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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 305x406, I NEED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56958489 No.56958489 [Reply] [Original]

I NEED to be free. I know that I was not made to work under some institution for the rest of my life, having to live by their measly paycheck. I don't need to be rich, I just need to be free (self employed with excessive free time). What is the best path to make this a reality?

>> No.56958501

learn to trade

>> No.56958505
File: 35 KB, 600x600, tst,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to enjoy work and friendly banter with your coworkers. It's the interpersonal relationships make life worth living.

>> No.56958506

open up a food stand with currently popular foods. sushi or vegan stuff

>> No.56958527

>hey how's it goin'
>good thanks, yourself?
>how was the weekend?
>oh wow that's so nice
>we went to X and watched Y
if you can tolerate this shit on a weekly repeat get the fuck off my board

>> No.56958576
File: 363 KB, 991x1500, 91XLvbuhoRL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read this book you have to find your own path

financial education is the only difference between wealthy and poor

>> No.56958674

I don't want to talk to other people. I don't want to follow their commands, and I don't want to be obligated to converse with them. I want to live a NEET lifestyle, but be self sufficient.

>> No.56958744

Day trading is the main option that I'm considering right now, but I'm worried that it's largely a gamble. Most traders fail, and I don't yet know that hard work and knowledge will pay off in that field.

>> No.56958775

>t. wfh six fig software engineer

>> No.56958834

I live with my parents. 20 years old.

>> No.56959002
File: 88 KB, 720x720, 1691205712085012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am different than 90% of peole I was destined for greater things
First of all tone down the faggot grandiose attitude you are a nobody just like the vast majority of people are.
Second, learn to trade.
There, good stuff to get going this cycle. All crypto, the faster way to grow wealth if you know what you are doing. You can kinda bullshit your way through traditional Forex/Robin Hood investing etc but it'll take ten times the wait.
Third, no more vidya and no more fapping. Focus.

>> No.56959009


>> No.56959017

people saying they're not meant to work is so funny to me

>> No.56959016

this desu
build wealth via trading (this is necessary, you won't make any meaningful money if you don't trade to some capacity)
build a business on something profitable
hire people to manage shit for you, the point here is to have an avenue for revenue WITHOUT doing work. you already put in work. the "business owners work 24 hours a day" meme is retarded and comes from normies with some shitty business they don't manage efficiently at all.

>> No.56959020

im too dumb for that ive realized, should i end it

>> No.56959023

>he thinks this is how conversations actually work
you are autistic, definitely. take a shower and meet people faggot your brain is rotting away and you don't realize it.

>> No.56959024

kinda based to be honest but only if you live in a right area for that to be profitable,,,, but if you do, youre set

>> No.56959028
File: 55 KB, 616x616, 1641873227750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptochuddies thinking the only way to make money is by trading ShitNiggaInu9000 and ObamaCancerToken
>Tradfi bad

>> No.56959030

youre talking like an onlyfans loser to be honest its pathetic

>> No.56959034

>go read this gay ass old book that no longer applies to the real world and is 90% retarded cringe anecdotes and chitchat from the writer and 10% valuable insight
you own chainlink. no doubt in my mind.

>> No.56959038
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1665666506321669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if oyu feel like youre not meant for work become a prostitute because daytrading is a job too, sometimes you spend more hours looking at shitty graphs than an average wagie lol

>> No.56959047

its the same on this shitty website
>shit shill
>shut the fuck up fag
>its over
>invest on link
youre just brainwashed by tiktok anon

>> No.56959051

wagie spotted

>> No.56959057

kinda based, ppl want riches without being smart

>> No.56959105
File: 117 KB, 584x622, 1697012850128690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the only one but certainly one of the most efficient ones. You must be a brianlet or a poorfag to miss out and or lose money when gambling cryptos.

>> No.56959112

>he thinks
you never worked in a >70% female STEM work environment

>> No.56959113

nobody asked for a list of your bags faggotron

>> No.56959119
File: 4 KB, 141x166, 1691286102486012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your terminally online mentality is showing bro. kinda sad.

>> No.56959125

I don't want to. Most people tacitly accept work. I choose not to.

>> No.56959132

I'm not interested in anything a nigger has to say.

>> No.56959136

Just do what you love, then you will never work another day in your life.

>> No.56959142


>> No.56959146

I just started using this board. What book(s) should I buy to learn all about investing/trading?

>> No.56959153

I do know what I love (I'm interested in mathematics, ancient greek literature etc.) but I absolutely do not want to spend my life with my actions and passions dictated by an institution. It is better that I find a profession which gives me a semi-average income, is completely independent, and does not require too many hours. I'd unironically be fine with 35k per year with a job that satisfies the conditions.

>> No.56959161

>you don't what to do what I want to do
>therefore you are a loser
you talk like a wagie

>> No.56959181

>do what you love
>just suck supervisor cock for ever and ever
>anon i need you to peer review this paper for the dutch journal jew
>yes for free
>yes it's friday
>try to have it ready by sunday evening to I can check it first thing monday
>have a good weekend haha

>> No.56959722

The lessons in the book are mostly good, but yeah you'd be better off with just a bulleted list of those lessons.

>> No.56959790

Me too. I wish real life was like a JRPG, where you could just go outside and kill some goblins for a few hours when you start to run low on money. And then the money just magically appears in your account

>> No.56959871

Wow, this shit is really just common sense. Kinda surprised that people need to read a book for this:

>Start thy purse to fattening: Save at least 10% of your income before you do anything else. Pay yourself first.
>Make thy gold multiply: Invest your savings wisely. Seek opportunities that provide a reasonable return without unnecessary risk.
>Guard thy treasures from loss: Be cautious with your investments and avoid deals that sound too good to be true. Protect your wealth by making informed decisions.
>Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment: Own your own home or, if you rent, ensure that the money you spend on rent benefits you in some way. Consider your living arrangements as part of your overall financial strategy.
>Ensure a future income: Plan for the future by ensuring that your investments and skills contribute to a steady income throughout your life. Prepare for retirement.
>Increase thy ability to earn: Continuously improve your skills and seek opportunities for self-improvement. The more you know and the better your skills, the more you can earn.

It's basically just, save 10% of every dollar you make and invest wisely. Upskill to make yourself more valuable and capable etc. etc.

>> No.56959998

Most people, young people especially don't do most or any of those things I'm pretty sure.

>> No.56960014

If you're on here, you're at least investing. Just take it a step further and save 10% of every profit you make. That includes from trading or selling your investments: If you make a profit, save 10% of it, or better yet, see if you can't re-invest it or put it to work for you in some way. That would be my advice to young people.

>> No.56960026

Me too man. Me too

>> No.56960076

I love investing and I re-invest everything, but my problem lately has been that a couple bad picks that I put most of my profits into have dumped while the rest of the market pumped. Just have to learn to pick better I guess.

>> No.56960939
File: 246 KB, 463x746, 1658957213484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to escape anymore, not when I can ride a unicorn with $CORN, my prison became my playground, like people who spend more than 6 years in prison, I am destined to die and love here