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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56959989 No.56959989 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss RWA's. What's going on with this sector?

>> No.56959993

I'm trying to decide between RIO and STBU

>> No.56960007

First, I love this webm. Anyway, the Coinbase of RWA's is called Chintai.Their token is called CHEX. It's at around a 65M market cap and this industry will be 3T by 2025. Do the math.

>> No.56960034


Based basedboy-killing cat.

>> No.56960179
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RIO has a buggy website, whenever i click on the burger menu -> products, it just closes automatically. It's not user friendly. Imagine a millionaire boomer with multiple estates trying to conduct business. He will say fuck this shit and pick a different company. The design is also ugly and an eye-sore.
STBU has a much better website, but the team is full with Ukrainians, which will also drive the boomer away.

>> No.56960454

Just wait until the new jobs report comes out.

>> No.56961396

Why did the cat just spaz out on him?

>> No.56961434
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Numa on arbitrum
Only available on sushiswap

>> No.56962426

RWA is biggest tend coming, super bullish, coinbase just announced it will be joining the party but the project that’s is ahead the competition is CHEX, my second bag after LINK

>> No.56962463


Because that dude is a man child faggot acting like he's 5. Animals sense weakness.

>> No.56962514

The cat fucking the powerful aroma of onions emanating from this creature and decided to do the world a favor by taking it out. Based cat

>> No.56962609

Good cat
I wasn’t even half exited when my new high end gaming pc arrived

>> No.56962617

this webm never gets old

>> No.56962625


>> No.56962681
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I think its cringe how hes all excited like an autistic kid for some game, but the cat attacking him deserves punishment. I would literally grab it by the tail and swing it at the wall.
Maybe give her a good kick too and step on her belly with the full weight of my body with a heel. To feel how its insides are squished.
Did something similar with a mouse once, it was alive and it shit out its organs, im pretty sure i saw a small kidney and other things come out.
I grew up on a farm so there were lots of mice and other animals i killed in different ways, like birds, small dogs etc.
Still have pics somewhere but itd be hard to find it since its a while back, prob on my old android

>> No.56962694

You need help

>> No.56962702

I can help you kill some animals, or teach you the technique to kick pidgeons. Its actually pretty easy once u get the hang of it if you live in a city.
Some kicks are really satisfying, others feel light and the bird sorta just flies off

>> No.56962703
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Curio (CGT), very promising rwa project. already tokenized a Ferrari F12tdf among other things

>> No.56962717

What the fuck are RWA’s

>> No.56962772

Riderz With Attitude, nigga


>> No.56962788

RWA is biggest tend coming In crypto look for coins like CHEX or DUSK, now coinbase tokenising too

>> No.56962841

Chud moment. You just know he's some skinny looking faggot

>> No.56962934

I dont know how many skinny faggots can bench 200lbs for reps easily and do as many pullups as i do.

But if you wanna compare stats shoot

>> No.56962943

I just buy chainlink no need to make some 4d chess moves when the winner is clear.

>> No.56962971
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the chex shillers are getting at the annoyment levels of linkies and other cultists with their chintai 65M mc coin with ~billion supply... while rio and eland are atm <4M and stbu at 8M, total supply 40-100 million

>> No.56962975

Kek chuds are so sad. The absolute state

>> No.56963005

Youre so far gone, even you dont really know what youre saying.
You just typed that and literally said nothing.
I have a feeling you make minimum wage or are jobless.
Given that youre so advanced in 4chan internet slang. I bet youll try to fire back saying
>im actually rich!
It better be some believable shit or post proof of portfolio otherwise i aint buying

>> No.56963084

The only coin you need to look into is Curio Gov Token, MKR of realwold assets. CGT is so under the RADAR it's laughable, 1.5 mil MC, para chainn and polygon soon 200 mil RWA onboarding.

>> No.56963112

RIO is on the USA market, the only relevant RWA project.

>> No.56963123

yeah soon 2 more weeks for this dogpiss liquidity last bull market token kek

>> No.56963146
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2 pools with 50k liquidity, quite normal for a 1.5mil token. stay on the sideline and seeth while CGT goes ballistic

>> No.56963194

someone say Polygon and Parachain? from Kusuna?

sirz I may need to look into this CGT thing.

but how the fk can CGT be that low of MC? those some big names to throw around. any proof with parachain or polygon?

>> No.56963249
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check out picrel

>> No.56963270

It's a stupid animal, so it acted as a stupid animal it is.

>> No.56963332

fuck me that good proof about polygon and look like kusuma parachain.

thinking yoloing this bitch in CGT

>> No.56963387
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"Our CGT token has 100M supply. 55M for ETH, BSC ,SKALE and Boba.40M on Curio chain - Polkadot (slot auction on Kusama soon). ~60M circ supply. Two bridges BSC-ETH, ETH-DOT. Cross chain swaps with liquidity this year coming + farming. So who is not satisfied from liquidity, need to buy in batches (whales) or wait for updates. Two big partnerships in pipeline this year coming. One for RWAs , one for liquidity treasury. 2x$100M"

>> No.56963418

>Anyway, the Coinbase of RWA's is called Chintai.

That looks good. Thanks anon.

>> No.56963520

CHEX are paid spammers. They came here just a few days ago and they are hired. You can tell from their lingo that they don't belong on /biz/.

CHEX are licensed in Singapore, how can they tokenize in America or Europe? CHEX is controlled by banker Jews and partnered with JP Morgan. They are desperately trying to control and monopolize tokenization, just as they do with finance now. Prepare to have all your asset frozen/confiscated/debanked if you say anything wrong on twatter. Everything that is bad with current corrupt and monopolized financial system/institutions, you will get with CHEX.

>> No.56963527
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There is no way in hell JP Morgan Jews will permit retail investors to get rich through CHEX. They will make NPC retail investors flood into the market, then crash it, while building up their own BlackRock tokenization platform that will be used by accredited and institutional investors. Just like they did with Goldmoney. If you invested in Goldmoney in 2015, you would have lost 80% of your investment in real terms. It sounds insane, and especially when you look at the gold price in the same time period, but they deliberately made customer service, business practice, consumer experience etc so awful that people stayed away from gold goldmoney and much of the gold market. They had a golden opportunity to make gold become what crypto is today, but they didn't want to. They deliberately bought goldmoney and crashed it. Just as they are doing now with CHEX.

They are blatantly paid shills and do not belong on biz

>> No.56963543
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Because the cat is based and doesn't stand faggotry

>> No.56963611

I've got 18k RIO and 25k STBU, I would like a more RWA just to balance my bags out.

>> No.56963677

look into CGT (curio)

>> No.56963682

>CHEX are paid spammers.

News to me. Where is my shill payment then? It's late.

>> No.56963803

For the same reason pigs attack farmers who have seizures in their pen.