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56995224 No.56995224 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently late on rent money and will sent an eviction notice if I do not provide it ASAP.

1. Total cash on my atm is $125, I need $700 plus late fees for rent. I am going to see if they will accept this small amount of money to hold off the eviction process.

2. The bank would not cover my rent check and let it be overdrafted.

3. I have $600 on a credit card and can only cash advance $75.

4. I cant get a title loan because I still on money on my car. I cant get a fast loan because I get declined during the process.

5. I have only tried one fast loan place online so perhaps there could be others idk. I have some possessions that I could sell but

6. I have $2000 on a best buy credit card but can only spend it at best buy.

7. I have possessions that can be sold but not right now.

8. I don't have any friends or family.

9. I don't have a job atm but am looking for one. It will take too long to get employment and the first check to cover this emergency.

Any advice on this bad situation? Is there anyway to get the money off the credit cards ASAP? I am very desperate here, considering killing myself if I get evicted.

>> No.56995232


>> No.56995237

Get a job and show the landlord before eviction.

>> No.56995244

Dont care. This is your fault. You reap what you sow.

>> No.56995251

Buy something with best buy credit card then return for cash

>> No.56995257

Lemme translate ESL
OP put his lifesavings into BONK at the top.
OP is now begging.

>> No.56995258

buy gold on card, take gold down the street, sell gold.

there's some chance the card will either decline the transaction or charge you a cash advance fee, but if it works you're still in better shape than you were. Either way it's expensive, but fast.

>> No.56995259

Stop shitting down the stair of slavery we all share

>> No.56995278

It will take too long.

He said it would take too long to get the first payment he wants the money ASAP

I know I fucked up.

Is this possible? I need to know if this can be done.

I cant sell the gold fast enough. That is the problem he wants the money ASAP. I have items that would sell well but not fast enough is the issue.

Thanks It sucks pretty bad

>> No.56995290

Talk to your landlord and explain your situation. If they do decide to evict you then start moving and selling your stuff before eviction. Live in car or find a shelter to sleep in and to get food. Number one priority right now is to find employment. I would seriously consider taking any job you can get right now. Once you have a job then you can start getting yourself out of the hole.

>> No.56995294

Note: The landlord mentioned that if he gets half of the rent he can hold off the process. I have some computer, workout, and hobby stuff I can sell but idk if I can find a buyer fast enough. Maybe a pawn shop?

>> No.56995317

Facebook marketplace. Go donate plasma for fast cash. Uber or wait tables would also help bring in cash for the time being.

>> No.56995327

You're desperate aren't you? Idk where you live but if there is snow then go knock doors offering snow shovel service. A shovel is ~$20. Charge $40 a driveway, 10 homes, and you have half your rent.

>> No.56995349

I did talk to him. He told me that the only offer he can give is if I can get the $350 to hold off the process. I am going to see if I can sell to a pawn shop. I am going to start selling off all my items to prepare for moving out.

I have already donated plasma, was in the process of creating a resume and selling items online. The issue is the process simply isn't fast enough and the landlord wants the money now. He has the legal resources and I do not so i cannot stop it without some quick cash.

I live in the southwest there is no snow here. I am going to try and get a gig job to make money asap.

>> No.56995372

Hit up Asian restaurants in your area and ask if they need any help washing dishes. I know some struggle finding reliable dishwashers. Could also be a way to make quick cash for the time being. Asians running these restaurants are usually more laxed in terms of pay so you could ask them to pay you every night if you explain your eviction situation.

>> No.56995388

Also, coming from personal experience, I was laid off from a job and ended my apartment lease. I ended up moving to another state and finding an old Asian lady who let me live in her home and work at her restaurant. It wasn't pretty. I just had a cot and lived with other strangers. But it did offer me some income and a place to sleep while I got back on my feet.

>> No.56995421

>has a pic from reddit saved on his computer
>uses extreme reddit spacing
Go the fuck back faggot.

>> No.56995696

Do you have a penis? Serious question.

>> No.56995702

He also mass responds it's the same brown skinned larper he made a thread about how he's paying some girl who's on meth who's a lesbian.

It's so fucking tiring.

>> No.56995811

Thanks I am looking at a pawnshop right now. They said they can do a credit card payment this one time. I gave them the CC info and am waiting for a response. Going to be sending out job applications when I get back home.

I wish this was a larp so bad. I am fucked if I cannot get this rent money right now.

>> No.56995877

If you are in this position, I'm going to assume you you're unable to work any random job to get money to pay your rent. You have two options:
1. Become a squatter. Refuse to leave your unit unless they take you by force. Legally, your landlord will have to file eviction and wait for the courts to process everything (which you will be able to appeal along the way). However, be warned that some landlords will not hesitate to break the law and forcibly remove you/change the locks.
2. Move to a homeless shelter. You won't have to pay rent and you can neet all day.

