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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56894867 No.56894867 [Reply] [Original]

>work wants to replace old program with new one
>new one requires an authenticator app to be download on our personal devices, basically forcing us to stay up to date on smart goyim phones
>download the authenticator
>it only works if you have face scan and thumb ID enabled, furthering limiting the devices we can own and forcing us to give our personal data to big tech

>> No.56894878


>> No.56894892

I need money and have no other skills

>> No.56894893

>willingly continue working for; and give the company that doesn't respect your freedoms or privacy your face scan and thumbprint
>bitch about it on /biz/ after selling your soul to the devil for money

>> No.56894917

That’s life for us midwits

>> No.56894994


>> No.56895378

Demand the company provide you a device, and only use it for company business. You do know how to kick HR in the balls don't you?

>> No.56895405
File: 95 KB, 1024x733, 1699316576892766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.56895451

What state? In Illinois if you are required to have a phone for your job they HAVE to provide you a company phone

>> No.56895462

are you serious? i hope you are not serious. what country is this

>> No.56895501

HRfag here, this. Just tell them no and if they insist tell them to provide you a phone for company use. If/when they fire you, file a lawsuit and get free money.

I refused for years to use stupid company apps because I told them I simply didn't have a smartphone and they were free to provide me with one if they insisted I use it. They backed down because the idiots at the top considered a company phone to be a status symbol, so only the top three got to have company phones.

>> No.56895575

y@thinkpade:~$ cat stuff/totp.sh
# totp.sh - Shell script implementation of TOTP (RFC 6238)
# Copyright © 2020 Rich Felker
# Licensed under standard MIT license
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Depends on a base32 utility, date command supporting %s format,
# and openssl command line utility. Otherwise portable sh.
# Usage: totp.sh < secretfile
# where secretfile contains the base32-encoded secret.

t=$(($(date +%s)/30))
k="$(tr 0189a-z OLBGA-Z | base32 -d | od -v -An -tx1 | tr -d ' \n')"

printf '%b' $(printf '\\x%.2x' $(
i=0; while test $i -lt 8 ; do
echo $(((t>>(56-8*i))&0xff))
)) | openssl dgst -sha1 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:"$k" -r | cut -d' ' -f1

while test $o -gt 0 ; do

h=$(((0x$h & 0x7fffffff)%1000000))

printf '%.6d\n' "$h"

>> No.56895789
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> >work wants to replace old program with new one
> >new one requires an authenticator app to be download on our personal devices, basically forcing us to stay up to date on smart goyim phones
> >download the authenticator
> >it only works if you have face scan and thumb ID enabled, furthering limiting the devices we can own and forcing us to give our personal data to big tech

>> No.56895995

Guys, stop bullying me please

>> No.56896004
File: 92 KB, 500x629, 1696987584906969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56896071

welcome to the modern boomer world, did you expect to continue writing accounting on stone tablets?
at the beginning of mankind, wood was used to print paper and today we have telegram, beoble, discord. Upgrade or die

>> No.56896077

the poor man is complaining about being forced to use security measures in a globalized world that is dependent on the internet, OH NO.

>> No.56896153

Maybe they should pay us a liveable wage to be able to afford these upgrades

>> No.56896197

Get a burner. Make a throwaway account. Face scan can probably be fooled with a printout. Not sure about thumb id. Leave at work. Turn off when not in use.

>> No.56896501

You don't plan on becoming a hacker in the nearby future do you OP? nothing to hide, right?

>> No.56896569

Well? What have you learned?