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56947865 No.56947865 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 27 and have never asked anyone out.

>> No.56947868

kek loser. fuck your you's too

>> No.56947911
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>> No.56947962

I'm 47 and never asked anyone out.

>> No.56947972


>> No.56948133
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It's better than asking someone out and getting rejected.

>> No.56948225
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I lost my virginity at 25 and the girl was cute and a virgin too

>> No.56948247

What a loser. I kissed my first girl when I was 12.
Just kidding, I'm on a 2 year dry streak and haven't fucked a new chick since 2017. Life is over for me.

>> No.56948252

decide to either work on it and make it happen or to swear it off and come to terms with it. I’m 40 and in the same situation and had a breakdown about it four years ago.

>> No.56948262

I'm 37, dated a ton in my 20s, can still bench 315 lbs., have my own car, my own house, almost a 7 figure liquid net worth and a 7 figure net worth if you include my house, and I just hit that point in my life where women are starting to look at me either like I'm a sex offender when they clearly have no interest or a new daddy for them when they are interested. It's awful. The age of dating well adjusted women is over, so you better hop to it.

>> No.56948272

I'm 37 and never asked anyone out.
I'm not against doing it, but no woman has ever shown the slightest bit of interest in me ever.

>> No.56948283

You can always ask me out Anon, tee hee.

>> No.56948288
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Alright because I don't hate you guys read pic rel and watch his videos on YouTube.

>> No.56948299

its not that hard anon... man up.

>> No.56948306
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Me in 2 months.

>> No.56948323

>american teaching how to pickup women

it doesn't work in europe

>> No.56948327

I'm 37, dated a "ton" in my 20s, can still bench <315lbsperiodcomma have my own Kia, rent my own apartment, almost a 5 figure liquid net worth and a 5 figure net worth if you include my annual rent, and I just hit that point in my life where I'm a sex offender when they clearly have no interest or a new daddy for them when I catch them unaware. It's great. The age of kiddie fiddling is here.

>> No.56948373

It works across every culture, anon. Give it a try. It's free if you sign up for the newsletter, which means the only one stopping you from being successful with women is yourself.

>> No.56948429

Go to russia or eastern europe and let me know how it goes. lmao

>> No.56948455

Anon, read the book, or don't. I care because I'm getting laid in a great relationship and I want to share my success with others.
>hint, no woman in the world likes a desperate needy guy with no dating options, no matter where you are in the world.

>> No.56948468

Here anon lets fix that:
>go outside
>find woman around your age
>"oh hey! *insert situational icebreaker here*
>gauge response
>if not overwhelmingly negative, make her laugh
>once laugh is achieved, ask for her number and say "we should do (something) sometime!"
>99% chance she'll give it to you
>find some time to text her about doing something
>90% chance she never responds
Easy peasy
All puas are grifters. If you spent half the time you spent listening to what clueless boomers think is the proper way to manipulate women as you did learning an actual skill you would be much deeper in profit by now

>> No.56948472

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.56948482
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Same. Also there is this woman I can't ever forget and that I'll never be able to tell her what I feel.

>> No.56948514

>All puas are grifters. If you spent half the time you spent listening to what clueless boomers think is the proper way to manipulate women as you did learning an actual skill you would be much deeper in profit by now
You don't know the book obviously, PUA fails because they don't know how to maintain long-term relationships, this book covers everything from pick up to being married for 20+ years. And you sound salty, is something not working out for you in your life?

>> No.56948523
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I don't want secrets, tho. I want to know what the normies know, I want to see what they see.

>> No.56948535

>>find some time to text her about doing something
>>90% chance she never responds
Ahh, yup, that explains the saltiness. Read the book. I bet 1 AVAX it can tell you exactly how you're fucking up.

>> No.56948551

Start taking chances. My only regrets are the risks I didn't take.

It's over.

t. 51yo GenX boomer

>> No.56948556


>> No.56948557

What you'll find out is 97% of Normans dont know why they suck at relationships, that's why it's called "how to be a 3% man".

>> No.56948604

>pua boomer is an avax baggie

>> No.56948616

kek I mean it's up 70% on the week retard, I don't hold dogshitcumfaggotinu, sorry.