>> No.56995881

This is a dumb LARP but I'll feed it
>Indian payday loan
>Buy a $2000 item at Best Buy, sell it unopened on Craigslist for $700
>Go fill out an application at a fast food place, a lot of them let you start the day-of and also pay weekly
>Declaring bankruptcy legally protects you from eviction in some jurisdictions
>Keep selling plasma at different places till you have enough

>> No.56995884

this is the answer

one time when i was in your situation i made a bucket full of burritos (tortilla, bean, beef, lettuce) and walked around the bar district selling them and made $100 in about an hour. the second time it took me about 2 hours. 1 bucket of burritos and 1 bucket of bottled water and soda, get change from the bank beforehand

or sell bottled water and soda at an event (sporting, political, concert, outdoor market/gathering).

or literally just go beg, hold a sign explaining your situation in a few words next to a busy road. you can make $100 in a few hours if you get lucky and will rarely make less than $10 in an hour.

good luck anon

>> No.56995895

>literally just go beg
This is actually a great answer. The beggars in my city are easily earning hundreds a day with just a few hours work during rush hour.

>> No.56995896

You're a begging nigger you make 10-15 threads a week, always larping always catposting and demanding people here give you money.
Mods deal with this shit eating tranny fucking dildo.

>> No.56995905

>The landlord
You don't owe rent if the landlord is kaput

>> No.56995923

it is currently friday night anon, take a piece of cardboard, write

or if you want to feel like less of a bum, go to the grocery store right now, buy fixins for burritos, sandwiches, or readymade cookies, whatever and walk around selling them, explaining your situation to people who talk to you

look up your local version of this program (in Biden's america every city county and state has one)

faith based organizations and housing nonprofits often have rental assistance programs as well. some of them will literally pay your rent outright for a month. the one in my city is call "Almost Home" or something like that.
google "City/State Name + Housing Assistance" or "Housing Nonprofit" and you will find resources

>> No.56995935

Buy bestbuy trash, sell it on ebay at a loss, then use the money to buy a gun and kill yourself for being a nigger that let your life get into such straits

>> No.56995944

>hundreds a day with just a few hours work
when i was a homeless junkie i panhandled quite a bit, usually between the time i woke up and the time i went to work in the afternoon, ideally with enough time to buy and consume drugs beforehand. i think the most i ever made was about $80 for a 3-4 hour shift and usually i'd make 20-40, enough to go in on a gram of dope with my compatriots and maybe a dime of crack and pack of smokes and arizona ice tea.
i still can't look at a watermelon or mango arizona tea without getting a little contact high crack rush.

>> No.56995992

>can’t sell Gold fast enough
Coin shop will give you fair market value in cash right on the spot

>> No.56996032
File: 473 KB, 680x600, IMG_9214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open credit card + use existing credit card (but ideally a 0% apr intro rate new card)
>buy gold
>sell the gold instantly (no taxes buying or selling)
>can sell anywhere for cash easily

gl anon

>> No.56996068

Sell the best buy card for 1500. Poor people frequently trade in EBT money so it will probably work.

>> No.56996150

Yeah I am a guy

For option one I don't think it will work. This is a red state and is biased towards the landlord. The landlord is also quite vicious and will force me out if I stay. I may have to consider a homeless shelter but I hope it will not get to that point.

I would feel pretty embarrassed to be seen by someone I know panhandling. I know I don't have many options but that is so bad for your reputation. The local resources, and faith based organizations are a great idea I will look into them.

>> No.56996152

Dude how would kneepads take too long? Its Friday night there are tons of horny dudes looking for a decent bj

Or maybe just sell the Best Buy gift card for a major haircut

Christ you are retarded

>> No.56996239

I am creating a resume and then will start applying to jobs tonight. Can you buy and sell the gold to the same place or do you have to move it around?

Any tips to get money off the bestbuy card, or to get quick cash out of it?

>> No.56996309

are you retarded?
>$2000 available on best buy credit card, buy some vidya game shit, sell it new-in-box for 5-10% discount
have $1800-1900 vs $700 rent
treat yourself to a fancy steak dinner and you can still cover the $700 rent next month as well

>> No.56996982

>considering killing myself if I get evicted
Do NOT do that, being homeless isn't nearly as bad as you think. Use that 125$ to go get yourself a tent, find a nice secluded spot somewhere in the forest, go to every temp agency in town and work as much as humanly possible. After a few months you'll have enough for an entire year's rent upfront. Your mistake was being a rentcuck in the first place.

>> No.56997052

>buy credit card then return for cash
Doesn't work that way retard. It will go back to the credit card as credit.

>> No.56997073

Crime pays anon. You know what to do.

>> No.56997083

For a more honest answer: buy some kind of electronic and sell it via a flea market/FB marketplace/craigslist for slightly under MSRP. Late people will be looking for Christmas gifts and you'll save them a bit of hassle and money.

>> No.56997095

Stand outside best buy and offer to buy shit for an old boomer if he has cash at a discount. Also offer him your bussy for cash if he's into that too.

