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56860991 No.56860991 [Reply] [Original]

>ahhhhh help me I work in an office and get paid life is so hard i am literally going insaannneeee
How do we fix Millennials?

>> No.56861060

You can't

>> No.56861121

It can be fixed by killing 50% of boomers and taking television and social media away from the remainder.

>> No.56861125

cope, millennials just express their feelings instead of repressing them. if you legitimately enjoy working in an office you are a faggot

>> No.56862053

The problem is that they are only complaining about their current situation, because they fear change.

>> No.56862084

if everyone just goes innawoods society will collapse

>> No.56862098

>other generations didn't complain about their bosses
>people shouldn't ask for higher wages

>> No.56862101

Then society will just be innawoods instead

>> No.56862114


It's actually kind of the opposite

>NOOOO the old generation in the old system and old context were doing so much better and ruined it for us, we need a diametrically system now rather than shifting back to a system that was more like theirs
>i.e. their way worked, and they fucked up the way, so let's fix it by going far off the way rather than back to the way

>> No.56862118

What the lust for updoots and retweets does to a mfer…zamn.

>> No.56862154

Milennials didn't have kids so they have no real incentive to have some corporation puppet their body and mind around for 8 1/2 hours a day, except for more money to consoom with.

>> No.56862651

Millenials are the most repressed generation out there lmao. They are sexless and will never pick up a phone to make a call because "social anxiety". I fucking dread the generation these absolute faggots will raise. They were coddled enough in their childhood imagine what will they do to their own children.

>> No.56862890

>i.e. their way worked, and they fucked up the way, so let's fix it by going far off the way rather than back to the way
Because that way only worked before globalism and corporatism took root. How are we supposed to go back to the old ways of working hard for a living, when corporations can and will work people to death and barely pay them enough to subsist in return, import people from around the world to work for a fraction of a livable wage, and lobby to ensure they retain the right to do so?

And even if we did somehow go back, what's to stop companies from amassing too much power again?

>> No.56863564
File: 61 KB, 976x850, 1615735963408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not want this character to have a liveable wage or access to clean drinking water

>> No.56863970

All corporate employees will be paid in stock and fiat.

>> No.56864031

This is why millennials are losing. You want to redpill old people.
Why? They can't fight. They don't work. Their lives are nearly over.
Trannies and doctors are targeting kids. You should hit kids with the right ideology too. They will be if fighting age, they have their whole careers ahead of them.

>> No.56864291

Office computer workers are lucky as fuck. If these people had to work a labour job they’d probably neck themselves in a couple weeks

>> No.56864297

Yes but Jews won’t be able to profit off such a society

>> No.56864490

i just realised he moves his face like the skididi toilet halflife guy videos kids love
no body movement except sudden then still, just the mouth flapping away
i wonder what causes this. anime?

>> No.56864646

Kek low IQ laborer moment

>> No.56865986

Ziggies really do be turning their wheels and losing their hair in the process

>> No.56866045
File: 84 KB, 1200x1165, 35d31f2ac807653cdd5f1d8e3419d237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest 10% of your income each time in alphas and altcoins respectively, and you will make it. Im comfy with my btc and iqt, cardano and i could name more, I came out of the wage cage two years ago you can make it

>> No.56866047

>oh well, back to watching the SHIBASOPOTTERINUBAT 1m chart

>> No.56866059

suspiciously vague anon, no one makes it doing that lol

>> No.56866147


>> No.56866157

based but too copiumpilled, they wont make it if they start getting link and icp and shit like that

>> No.56866181

too safe and healthy, you wont make it

>> No.56866241

Sounds like a win-win to me

>> No.56866300

>millennials just express their feelings instead of rmdoing shit to resolve them
Fixed for ya lil buddy

>> No.56866386

This faggot isn’t working in an office he’s “””working””” from home

>> No.56866806

Weapons and knowing where your boss works (it's where you work).

>> No.56868428
File: 23 KB, 600x419, 1663489745142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someday they will start working for real and then they will have a real reason to complain, although I guess crying about crypto is valid, I cried blood when I saw my XOR bags almost die