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56778193 No.56778193 [Reply] [Original]

is 500k a lot of money?

>> No.56778195

Mid. Goes for the waifu and the stack.

>> No.56778198
File: 519 KB, 576x1024, 1700745778009280.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the country

>> No.56778199

It's literally nothing if it can't buy me this Jewess' hand in marriage

>> No.56778264

not in a developed nation, could live a comfy life in 3rd world nations

>> No.56778518


>> No.56778551

Anyone telling you otherwise is larping and/or an asshole
Ask yourself this:
If i lost half a mil right now, would i burst out crying?
If you don't have as much, then obviously it's a lot

>> No.56778581

Do you have it and is it a realistic goal for you? If not yeah it is and you'll never get it loser. Do you have it? No it's not you're still a loser

>> No.56778619

i would burst our crying if i lost $1000

>> No.56778639

Something shrek-ish about her face

>> No.56778681

that is 4,16,57,375.00 rupees sir
lot of money

>> No.56778688

I would rape her face over and over and over again

>> No.56778722

thats it? 7 seconds of a 4/10 looking around like a retard? jesus some of you simps simp for the most boring generic 4/10 females you can find. next time op post an attractive female that isnt just making a dumb retard face for 7 seconds.

>> No.56779006


>> No.56779030

her name is below-average ugg-lee

>> No.56779047

Who is this gremlin?

>> No.56779088


If I had £500,000 I would never need to work a day in my life again.

>> No.56779151

She looks like a 11 year old with too much makeup. You are a fucking pedo.

>> No.56779157

It would buy a decent house in a decent place in most of first world country, and have some left over. A lot? Maybe not. Enough? Probably.

>> No.56779162

Emma Myers from the new Wednesday show

>> No.56779188

because even in rich countries you can still do something significant with that.

>> No.56779343

What's the problem?

>> No.56779410

that hag doesnt look a day under 30

>> No.56779423

I had 380k at the top of the last bull. I didn't sell and ended up with 30k. It's never coming back isn't it?

>> No.56779429
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I'm aiming for that number. Depends on what you want in your life.

>> No.56779535

the paid shills on here want you to keep gambling so they can rug you. if any neet on here reaches 500k through crypto and doesnt cash out enough to buy a house they deserve to lose everything. you will be told constantly that 2M is middle class existence and only 10M will let you breath. THAT IS A FUCKING PSYOP!

>> No.56779543

depends on how you use it

>> No.56780019

Where do you live?

>> No.56780038

She's 5'3 tho. Can't stop imagining

>> No.56780047

i agree with this
last bull run i was actually psyopped into believing 1m is nothing (peak of 2.3 million from defi coins)
losing 2 million makes one feel very bad when you snap back to reality and realize that 2m managed properly unironically creates generational wealth

YES you still more or less have to work
YES its not enough to influence wars and the media machine
BUT holy shit what you can do with 2m to lead an all around happy life is absurd and when you realize youve lost that much it puts you into a strong depression

that said to put it into other perspectives if you do not own a home, even 50-100k is literally lifechanging money. allows you to buy a home and pay into a mortgage INSTEAD OF RENTING WHICH IS JUST PISSING MONEY AWAY. people will psyop you and say a mortgage is the same thing but at least WHEN YOU MOVE your payments act as a savings account

AS LONG AS you paid less in mortgage and repairs than renting you came out on top.

>> No.56780157
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i could save her

>> No.56780170

I have 1.6 millions and its nothing, I still live in a basement

>> No.56780308

> 2m managed properly unironically creates generational wealth

when next bullrun comes around we have 1M what is the playbook? take some cash put it in downpayment to a property(rental?), vanguard etf fund? if so which ones

t. missed 2 bull tops and depressed af, have decent stash now but need an exit/sustaining strategy after next year. I realized i could have pulled out 500k last run and put it in a dividend returning stock and stil be up/living comfy with quarterly payouts

>> No.56780370

It depends on your level of spending. Invested at 5% you could conceivably live on the interest from that in perpetuity with a frugal lifestyle. If you want flashy bling life with all the consumer shit then its not much

>> No.56780389

yeah it is, if I had $500k I'd just buy government bonds and live off the interest, or build an apartment complex and live off the rent.

>> No.56780412

Bitch looks like golem wym

>> No.56780555

Snood legs

>> No.56780952

>is 500k a lot of money?
It would buy you a house in a developed city, a nice rural plot with a modest house, or return about 30k/yr if wisely and fortuitously invested.
Create a budget. Find out exactly how much you need each month to cover all expenses. Does that fictional 30k cover it? Then you're rich, as long as you can maintain that return AND inflation doesn't diminish the value of the currency (or you can put enough back into the investment to grow and balance out).
As for "a lot", it's a relative term and can only be answered by evaluating your personal goals.

>> No.56780982

> her
> she

>> No.56781001

Yikes man, she is literally underage and the comments here are so icky. Is there anyone I can report them to mods?

>> No.56781764

She's 21

>> No.56781943


It's a lot and *is* life-changing money, yes. Here is how you can look at it.

1. It would take 7-10 years for someone making $200,000 net to save. So it's almost a decade of high-skill waging.

2. It's enough for a nice, new house anywhere outside the highest COL cities. It won't be in the city, but it will be within 30 minutes of a city in a nice suburb. Once you own a house, the pressure is off.

3. It's enough to finish medical school and turn your life around. When the difference is waging and being a doctor in 12 years.

It's not life changing only if you are already in the top 10%.

>> No.56781980

if you have a home and steady income, yes.

>> No.56782557


>> No.56782642

nah but in Argentina you can live off $500k assuming u have it compounding interest for basically the rest of your life.
cost of living is way down in Argentina and the USD goes very very far.

