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File: 160 KB, 1289x1472, 20231214_142655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56983084 No.56983084 [Reply] [Original]

The damage has already been done. Im getting a new hardware wallet. Any suggestions for one that can fit my case.

>> No.56983108

>leave all money in an exchange
>have team of IT cucks from india constantly defending against cyber attacks
>not hacked
Feels good.

>> No.56983115

Wtf is that supposed to be? It looks like something some faggot would stick up his ass. No, really. What is it?

>> No.56983134

Feds won't look closely into your sex toy collection when they raid your house for not paying taxes. Hide your hardware wallet right next to your dildos

>> No.56983137

how did you find biz and also somehow never seen a ledger hardware wallet

>> No.56983139

how can Ledger manage to fuck everything up all the fucking time

>> No.56983147
File: 67 KB, 750x1334, 1699757166244319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Door knob

>> No.56983149

You shove that thing up your ass to keep your keys safe? What happens if you fart and don't feel it slip out?

>> No.56983153

I store my ledger inside a condom stuffed into my onahole, I creampied it afterwards to seal it so it looks too nasty to touch.

>> No.56983157

Defending what? The exchange took the money and put it somewhere else lmao

>> No.56983167
File: 62 KB, 502x483, 1624115154633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not a door knob you faggot.

>> No.56983169

It might fall out when they suck all the dildos

>> No.56983181

Unironically Bitbox

>> No.56983313

>he thinks people leave their butt plugs in their 'sex toy collection' and not somewhere else

>> No.56983351

>likes to stick things up ass
Checks out.

>> No.56983354

Those faggots at ledger stole my ETH one year ago when they started preorders for the Stax vaporware wallet, it was my first time looking into a wallet and I trusted the most "trustworthy" hardware wallet company

>> No.56983361

So the moral of the thread is to get a trezor?

>> No.56983367

nice butt plug you got there

>> No.56983370

Kek! People still use the F word to degrade someone for something so stupid like their sexual orientation in 2023?

>> No.56983375
File: 89 KB, 385x304, 1698026370923048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use to keep my XRP safe

>> No.56983403

The moral of this story is to just keep your entire net worth in a browser extension.

>> No.56983440
File: 614 KB, 882x736, 34585857473_3.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this
now the glowies are gonna check my "door knobs"

>> No.56983477

stfu fag, gayness is hilarious to make fun of.

>> No.56983496


>> No.56983510

For 10-12 year olds yea but then you grow up no? Next your gonna tell me you judge people based on their skin color/race/views that would be absurd

>> No.56983667

Seeing people talk seriously about men who like to buttfuck other men is hilarious. You're probably a fag yourself.

>> No.56983682

What’s silly is caring what other people choose to do with their body and shaming them for it.

>> No.56984062
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>> No.56984143

Just use a cold wallet with a recovery phrase dumbshits

>> No.56984324

Wtf that's my friend from school lmao

>> No.56984557

Literally what can you hope to accomplish with this unsolicited insistence to white knight for fags in a completely unrelated thread, where people simply understand that it is obviously funny and fucked up? What is wrong with you? Examine your life choices.

>> No.56984573
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>> No.56984605

Personally I just keep a piece a paper with my seed phrase in my plug

>> No.56984664

>There are creatures on this gay earth shitting on average over 20 times per day.

>> No.56984713

So people should just ignore it? I was really white knighting for anyone just generally baffled that people still have that mentality in this day in age

>> No.56984819 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 1170x1539, IMG_1339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to niggers, kikes, and faggots.

>> No.56984864
File: 90 KB, 934x864, 5b0eae12e53121bf4e7db26f1eb69a204e92b8d085225a5a2c334d912947fd18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had all of my $CZ bags in metamask and not in the cold wallet like my friend suggested me half a year ago
I wanna kms

>> No.56984889
File: 27 KB, 352x382, D9XrXWWW4AEMsgV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call bullshit, off to find a source for this.

>> No.56985062

you ain't from round these parts, boy

>> No.56985548
File: 7 KB, 1378x1062, 1649623038751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you went to school with a dildo wtf?

>> No.56985630


>> No.56985849

Most people either do think it's funny, or just ignore it. Only over the top retard terminally online twitter or discord fags in their hyper-insular echo chambers even gaf enough to speak up about it. The rest of the world either hates, laughs at, or simply does not care about fags.

>> No.56985882
File: 43 KB, 723x1024, 1702339726168487m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F word
Yes, you disgusting nigger loving faggot

>> No.56985902

The Trezor cannot fit in his Hardware Ledger Container

>> No.56985933

No way nigger, that's like once per hour. I don't even piss that much and I drink like a gallon of water a day.