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File: 86 KB, 1373x876, AVAX winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56768159 No.56768159 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that TradFi has dumped Ethereum for Avalanche

>> No.56769680

>for Avalanche
they're making their own subnet, maybe they will get a bag and embrace the C-chain down the road but it's still the early days

>> No.56769683

Reminder that C chain is Ethereum, avax has to pay the ETH tax like good goys

>> No.56769687

>bumps 4 hour old thread with 0 replies
Oh roachie we know it's you

>> No.56769710

Every single one of those logos is present in Etherium too though.

>> No.56769724

cope. AVAX is a white man's coin

>> No.56769737
File: 18 KB, 346x322, 1299451568110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure thing turk roach

>> No.56769815

back off nigga I'm not OP

>ETH tax
what do you mean? people are already working on Move and Cosmos subnets, it doesn't have to be limited by EVM

>> No.56769826

Mean you roaches pay to the ETH foundation like little cucks you are

>> No.56770105
File: 166 KB, 887x923, SOLVED Problems in DLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they gave up on Ethereum, JPM said Ethereum is disappointing.
Now JPM works with Avalanche. many such cases.
>avax has to pay the ETH tax
no such thing as an "ETH" tax. fuddies are coming up with the dumbest shit.
>they're making their own subnet
for which they have to stake AVAX or pay in AVAX directly or indirectly.
ETH developers also work for Avalanche.

>> No.56770137

nothing in that link says they have given up on anything
you are not mentioning anything else, either
get better material

>> No.56770187

learn how to read

>> No.56770201

Not an argument. Nothing in the link provided mentions giving up on anything.
Get better material.

>> No.56770205


>> No.56770208

>not an argument again
Concession accepted.

>> No.56770214

cope accepted

>> No.56770216

>not an argument again (again)
Concession accepted.

>> No.56770221

more cope accepted. ETH not needed.

>> No.56770225

>not an argument again (again [again])
Concession accepted.

In fact, I accept your "they have given up on ETH" cope since the very link provided as the source doesn't mention anything like that.

>> No.56770235

the JPM news confirms it, again please learn how to read.
or maybe you are blind from cope.

let me repeat it again for you: ETH NOT NEEDED

>> No.56770246

>the JPM news confirms it
Except it doesn't. Imagine providing they very proof that proves you wrong lol.
Concession accepted.
Cope accepted.

Seethe and provide the next cope below this line

>> No.56770249

>Except it doesn't.
it does tho.
your cope lines wont protect you.

>> No.56770257

it doesn't though
Cope accepted. Concession accepted.

I allow you to cope and seethe further below this line

>> No.56770258

Avax is a coin for otakus and Jews, real men buy kava and litecoin

>> No.56770259

what a shitty decision
I'd rather sell my soul to the devil than buy AVAX

>> No.56770261

>redditor moment
you will buy the AVAX and you will be happy.

>> No.56770263

happy I want to be, I don't want to learn
the process is painful
but if you're not there, I can't be anything....

>> No.56770265

funny joke, cant compete with Avalanche tho.

>> No.56770266
File: 329 KB, 698x487, 1669132012361229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let poor anon waste his money in peace, he has to learn at some point

>> No.56770268

>not denying that it doesn't
I'm glad that you finally admit you are wrong.
Concession and cope accepted.

>> No.56770275
File: 172 KB, 1875x1820, Ethereum not needed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum is still irrelevant. I can repeat it again for you.
keep the copes coming.

>> No.56770278

>not a single mention of anything dropping anything
Concession, cope, and goalpost-moving accepted.

>> No.56770284

>it was real in my mind
Ethereum still not needed. TradFi wants Subnets, not Ethereum and its tranny L2s.
cope and seethe and project your concessions some more.

>> No.56770285

>completely nonsensical reply to move the goalposts
Concession, cope, and goalpost-moving accepted again.

>> No.56770296

looks like I broke the NPC, now he just repeats himself.

