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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56813749 No.56813749 [Reply] [Original]

So a good way I've found to get foreign currency without having to exchange money is to coin hunt at coin exchange machines
Basically little machines at grocery stores that turn coins into cash.
I walk to a small market in my town everyday and do this and so far I've gotten over 30 dollars in Euros and Pounds with a bunch of other random coins over the month.
Here's my last 3 hauls to show what I mean

>> No.56813789

This is cool as a hobby but doesn't really seem worth it outside of that unless I'm missing something.

>> No.56813813

It's a cool hobby as well but if you're actually looking to get some money without much effort it's a good place to start
Helps stockpile physical currency

>> No.56813845

Well yes but it's literally $30 over the course of a month. You can make that much in one to three hours wage slaving in most areas in the US. Don't get me wrong, I might start doing this for fun but it doesn't seem like a good money maker.

>> No.56813860

Well it's not really to make money but more to like
>Hey I can start trading euros
It gives ya a small boost
Tho if you're lucky you can find rare
Once got 10 euros in one moment

>> No.56813904

I can respect that. I think I'll start doing this and see what happens.

>> No.56813908

Yeah it's a great little side thing too
Also if you're lucky 90% of the time people just leave actual money there

>> No.56813919

How do you get these from those machines? Do people just leave them there? I've never used one of these things

>> No.56813968
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yeah people just leave them there all the time
It's not small change either
Basically people dump a bunch of coins on top and at this little bit here it collects rejected coins

>> No.56813976

Cool thanks

>> No.56813986

Yeah no problem. It's a fun little side thing that adds up quick over time
In a year you could probably get 100-400 dollars in foreign currency

>> No.56814264

Small bump

>> No.56814292

OP your hands lool white. What is going on in this thread? Are you really crawling around dirty third world super market floors for 16c in Algerian dinars? What else have you found?
Seems based.

>> No.56814445

There are companies that do except and exchange foreign coins even ones that are no longer in circulation as long as they where pegged to the another currency like the euro. These ones are based in the UK.
If your country doesn’t have something like this it still may be worth shipping the coins to them. Also some lower denomination coins will stick to a magnet. Get a large magnet that is used for magnet fishing and head to a bridge that tourists like to toss coins from.

>> No.56814456
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I find silver dimes in them all the time. My best find was a 1939 silver quarter from Panama.

>> No.56814458


>> No.56814475

Oh I have that exact coin

>> No.56814490
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>> No.56814675


>> No.56814826

I try be nice and you be rude. I guess if I had to crawl on the floor for pennies I wouldn't have any humor in me either.

>> No.56814873

The anon said he was checking the rejected coin cup in the exchange machines. Not crawling through the gutters. I’m mean if you shop at the store, use the machines, and are there anyway why not check it out.

>> No.56814902

He is a bum searching for pennies, I get it

>> No.56814998
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I didn't even know the helmet had a design on it. Mine is just that worn out I guess.
Here's the time I found a 1943 steel penny in one. I've actually found another one since.

>> No.56815026

you can make more than that just begging in the streets.

>> No.56815032

Nice! I have 3 of em from this as well

>> No.56815036
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Nice Ike dollar too. I've become obsessed with them recently and have been scooping up silver ones on ebay. The ones in picrel are the non silver circulating ones.

>> No.56815066
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 55162E1F-AEF8-4732-BEEA-92C11872008D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a handful from my foreign coin jar. For now I just hang on to them. nobody exchanges coins here, just bills. I will find a way someday. Best to hold until an opportunity presents itself.

>> No.56815103

Anime coins, Abe Lincoln with glowing eyes, double keks

>> No.56815117

I already troll various grocery stores in my area to creep on woman, so I may as well add this to my agenda. I just stopped by a Wegmanns and unfortunately no coins were inside. Only thing I'll say is if you spend enough time driving to different grocery stores to do this, the gas costs are probably going to exceed whatever value of coins you find.

>> No.56815199

That quarter looks like it was dropped in a sinks garbage disposal.

