous of old people
it's unbelievable how much you niggers will talk about the jews all the time yet you're falling for their propaganda making you hate your own people

>> No.57030359

I don't need any propaganda to hate boomers

>> No.57030389

Because boomers biggest method of wealth protection is the reaganomics that accelerated this nonsense disguised as educated understanding of darwinism.
The millennials who survive the crab bucket believe in the crab bucket's method and big IF they make it to 40 years old and FINALLY get that overflowing cup drip tap of fed money printing right into their cup through a boomer family member then they transform into a boomer and begin whipping children. It's that simple.
Survivorship trauma. That's why if you talk to anyone over 40 years old in the USA they are incredibly deceptive. They are just waiting for that drip tap. They don't want to make life sustainable for 20 year olds so there are no more autistic and broken children.

>> No.57030408

They unironically used a method that allowed them to "borrow" from future generations, knowing they'd be dead before they had to actually pay it back. The catch is everything they "borrowed" ends up in the hands of the banks. So they basically sold their kids and grandkids into slavery for the illusion of wealth to indulge their hedonism. And worst of all, they preached and committed every moral grandstand imaginable the whole time.

>> No.57030429

>The pillars of Reagan's economic policy included increasing defense spending, balancing the federal budget and slowing the growth of government spending, reducing the federal income tax and capital gains tax, reducing government regulation, and tightening the money supply in order to reduce inflation.
Why exactly was reagonomics bad

>> No.57030496

The correct answer is that they acquired resources when there was a scarcity of people, and an abundance of things.

Now there is an abundance of people, thanks to rampant shitskin 3rd world immigration, and a scarcity of actual things (land being the best example).

>> No.57030530

Mainly they inherited it when their parents passed.

Quite ironic as a fair portion of them refuse to leave anything to their kids, despite themselves relying entirely on what they inherited from their parents.

>> No.57030542


>> No.57030588

Reaganomics was all smoke and mirrors, essentially accounting fraud. They took public goods off the government books, but whacked up the prices massively. Installed parasitic middlemen industries that did nothing but rent seek, and refused to invest knowing bailout was assured regardless of (mis)management. A pernicious refusal to invest in public infrastructure caused cascading economic contraction outside core cities. Privatization overwhelmingly led to a decrease in efficiency, not an increase. A decrease in real growth and an increase in financialisation (essentially, just more fraud). In an attempt to destroy unions Industry was offshored - further hollowing out the economy.

Everything that's squeezing the middle class, Reagan and the boomers set in motion.

>> No.57030675

Boomers deserve the inflation. They can't even pass their wealth down to their children (not that they would) because it no longer has any buying power. I might still have nothing but I never had anything to lose.

>> No.57030994

Most boomers wealth is in assets, so they're not really feeling the inflation. RIP to the poor boomers who never bought a house or kept their money under the mattress though.

>> No.57032397

My grandparents worked hard and did not spend any of it. My millenial ass can't wait to inherit all that wealth. I just pray that the government doesnt tax it away to pay for gibs and climate change bs. The problem is, boomers live extremely long, so by the time the wealth gets passed down, their children are retirement age allready and their grandchildren who need the money to build families are in their 30s and get sqeezed by inflation and mass migration. Especially the young men absolutely need that money to get some women to look their way. An entire generation of 30 something year olds is rotting away in mums basement unable to afford to start a life. This will bite the US and the western world in the ass soon i think.

>> No.57032513

That is a side effect of fiat central banking, it is a parasitical corrupt system. Otherwise economic/technological progress would make stuff easier and easier. Contrary to what this anon would like to believe: >>57030542 , loads upon loads of white people believe in, benefit from, are involved in its perpetuation, and advocate for it. And a lot of the best arguments against fractional reserve central banking come from jews. If we reduce our arguments to just retarded ethnic seething like the poltards do out of intellectual laziness, it makes it needlessly more difficult to liberate humanity from it.

>> No.57032535

How comes polcels always stand in for whoever is anti West

>> No.57032620
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>> No.57032650

Long medical treatments. Cancer drugs and shit like that. Those greedy cocksuckers will throw every single last dollar to the kike doctors to prevent them from entering their final destination, hell.

>> No.57032684


>> No.57033035
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Get out of the barrel of inflation yourself man. If you can't do it with investing do it with marketing, become the marketing manager for some crypto project, maybe try working for viralx (they offer some real banger benefits), if you're creative enough and know the game you can pull it off

>> No.57034081

The reason a lot of older people are "better off" has to do with the following; Getting a decent job had no "road blocks" in front of you. Aka; College degree not required. Even today a lot of decent jobs don't really need a college degree to do them (a lot of college educated fuckers are dumb as hell to). So what it boils down to is this; no debt starting out. or least less of it. Houses didn't cost a fuck load and a car didn't cost a fuck load either. Most people didn't have 3000 sqft houses or a car the size of a fucking tank. So put all three together; you end up with more spending money in your pocket. Something a lot of people should go back to doing; not spending every fucking dime they make.

>> No.57034158

My boomer grandfather made about 13-15 million in the stock market starting in his 20s until his 80s when he died. That inheritance got passed down and divided between 6 kids, none of which have an ounce of financial iq . It will be totally drained by the time anything is left to me. Thankfully I planned for this and have. Built up my own investment portfolio based on what he taught me

>> No.57034172

and you are not greedy? lmao

>> No.57034180

Rising tide lifts all boats.

>> No.57034198

is the joke that the next generation wont soon own everything?

like how boomers took over assets for the silent generation?

these threads are satire right?

>> No.57034200

Only if they're in the water.

>> No.57034233

Boomers would have been like 40 by that point. Where were they at 30?

>> No.57034244

Reverse home equity loans and cruise ships. Boomers are a cancer.

>> No.57034291


but it will be inherited lol. im convinced these threads are satire.

>> No.57034437

>but it will be inherited lol. im convinced these threads are satire.
>it will be inherited by 60yo children of 90yo boomers lol. im convinced these threads are satire.
You're already dead by that age, your retirement delusions aren't fancy

>> No.57034444

Boomers will live in retirement homes draining whatever wealth they have

>> No.57034641

Bought in before the scampump essentially. The collapse of bretton woods cemented the fake and gay outsourced economy buoyed solely by rising asset prices

>> No.57034648


>> No.57034653

same way the jews do it, boomers got into every industry when there were no rules or regulations, then they made rules and regulations to close the door on anyone else looking to get in.

>> No.57034661

Ironically the single most boomerbrained comment ITT

>> No.57034691

just wait until people find out that all the boomer wealth will get transferred to the next generation and the vast majority of those recipients will buy houses and index fund ETFs with it, not shitcoins.

>> No.57034742
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real estate flipping aka outperforming income

>> No.57034958

this poster is completely detached from reality and current economic circumstance

>> No.57034986

This is why they turned up the taxes on inheritance