>> No.56770306

>starts projecting
Man, this was way too easy.
Concession unarguably accepted.

>> No.56770326

looks like I broke the NPC, now he can't post

>> No.56770330

JPM accepted Avalanche and they abandoned Ethereum
You have been coping about this for 3 hours now

>> No.56770338

>NPC copies my reply
NPC confirmed

>> No.56770337
File: 17 KB, 781x518, 4u0OFDo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So easy to manipulate
>abandoned Ethereum
Proof? You won't post because it doesn't exist ;)
>3 hours
it's been 50 minutes since my post

Oooof you are fuming so hard right now bro

>> No.56770345

>NPC copies my reply
NPC confirmation

>> No.56770346

learn how to read
>it's been 50 minutes since my post
see >>56769710
>you are fuming so hard right now
NPC projecting again kek

>> No.56770350

>dat cope
top kek, post more seethes and projections.
ETH still not needed by TradFi anymore.

>> No.56770353
File: 1 KB, 149x82, csLxN7H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn how to read
Done, no proof posted.
Concession accepted.

>three hours
>pic related
lol AVAX retard doesn't know how to count color me surprised

>NPC projecting again kek
NPC copying my post again. NPC confirmation.

>> No.56770358

>still no proof or argument about any of the claims posted
Cope and concessions accepted.

>> No.56770360

>mumbai timezone
>still cant read

>> No.56770361
File: 35 KB, 484x484, 1697605753483085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purposefully ignoring subtext
>spams thread with pilpul
semite detected

>> No.56770363

deadly levels of cope we are seeing here from the mev paypig

>> No.56770367
File: 1 KB, 329x115, w1XNJ5K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mumbai timezone
Not even close. Wow you must be getting very desperate now.

Concession accepted. No proof posted yet. Copes accepted too.

>> No.56770381
File: 10 KB, 758x244, XpqccMg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadly levels of cope we are seeing
I agree. You are suffering from an extremely high dosage of cope that could actually be deadly.

>> No.56770384

>Not even close
I was joking and meant its a nonwhite shitskin place based on your timezone in the screencap.

>> No.56770386
File: 70 KB, 750x711, 1644715634558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was m-m-m-m-erely pretending!
I knew this would be fucking gold. Keep the posts flowing in.

>> No.56770389

>more cope
again, learn how to read.

>> No.56770398
File: 1 KB, 832x30, vfPXJZg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more cope
Indeed, nothing but cope in your posts. These JPMorgan fellas sure use Ethereum a lot and mention it constantly despite "giving up" on it HUH?

>> No.56770403

>"giving up" on it
they are in the process of doing that but you can continue to cope and pretend they dont.
keep the cope flowing.

>> No.56770408

you know that
doesn't mean it's on Ethereum right? It's their own permissioned blockchain using EVM. Banks want their own sidechains, which is bullish for AVAX because that's one of the main selling points.

>> No.56770410

>they are in the process of doing that
they are in the process of doing that by using it and building on it
HAHAHAHAHAHA talk about cope
I mindbroke you roachie

>> No.56770419

this guy gets it.
Subnets are the Future.
Ethereum not needed.

>by using it and building on it
learn how to read >>56770408
>I mindbroke you
>more projecting

>> No.56770420
File: 20 KB, 258x245, 1644715419355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVAX does exactly what they want
>they still use Ethereum

>> No.56770427

NPC keeps copying my replies. Yikes! NPC confirmed.

>> No.56770428

lol butthurt

>> No.56770429

they use EVM, not Ethereum. technically illiterate retard, of course you are an ETH maxi

>> No.56770434

>projects in my general direction again
lmao no retort again KEK

>AVAX does what they want
>they still decide to not use it and use Ethereum instead
>"b-b-b-but it's not Ethereum"
it's still the Ethereum tech that they decided to use over AVAX LMAO AVAXOIDS ON SUICIDE WATCH

>> No.56770436

Reminder that OP is a faggot

>> No.56770440

>it's still the Ethereum tech
Avalanche has the better "Ethereum tech", you understand now?
or does it have to be dumbed down further for someone like you?