>> No.56782686

No, $500k is only $108k in 2000 dollars, barely enough to afford a house. $5m is the least you could realistically retire on

>> No.56782804

Is that before or after taxes?

>> No.56782860
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Im going to say "it depends" but mainly because it's the objectively right answer. For 99% of the population is life-changing money. For 1% is not that big of a deal. Its still important to consider a rich man's point of view when investing in anything basically, i once got invited to an after party in some dude's mansion and a 52 year old woman (She told me her age herself) started being really touchy with me until she eventually told me there were some rooms we could use if i wanted to bang. I was just recovering from a breakup so i told her no and she shrugged and said "that's a shame, i would've offered to pay you half a mill if you had unvax sperm for a good creampie, but i get it , a broken heart is a broken heart" and left. I still think of that to this day because that woman had basically called a party fling something worthy of half a million dollars. The unvax sperm shit perplexes me to this day, i guess there are markets i can't even begin to comprehend

>> No.56782894

>Im going to say "it depends" but mainly because it's the objectively right answer. For 99% of the population is life-changing money. For 1% is not that big of a deal. Its still important to consider a rich man's point of view when investing in anything basically, i once got invited to an after party in some dude's mansion and a 52 year old woman (She told me her age herself) started being really touchy with me until she eventually told me there were some rooms we could use if i wanted to bang. I was just recovering from a breakup so i told her no and she shrugged and said "that's a shame, i would've offered to pay you half a mill if you had unvax sperm for a good creampie, but i get it , a broken heart is a broken heart" and left. I still think of that to this day because that woman had basically called a party fling something worthy of half a million dollars. The unvax sperm shit perplexes me to this day, i guess there are markets i can't even begin to comprehend
What the fuck is this real lmfao
I've heard some deranged boomer shit so is this actually possible?

>> No.56783002

Sure, except change $500,000 to $5000.

>> No.56783018


I'm piss poor lol

I doubt 500k would be considered a lot in the US

>> No.56783068

Nobody needs 200k per year following the 4% rule. That is just gluttony and you are out of touch.

>> No.56783072

Some weird scientology shit like this has happened before, why do you think nubtc is so popular now? it became a tik tok trend now that every male found out there is a market, so of course they're trying to exploit it

>> No.56783075

Cults will do that to you. Its like the liquid in the kneecaps kinda thing

>> No.56783090
File: 242 KB, 900x1200, F_1J6MlXwAAIlHu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is proof
>t. my time has cum

>> No.56783124

>AS LONG AS you paid less in mortgage and repairs than renting
As long as market conditions which haven't existed for years you'll come out on top? Kek.

>> No.56783150
File: 178 KB, 2181x1523, 300k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you do for the life that people delusionally imagine as normal.

Cut the two nice cars (pretend both husband and wife drive a beat-to-shit camry), the vacation, and the 401k, and that's a $200,000/year lifestyle.

Also keep in mind that $450,000 homes are now a 55 year old home with no updates in a flyover. It's closer to $600,000 now.

But yea, $200,000, if "guaranteed" is not a bad life.

>> No.56783180

>muh boomer rule of toe
Inflation. Money stock will close to double every decade forever, s&p total return since 1971 has been 180x but 90% of that has just been debasement, real returns are an anemic 1-2%. Yes, you absolutely need $5m to retire today, unless you want to live like peasant or be forced to cannibalize your assets at the bottom on each recession

>> No.56783224

I think >>56780047 is right though. He should have taken the 2 mil and kept working. Yes, it's not retirement money in the US, but $40,000 - $80,000 passive is enough to try almost anything and always have your ass covered.

I don't agree with your statement that the market won't average at least 2% post inflation.

>> No.56783340

Money stock factored average annual total return since 1971 has been about 2.9%, note that's over a period of HUGE secular growth. $5m is absolutely needed to secure a mere middle class existence into perpetuity

>> No.56783370

Have you ever asked any of them why they believe it, how it happens, or anything requiring a technical understanding of biology? I know they don't have any, but I'm curious what they think happens at a cellular/molecular level.

When I've asked this on reddit, not even asking for a source, just a fun thought experiment of "how do you think that could happen" the almost universal answer is "I'm not a biologist" or "I can't be expected to know details like that".

My favorite is something along the lines where someone knows a little about DNA/RNA what it does and they don't want it injected into them because they don't want foreign RNA in their bodies. I think at face value that's a reasonable concern, but generally the people who say that don't know how virus' reproduce.

>> No.56783678

500K in the bear is already pre-gigarich

>> No.56784275

Fuck off

>> No.56784282

It all depends, for Adin Ross, that’s 3 spins on the wheel kek. He should really swap Stake with Dplay, his odds would increase substantially

>> No.56785593

I hope to have $2.5 million if we go just past 2021 ATH. I'll cash out my crypto and put it all in VTSAX. That should be enough for a modest lifestyle but I'll continue working like 20 hours a week with 8 weeks off for like $60-70k annually for another 5 years until my net worth grows to 4 or 5 mil.

>> No.56786456


>> No.56786618

>Crypto reaches 500k
>That'll be 50% in taxes please
>250k left
>Houses are 300k+ without taking out a jewloan

>> No.56786621

$1.5M peak here. Cashed out a significant sum at each of the two tops, that I've been living off of to get through this bear. But really I let the majority ride just like you, partially because I know I'm going to be richer than that one day holding LINK. I saw the short ahead of time, but still didn't pull the trigger. You are very right about the strong depression, anon, but know we are probably through the worst by now.

>> No.56786732


>> No.56787229

My thought exactly. My AZERO and RIDE bags are yielding gains like a DeGen god and with such bag It's not just staking; it's a damn DeGen feast.