>> No.56815232

>literal crackhead tier stealing pennies from a grocery store coin machine
These are the people giving you financial advice on this board

>> No.56815239
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>> No.56815246
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Seems to work well for me lol

>> No.56815264


>> No.56815389


>> No.56815854

Hopefully we see more coin

>> No.56816730

>[Post a Reply]
nope only got a dime

>> No.56817303

I love my big tiddy coins
I wonder what happened to it for it to be that fucked up. And I wonder what I did with it. I have no clue.
A coworker of mine has 18 of them because a boomer keeps spending them at our store.
You're lucky to find them in coin machines.

>> No.56817512

I'm kinda shocked at how often I see steel pennies now
I also found an unprinted penny
What are they called

>> No.56817519
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Also if you like anime I got something related

>> No.56817523
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>> No.56817531
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I’m glad you’re having fun OP but this is the most autistic thread I’ve seen all fucking year here

>> No.56817540
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Don't worry
If you want a laugh here's a Tanzanian shilling I found at one of these

>> No.56817548
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Here's just a random bit from my collection

>> No.56817604

Nice, I’m a numismatist too, I like old coins though. Do you just like foreign currencies?

>> No.56818672
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, 0480FD32-BB47-4231-AB9F-6F0C103A2F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old school 10 dinar coin was once used as a substitute for a blown fuse. You can tell by the burn marks on it. The 5 dinar coin was part of some brides clothing at on time to display wealth. Anyone else come across coins like this?

>> No.56818697
File: 1.72 MB, 3668x2227, B55A760A-08CD-41B9-A928-0BC25E0C03E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve read that you never should do this but I clean and polish some of my coins. It makes them more interesting to look at. I have never found anything really valuable so after I double check online I clean and polish away.

>> No.56818758

damn anon keep it up, once we transition to the cashless beast system you'll be sitting on important museum pieces

>> No.56818795

Finding silver is always nice.

>> No.56818951

>posting your fingerprints
It's over.

>> No.56819022

I’ve never seen these at the Publix’s I go to. I’ll have to keep an eye out for them.

>> No.56819042

Ok boomer. How many times are you going to make this thread?
As others have said this is an awful waste of time and you’re probably only doing because you’re retired and bored.

>> No.56819064

>concerned about other peoples time
If he enjoys doing it, why do you give a fuck? Seems like you’re the one coming in here wasting your time, fucking retard

>> No.56819073
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>> No.56819292

This is /biz/ not a hobby board, faggot.
OP is a /pmg/ boomer who’s here ALL THE TIME and this is a good way to lose money and waste time.

>> No.56819338

wow. worthless fiat from other exclusive economic zones. yay.

>> No.56819361

Accumulating coins may ba hobby but it’s also investing/saving. Coin jars and piggy backs used to be a common thing. They worked so well that it’s no surprise the Jew has made people believe they’re just not worth the time. Try doing a coin jar anon. Not hard at all. Drop in your spare coins and see what you get in a few months. And keep in mind that if coins were just a hobby, why are stores installing these coins machines? There is a lot of wealth tied up in people not using coins and by default hoarding them. Coins are based and you are not.

>> No.56819948

I'll try

>> No.56820081

>Worth more than the USD

>> No.56820782

i travel a lot.
i must have $100 of coins in foreign currency in a FX coin jar.
how the fuck do i convert them into USD?

>> No.56820810

Go to the bank, they’ll convert for a fee.

>> No.56820943

Most places really won’t convert coins, only bills. Check out the links from this post >>56814445 and see if there is a similar service in your own country.

>> No.56822811

Okay, not going to make any extra trips, but when I am at a place with one of these machines I will be checking for sure.

>> No.56822839

I always make a game of trying to spend the last of my change in airport vending machines. Also I noticed the last time I traveled there was a big thing to deposit "leftover" change for charity in some big container. So I assume everyone probably has those now.
I saw this one in Montreal, I assume that's how the leafs are paying for their free healthcare system.