>> No.56770445

>Avalanche has the better "Ethereum tech"
JPMorgan disagrees. They dropped AVAX for Ethereum LOL

>> No.56770457

>dat cope

>> No.56770466
File: 347 KB, 1500x1161, stock-photo-angry-man-with-smoke-or-fume-coming-out-from-his-ears-on-white-background-487876321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all there anon, maybe you should...
learn to read a bit?
Want me to dumb it down a bit more for you? It's simple
>JPMorgan built using Ethereum tech
>JPMorgan didnt' build using Avalanche tech
Do you understand now?

>> No.56770481
File: 93 KB, 727x355, uk fund tokenization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FCA (Financial Conduct Authority - The UK)

>> No.56770488
File: 10 KB, 394x263, HJKLRVZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Anon don't leave me hanging here.
JPM accepted Ethereum and they abandoned Avalanche
You have been coping about this for 2 hours now

>> No.56770510
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-never-interrupt-your-enemy-when-he-is-making-a-mistake-napoleon-bonaparte-3-12-97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take your silence means that you just realized I've been running circles around you from the start?

>> No.56770518

>begging for replies
fine here have some (You)s

>> No.56770540

Thank you for the (You) but they are not as tasty if they don't come from someone genuinely engaged and as you can tell I'm a pretty solid farmer.
I notice that you have stopped addressing the general theme of the posts entirely not even with the extremely low quality replies that you initially probably thought were "baity". Mind explaining why? All information that can help refine my abilities are welcome.

>> No.56770551

>wall of cope

>> No.56770554

Would you say I went too far at the end? Do you think if I played the fool a bit more you would have been kept engaged for longer? Were my last posts too 'decisive' so-to-say? With very little wiggle room left for you to do much, perhaps?

>> No.56770562

>autistic cope ramblings

>> No.56770569

In a scale from 0 to 10 what score would you give to the schooling you received? Before answering keep in mind this is a trick question.

>> No.56770590

was only real in your head, like the cope that ETH is somehow needed.

>> No.56770592

Avax shills out in full force again I see. Turns me sick when I see they pretend that linkies are friends with them and their token is 'suggested' as part of a folio, just fuck off you dirty shit skins.

>> No.56770597

I need you to give me a score from 0 to 10 bro. The time of replying thinking you have a chance is over.
Just give me a score from 0 to 10. Don't worry about the whole trick question thing I was just memeing to get in your head.

>> No.56770623

nobody cares what you want or what you need, the facts are still there. ETH is still not needed and was still replaced with Avalanche, your wall of copes didnt change that.

>> No.56770651

As you are reticent to give a score over too much pride and/or seethe I must give myself a neutral score of 5/10. I think it's a bit unfair because I would rate it higher than that but it would also be unfair to give me whatever I feel like giving me, you dig me?

>> No.56770677

>I must give myself a neutral score
nice mental illness bro, but your cope changes nothing and you already lost the moment you first posted in my thread.
If I was wrong and Avalanche was irrelevant you wouldnt be here seething hours later.
so keep the copes coming proving me right everytime.
maybe your autism can even get this thread to bump limit.

>> No.56770695
File: 76 KB, 225x225, 1681584738802935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice wall of text

lmao baited again

>> No.56770697
File: 53 KB, 761x760, wef-avax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and God Protocols pilled OP. The shills are working overtime with their subversion.

>> No.56770712
File: 2.73 MB, 320x240, 1698152231746310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I was wrong and Ethereum was irrelevant you wouldnt be here seething hours later.
Why do you keep doing this to yourself Anon. You should know better already!