>> No.56948625

is it even worth it at all? i´ve found the best women i ever got to know, i knew them over time and organically, now whenever i try to speak to some new random girl i either end up feeling like a creep or in turn, that every new women i meet up now is somehow already broken

>> No.56948642

how to make money from this? long or short on OPs relationship life?

>> No.56948658

Unfathomably based.

>> No.56948666

For me it is yeah, I've been in terribly shitty relationships but have managed to attract an awesome catch into my life, she pursued me, she's into a lot of the shit I'm into and follows me into any situation. That being said, if you can't be happy by yourself, you will still be miserable with someone else.

>> No.56948723
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I worked at so many jobs in my town and left by no call no show to almost all of them and now I don't know what to do.

I have no car so I can't go to a new town.

What should I do?

>> No.56948799

Hop on a train nigga

>> No.56948860

I have, she said no, havent tried since

>> No.56948894

that's fine bro women are evil whores and adultery gets people killed and impoverished and shit and people have retarded babies and hate themselves

>> No.56948898

i asked lots of girls out in really awkward ways and they all said no except one. thats all you need

>> No.56948913

This isn't the old days.

>> No.56948922

big if true
HUGE if true

>> No.56948955

I've been on maybe 8 first dates and every single time I'm just not interested in the woman at all

dunno how people do it

>> No.56949134

i let you in on the secret.
the way normies get into relationships is by having a mixed gender circle of friends they hang out with often. at some point, some of the girls or a female friend of a girl from your circle will like you and thats it. that is the secret. you probably dont have a mixed gender circle. you probably dont have a circle. that is the problem.

>> No.56949180

You’re missing an important milestone in life and one of the cornerstones of self actualization anon. It kind of sucks desu, dating is shit these days but it’s probably worth pursuing just so you can hold your chin up and not have anxiety about feeling like a loser. Best of luck bro.

>> No.56949199

Not always true it’s certainly helpful but I often see women in my GF’s friend circles view non chads as invisible beta bucks, designated drivers, or dudes that will help them move furniture for nothing in return in their “friends” circle lol. If you’re chad though then yea it’s the best way to get a relationship imo.

>> No.56949207
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31 and the only woman who has taken interest in me is mentally ill psycho that I wish I never met.

>> No.56949215

Very true. You can still learn to meet and get numbers from women out in your daily life (assuming you go out), but having friends goes an incredibly long way, especially for showing social proof. Find a hobby with mixed gender groups, learn how to make friends, go from there. Climbing is good, lots of groups for meetups, and the women tend to be very fit.

>> No.56949232

Same. I am 32 though. At this point I'm not sure whether it's out of fear or genuine disdain for the opposite gender.

>> No.56949287

Bruh, how are you doing worse off than me?

>> No.56949364

same. I absolutely despise her

>> No.56949398

>>90% chance she never responds
This guy tries to fuck

>> No.56949418

Same. The only girl I’ve been with made the first move. Had a few others show interest but never pursued.

>> No.56949438

36 and same. I gave up and quit caring before your age though

>> No.56949479

These were the so ronery posters on /a/ in the 2000s.

>> No.56949558

yes, it might not always work but it works often. id argue most guys get their gf like that. sometimes guys also find gfs by attending group activites like >>56949215 is suggesting. dont pick obvious shit like yoga or dance class though, they all know why you are there. for example, i have a friend who met his long time gf at a self defense class.

>> No.56949578

I completely lost interest in even fapping for a while but would still do it as quick as possible in the shower to avoid waking up covered in coom. Now I think I've trained myself to have premature ejaculation and I won't even just see an escort despite being a 28 yo KHHV because I'd probably cum just from being touched. I don't see a point in paying hundreds of dollars for that.

>> No.56950111

My last days alive will be spent as they are now.
Jerking off to gay furry porn.

>> No.56950191

thanks for telling me about your life anon, quite interesting. as soon as beoble gets out of beta I'm out of here, I came in looking for information about the new silk road and I find this crap.

>> No.56950196

the new silk road? that chinese crap that winnie poh invented to make up for the fact that the whole west is turning its back on it?

>> No.56950203

nobody fucking cares gosh

>> No.56950397

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.56950444

I’m 28, engaged to an amazing young woman, and a self-made millionaire.

You have one year

>> No.56950456

Im 32 and the last two women i raped both became my gf. Humans are weird. You is a pussy, btw