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56905585 No.56905585 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel No stakers? How does it feel knowing you are missing out?

>> No.56905606

pretty great holding AVAX. sorry about the link price over the last few years, i know it's gotta be rough

>> No.56905641

flexing that you didnt have priority

>> No.56905672

>new hex just dropped

>> No.56905871

where are you seeing that rewards dashboard anon?

>> No.56905889

never mind im a tardo

>> No.56905888

can some autist please breakdown the ramp up durations how does this shit work

>> No.56905951

Ramp up goes from 0-100% over the period of 90 days.
Staking rewards ticks up at a steady rate.

on day 90, ramp up is 100%, and you can withdraw 100% of staking rewards.

Withdrawing staked link removes staking rewards, so you're incentivized to stake for at least 90 days, claim rewards, before a withdrawal.

>> No.56905961

So am I supposed to claim my rewards in 90 days to add them to my stake? or will those generate yeild without me having to click things

>> No.56906079

after 90+ days you get 100% of your reward. Does not need to claim them instantly, but should wait until 100% for best yield.

You will not be able to add to stake unless there's space (at least for now). The pool just filled, so not an option unless other people withdraw first.

>> No.56906103

ok thanks yeah im dumb. those will sit until I can add them in 0.3

>> No.56906144

I just need LINK to be above $50 to achieve eternal NEETdom with my rewards. I may have literally stumbled into my very own universal basic income by taking investment advice from internet nazi frogs

>> No.56906176

oh let me get this straight after 90 days i have 100% of rewards, if i leave that unclaimed:
1) those rewards dont accrue staking rewards because I'd have to restake if space is available in the pool
2) at 90 days lets say i didnt withdraw my rewards, will it continue accruing rewards until i withdraw?

>> No.56906197

same, after taxes I would have 2000eur netto here, I could supplement that with a 20h job if I want to and be comfy

>> No.56906233

You're making things more complicated than they are. Only your staked link accrues rewards. The rewards themselves do nothing. Claimable rewards can be claimed at any time. Locked rewards require waiting for the ramp up to unlock them before they become claimable. Whenever community staking v0.3 comes out there will probably be a priority migration opportunity to stake both your previous stack plus rewards but until then they're just stinks in your wallet or stinks waiting for you to claim them and put them in your wallet.

>> No.56906263


thanks anon-kun

>> No.56906289 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 941x1080, 163999130142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you wake up and realize that chainlink made rugpull I also want to see you uploading threads to the board. Stop getting carried away with easy money, LINK has all the characteristics of a scam and it won't be long before you lose your money. Sell up and buy solid projects like XMR, KAVA, ADA or LTC.

>> No.56906304
File: 15 KB, 200x202, 1601248581208581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you wake up and realize that chainlink made rugpull I also want to see you uploading threads to the board. Stop getting carried away with easy money, LINK has all the characteristics of a scam and it won't be long before you lose your money. Sell up and buy solid projects like XMR, IQT, ADA or LTC.

>> No.56906339

I feel good, what a fear to invest in a project full of pajeets.

>> No.56906350
File: 117 KB, 730x783, 9df33d90bde1bc5a67ca1d006437d272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is by far a better investment option than LINK, you have good taste anon.

>> No.56906355

is in his heart, and I am with him.

>> No.56906364

the one who is going to lose all his money in a scam is you, so I'm not really worried about it.

>> No.56906385

ADA is no longer relevant, it is only kept afloat by its market capitalization.

>> No.56906392

where is the proof that $LINK is a scam? you appear to be just a fudder who hates to see that he missed out on a great opportunity to make money.

>> No.56906398

buy a chair and sit tight because it's never going to happen.

>> No.56906438
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oh great another fucking link thread

>> No.56906460

they already know anon, they just choose to believe like the cucks they are

>> No.56906465


>> No.56906478

I wish u bros success, I failed deservingly, but not again. God is great life is good, stay stinky, linky

>> No.56906479


>> No.56906486


>> No.56906503

avax is just superior, i hope theyre paying thosee link jeet bots their worthy 4 rupees, holy shit the brainless spam is insane

>> No.56906505
File: 3.32 MB, 2556x1310, 1691460766660690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you wake up and realize that chainlink made rugpull
Are you 4 years old or a disgusting poopoo colored person