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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57008020 No.57008020 [Reply] [Original]

He's going to deregulate crypto like never before seen. wagmi

>> No.57008133

if you don't have any trump cards or $TRUMP for next year....ngmi

wondering whether there's any trump plays on solana tho

>> No.57008155

I just want a president who would actually say "I will splinter the CIA up into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the wind." and then follow through without dying

>> No.57008192

He spoke about dismantling the federal crap, that's a good start.

>> No.57008193

I am not going back to the Trump economy. Under Biden the stock market hit an ATH. Inflation is over. Biden is better for our bags!

>> No.57008195


>> No.57008207

>lying with straight face to people used to look at charts on a daily basis
why don't you fucking kill yourself glowie

>> No.57008233
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>lip service from a politician is a good start

>> No.57008237

Niggers in jail are gonna deregulate his orange anus

>> No.57008240

just analyze what he actually did during his mandate, and no, I'm not referring to the bullshit trumpeted by the ass paper media

>> No.57008281

>just analyze what he actually did
Nothing...? Trump didn't do anything for his base and will never do anything for his base.

>> No.57008285

Poor Dimitri has to work on Sundays

>> No.57008309

Yea JFK was goat but $TRUMP makes me laugh and the same people that hate us hate him so it’s good

>> No.57008330

They won't ever let Kennedy run.
I bet they're gonna go with Harris or Warren or something, lol

>> No.57008339

You're the one working, glowie, and guess what's your wife doing with Tyrone while you're in the bureau

>> No.57008390

Yea knowing them, they’ll probably rig the whole thing again and give good god fearing burgers no other choice but to go on a nigger and tranny killing rampage. Glad I don’t live there anymore

>> No.57008628

He is anti crypto he has said so as much

>> No.57008688
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>he has said so, the media told me!