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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 155 KB, 900x900, hormozi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56914234 No.56914234 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy legit? All his videos are just hypnotic motivational riddles with nothing concrete, but entrepreneur bros swoon over him. What does he actually do?

>> No.56914244

Grifter bros... have we gone too far?

>> No.56914269

His wife (male) is a disgusting tranny, but the jewtube comments on their videos are hilarious.

>> No.56914283

He talks a little bit too much about the money he's making and not enough about what he is actually doing. He's definitely a grifter. His videos are just fun for kids to imagine what they would do if they won the lottery. "Here's how I spend 50k on food every month" that kinda shit.

>> No.56914617

Watched couple minutes of a recent interview, and he keeps going on the big sums of money he makes, and how its much more than before. Took a gander on his youtube page and he has made videos for about 5 years now, which he definitely would not have the time to make videos with the businesses he claims to run. It seems he is a grifter who makes more money from his audience than from whatever business he operates.

>> No.56914876


a fucking sandnigger is what he is

>> No.56914908

>record yourself talking for a few minutes
>pay editor and someone to manage your youtube account

how is that time consuming

>> No.56915064
File: 123 KB, 315x433, 1699715446837964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that Shia LaBeouf video where he screamed "JUST DO IT" over and over? That's all these Hustlebros do. Any financial advice that isn't coming from a middle-aged man with a baldspot and a nasally voice is highly suspect. I've yet to hear any real advice from this dune coon besides bland motivational platitudes. The "self-help" genre needs to die.

These people act like getting wealthy is some sort of religious movement. They remind me of televangelists, but with even less concrete information. They'd tell you how to make money if they knew how. All they know is grifting. These monkeys will jump from windows when the eventual crash happens. Wolves can't eat if the sheep have all starved.

>> No.56915210

The first few seconds of any video of his should be enough to tell you if he's legit or not

Also pretty sure he changed his (((name)))

>> No.56915457
File: 30 KB, 758x499, 1648600704396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys im super rich
> anyway, for some reason i still make jewtube vids

>> No.56915467

I liked reading his book a lot
(1st book)

>> No.56915718

he's white

>> No.56915790
File: 147 KB, 1283x1081, Screenshot 2023-12-08 121715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There does seem to be some cult like following around him, but apparently he made a killing by helping gyms increase their memberships or something along those lines, and now he invests in certain sized businesses to scale up. What does he actually offer the businesses?

>> No.56915827

never seen him in my life. Looks like a homeless man tho

>> No.56916186

im not white but arabs and muslims are caucasians

>> No.56916231
File: 16 KB, 250x208, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of picrel

>> No.56916303

I respect him for being the only one of these entrepreneur youtubers to actually make a video explaining starting a business. So far, he's the only one I've seen who actually just tells you "hey starting a business is simple, all you have to do is get this Articles of organization form, fill it out and turn it into the bank. Then open a bank account associated with your business."

>> No.56916587

Pretty basic stuff. It's telling how no one wants to talk about it since no one wants extra competition.

>> No.56917125
File: 30 KB, 460x460, executivepeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found a good video on him

>> No.56917659

None of you have figured this out yet have you?
>blast tren and anabolics like youre a fucking race horse
>gym 3 times a week bare minimum to develop muscle
>hop on ozempic/crack/meth or whatever the fuck else you need to to no longer be fat
>use phone camera
>lie to stupid fucks online, tell them you're rich and successful so they'll give you money for being rich and successful
>die at the ripe old age of 45
>congrats you made it.

>> No.56917690

He's jewish

These have to be shills.

>> No.56917795
File: 47 KB, 626x450, fd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pol chud brain won't understand this but as a kike too, analyzing his face he is from good tribe.

You can trust. Pol doesn't understand there are many tribes and they at war some are on the side of goyim.

Be careful of vampire tribe they evil and consume blood of fellow fews just like they do goyim.

Most of evil tribes look like those monkeys with big noses they have weird inbreed/flat faces most of them are from New York / USA these days they where ones secretly working Nazis to build the dooms day bomb, they got take to USA in operation paperclip. Sorrows family is a prime example of this tribe.

>> No.56917888

He's actually pretty good. He doesnt hide the fact that hes miserable with deep issues, which makes me believe in him even more because all rich self made people are like that

>> No.56917964


>> No.56918620

Hes italian and his dad is from iran.

Niggers in this thread dont even know what theyre yapping about.

>> No.56918646

"italian" is just code word for jew.

>> No.56919786

I've heard him in an interview say he was raised Christian
Not every rich person is a jew

>> No.56920002

Looks like a kike to me..

>> No.56920062

Who cares what that bastard does, stop paying attention to such superficial things. Read a book a day, exercise 4 hours, start 2 businesses, join beoble, rent 2 apartments.

>> No.56920065

and I do all that playing Monopoly or how is it?

>> No.56920079
File: 58 KB, 709x340, hormozi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this person took a $30k loan to pay them to do ads or something lol

>> No.56920681

Patrice O'Neal had a great line about certain people being smart niggas for dumb niggas. Alex Hermozi is that for teenage/early 20s Tiktok watching zoomer wannabe entreprenuers

All his content is about vaguely 'making deals'. Yeah bro I buy a laundry mat for $10k, then I pay someone $5k/year to run it for me, and it makes $300k/yr, i pocket all the profit and do another deal.

Its all just random numbers that seem made up and nothing substantial about finance, marketing, hiring or corporate/legal structuring.

It seems like very public LARPing. But if people are going to pay him to do it I guess why not

>> No.56921182

Are there any YouTube resources on the subjects you mentioned that you recommend?