>> No.56997956

I just feel so bad. I can't sleep tonight have too much stress and adrenaline. This never should have happened. I quite my job in April and had over 20k in savings. I was extremely unhappy there and was planning on taking a break to recover, and then begin pursuing new life goals. Instead I just got stuck into a loop of chronic procrastination. I was never happy, didn't complete any games, finish any anime, hit the gym, read a book, finish a show, make any friend, post messages on any forum, or learn any new skill. I also never budgeted or reviewed my finances as it caused stress thinking about it. I just spend my days flicking through tabs on various social media, ate out all the time, and wasted too much time.

Now I am out of money and in a bad position, and feel an overwhelming sense of panic. It is not just the money but also all the opportunities I wasted, the lack of any goals accomplished, and the dread of what I am going to have to do to survive this. I will have to skip sleeping tonight, and work on setting up items to sale, building a resume & sending it out, I am going to have to make some shameful phone calls and hope an organization, or person can help me out. I will probably have to take a risky gig or stunt mentioned on here to gamble on a solution. I feel so bad I just wish a man would come save me. I just want to die.

>> No.56997975

Lesson learned. Work is the only path to freedom. Doesn't have to be a wage slave job either.

>> No.56998022

I know that we all have to work to survive. What would you think of as an ideal job that wouldn't be considered a wage slave? I have always wanted to purse something tech related like IT, Web, Graphic, or Programming. I just never applied the discipline towards it.

>> No.56998035

This fucking beggars still posting jfc

>> No.56998074

You never will.
Also wishing for a man to save you? Don't go that gay route bro.

>> No.56998082

Why wont I be able to do it? Just roast me, I feel so trashed.

>> No.56998086

Mods please range OP he's a serial scammer.

>> No.56998146

You are just like my pathetic ex-wife. She waits until she has literally not a cent and then starts begging. But without any plan for not being in exactly the same situation when the money infusion runs out in a month.

Every "solution" you have in mind just kicks the can down the road. Then next month you will be in the same situation with even fewer options. I can't understand this mentality. Did you not see the train coming? Yet you just stand there on the fucking tracks. There MUST be drugs involved.

>> No.56998182


>> No.56998369

damn! sounds similar to my last couple years anon. you and i are in the same boat.

>> No.56998385 [DELETED] 

i am an english teacher and can tell that you are ESL. i would guess east or SE asian. i know that in the immigrant community there are often resources available to other members for example if you go to your local vietnamese grocery store they will have job postings or services available. also you can go to churches where people from your area go to worship in your native language. this would be a good place to access services. again good luck anon

i thought you said you don't have friends or family? i don't mean to be suspicious but this thread is starting to look like some kind of strange fictional exercise or LARP (live-action roleplay)

>> No.56998391

I just didn't want to look at any goal, money, or self-improvement material as it caused me stress, and anxiety. I just kept putting it off thinking one day I will take care of it. Now all the distractions have ran out, and I feel desperate. Most of these things are short-term solutions but that is because I have an immediate short-term problem. The immediate goal besides the rent check, is getting one or two jobs ASAP. Once I can bring in stable income things will calm down. No I do not do any drugs, alcohol, or smoking.

I think part of posting here is not just for advice, but for a reality check in the form of tough criticism. I think need a bucket of cold water over my head to wake out of this funk.

>> No.56998396

Just kill yourself you chatgpt using scamming indian faggot.

>> No.56998406 [DELETED] 

I am white / hispanic mix. I guess I appear that way via writing style as I actually rarely ever type messages online.

For your second question I live in a small town and people talk/gossip. I don't want any acquaintance, or former co-worker to see my like that and spread it around town. I am afraid of a potential job hearing that and not hiring me.

>> No.56998418
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I would like to hear your story. I can't be the only one in this toxic mindset. I found this image on here awhile ago it felt like a personal description. Does it describe you too?

>> No.56998487

You mentioned that you were also homeless for a time. How did you become homeless, and how did you get out of it?

>> No.56998537

rob a small biz or granies

>> No.56998598

Don’t give him shit unless it’s in full or in writing anon

>> No.56998651
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>just raskolnikov the landlord bro
Do it OP

>> No.56998667
File: 174 KB, 1024x1024, _92267500-1648-472a-8c5f-d88417b51f27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this or just sell the shit for 80% of price

>> No.56998688

Exactly. The train was coming and you just stood on the tracks like some kind of imbecile. Now it is too fucking late to get out of the way. And I will bet you have not lifted a finger to find work even now. More than anything else, you need to sort your shit out mentally.

>> No.56998776

You do sound like a scammer and I’ve seen this posted 2-3 times now OP. On the other hand this is exactly where my life would’ve gone if I wasn’t blessed with good family, and it’s a common zoomer mindset I think.

I don’t have much in the way of immediate help, but now you know at least the only way out is through. I’ve found you can cut corners and can be smarter than everyone else, but at some point in life you will probably be tackling something hard and will have to lean into it.

>> No.56998875

Pay rent after he fixes that goddamn door