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56817799 No.56817799 [Reply] [Original]

Why is literally nobody talking about the fact that the economy is turning into a complete hell hole for the bottom 50% of Americans

>> No.56817806

You living under a rock or something? Everyone is talking about it.

>> No.56817810

you mean the bottom 100%

>> No.56817812

Because if you're not in the bottom 50 percent (I.e. you're not literally retarded), you're automatically wealthier from a relative standpoint.

>> No.56817821

We are all talking
No one is doing. We could have a general strike and fix 90% of our shit in a week if we could actually get normies on board, but most of them are convinced any form of community-mindedness is either racist or communist.

>> No.56818325
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Because it isn't

>> No.56818337

because the 'reality' in polcuck heads are not the actual reality

>> No.56818343

You are the bottom

>> No.56818400

Not my problem.

>> No.56818409

>the bottom 50% of Americans
wats their skin color?

>> No.56818504


>> No.56818577
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because this defecating piece of shit and his pawns don't want you to notice that

>> No.56818620

>nobody wants to admit they’re a part of that growing group, hence the pants on head retarded spending where the average car payment is almost $1000 a month
>the average burger cannot read beyond a sixth grade level at best, so decent finances are already unlikely at large just from that
>people are too cucked to the jackass and elephant to bother doing anything, and the ones who actually could don’t want to do anything because this is not a country anymore, rather an open air walmart where any semblance of community is pretty much dead
>identity politics regardless if you’re le snowflake or le trad is more important to the wider stage since its easy cheap dopamine hits for the masses to get behind
>saying that goes against all the jingoistic propaganda an entire generation grew up on as their faces are glued to cable TV, even if serious train derailments are basically par for the course and elected officials don’t even try to hide their pump and dump scheme for wherever they are on all levels be it federal, state, local, etc.
>the slop labelled food here is turning people into retarded mutants who exist to be a paypig to the pharma/medical/insurance industries
I can go on but you get the idea.

>> No.56819254
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Who is the top?

>> No.56819300

money is becoming worth less (USD) and finite resources (BTC, Gold, Housing, Land) are increasing in value. It makes perfect sense when you print trillions of dollars in a short period of time and send huge amounts of cash out to the general populace who did not need it so you can buy an election. The short sighted masses will again line up for massive inflation of the dollar as long as it means they get their measly couple thousands in stimmies. They race eagerly to give it all back in 6 months time through price increases alone and the rest is profit - but for who? S&P500.

Moral of the story is, in order to multiply your net worth in terms of dollars, hold things, not dollars. Better yet, trust in Jesus and regularly talk sincerely to God. Doors that you never expected could open for you, and at the very least you can find tranquility in the misery that is becoming of this decaying world.

>> No.56819304

idk about yall but im doing pretty good, my rent hasnt increased in a few years, groceries still cheap as fuck since i dont buy prepackaged goyslop, i only have two utility bills that are the same price since precovid, and my salary is the highest its ever been, after bills i have about $4k a month

>> No.56819306

Because Bidens economy ™ is strong and the best ever, now vote for the niggress or i will cut your gibs peasant

>> No.56819328

yeah but the top 50% can continue pretending like nothing happened for at least another 10 years, so it's worth it.

>> No.56819350

the american political system is broken and many politicians are grifters who no longer attempt to solve issues affecting the majority of americans. this is true no matter your political stance

>> No.56819464


>> No.56819502

because Biden is creating tens of thousands of jobs as we speak

>> No.56819515

Just stop being poor.

>> No.56819702
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Fiat is a corpse, the normies even see it now.

>> No.56820828

Give me your fiat please.

>> No.56821018

Show me the demographics of the bottom 50% and I'll explain why I don't care.

>> No.56821028

Wow a biden boomer found his way in here somehow

>> No.56821060
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I've been doom prepping since 2017 so I'm just getting excited over here

>> No.56821417
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>complete hell hole for the bottom 50% of Americans
What are you even talking about?
Bidenomics is working great.
The recession has been cancelled.
You're just a lazy bum is all.

>> No.56821445

If you're here it's because you're trying to claw your way to the top 10% before it's too late.

>> No.56821484
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They are being shed. Pray you advance enough not to get shed in the next 50%.

>> No.56821493

I'm not rich but I make as much money as two poor people put together so I think I'll be okay.

>> No.56821745

>..and fix 90% of our shit in a week
Honestly, is that even desirable? There is a certain fairness in "relative poverty" - relative in the sense people aren't starving/freezing, we are talking about their limited ability to participate in the status and leisure economy.

But isn't that a good thing? that there is justice, fairness in this world? You go to college, get into debt to get a degree in philosophy, bad grades because you party too much.
There should be a reapening for poor decision making..

Peoples suffering obviously sucks, but seeing people suffering at their own hands has a certain divine justice to it; it gives you a sense of order in this world, there is wrong and there is right - and there is consequences.

>> No.56821784

Untrue. Bottom 25% are enjoying more welfare and support than ever, it's the middle 50% that are getting fucked. There are more than two classes in this country.

Even more specifically, what we have now are dependents (the very poor, the very rich) and the working class. The dependents conspire to squeeze wealth and power out of the workers.

>> No.56821892

So, uhhh, you thinking about revolting, friend?

>> No.56821912

Because "Americans" do not exist. It's a post nation economic zone of people of no shared characteristics apart from a desire for money. Why would you care about them?

>> No.56822047

This bait glows like Mr Burns in that episode of The Simpsons.

>> No.56822212

>anon discovers that no one actually gives a shit about poor people besides some general numbers

>> No.56822257

Shut up anon get back in the normie box