>> No.56770735

>double cope post for a wall of text
kek he took the bait

>> No.56770746

Okay anon I have to be completely honest with you. When I said that the whole thing about the trick question was a lie, it wasn't a lie. The plan was to reverse the score. So if you have a 0 it would be a 10 because it's expected the person seething will give a bad score.
Now that this is clear, do you feel the 5/10 is fair or not? Would you rate higher or lower? This time no tricks involved, pinky promise.

>> No.56770763

>dat pic
its really like I said, everyone is abandoning Ethereum for Avalanche, even the WEF.

>> No.56770765
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, 387531080_356428373477630_5636316964853931847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical Jew shill who never argues against the clear and enormous amounts of proof in the links provided. Get fucked by a dog shit skin.

>> No.56770767

I dont care about your mental illness and your distraction cope.
Avalanche still replaced Ethereum.

>> No.56770773
File: 3 KB, 986x125, NXkjx3W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56770776

>too butthurt to type a reply
KEK that cuck truly mindbroken now

>> No.56770777

I have visual proof that you admitted Avalanche has been dropped by JPMorgan bro you literally said it in that post

>> No.56770800

does everything have to be about your mental illness?

>> No.56770814
File: 105 KB, 681x383, 1689715526152949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post admitting that you lost and avalanche has been dropped in favor of ethereum anything to do with me dude what are you on about?

>> No.56770832

>but but you lost in my fantasy world

>> No.56770847

>literally denying reality now
Wow, are you sure you are not having some kind of dementia attack or an aneurysm I literally posted the image of the post where you admitted it. What the fuck I'm genuinely worried now because this is not normal mental behavior man.

>> No.56770853

>denying reality

>> No.56770861
File: 4 KB, 1089x141, fpisc7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with you dude

>> No.56770865

>38 messgaes since 7 am in turkey
Wow hard work day today

>> No.56770867

Bro, no cap, get this shit checked.
The people that suffer it don't even realize it. They legit think what they write makes sense, etc.

>> No.56770873

>babbys first inspect element
kek that butthurt. baited him so hard he completely buckbroke

>> No.56770886

I can't believe it took you 30 minutes of backtracking your posts to check if the images were real to realize they weren't, lol.

>> No.56770892

He said the price action was disappointing retard
Avax is way worse

>> No.56770902

>more of fuddie headcanon
buy low sell high

>> No.56770908
File: 17 KB, 500x380, 1700101340769871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even deny it
This thread is pure entertainment.

>> No.56770915

deny what? that it was real in your mind?

>> No.56770916
File: 107 KB, 594x436, when will they break even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy low sell high
oh fuck I was looking for this canned reply to get posted too

>> No.56770920

>he wasnt here in 2020
kek newfag holding heavy bags confirmed

>> No.56770926

>trust me bro I'm the 0.5% of AVAX holder
If you told me that you are part of the 1% that runs USA it would be more believable than what you are claiming now

>> No.56770942

>newfag never made it into the ICOs
kek laggard

>> No.56770952

>starts deflecting
the odds of you having a net worth of 50+m dollars is higher than the odds of you being a 0.5 AVAX holder


>> No.56770955

dat cope of a laggard

>> No.56770957


>> No.56770965

>more laggard copes and exaggerated fake laughing
>49pbtid already

>> No.56770972

>more deflection
>no orderbooks

>> No.56770974

>thinks you buy the ICO through orderbooks
>outs himself even more as a newfag

>> No.56770983
File: 268 KB, 946x544, 6RZ6bdp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deflection again
>absolutely no proof of buying ICO, getting an airdrop or buying early

>> No.56771001

why would I dox myself to some mentally ill newfag?
I guess if it makes you sleep better at night keep believing everyone here is as poor as you are.

>> No.56771010

also I gotta go now, please keep this thread bumped and on page 1 until I return.

>> No.56771012

>it's not that I don't have it it's that I don't want to dox myself even though I could redact every personal detail
>i trust I can't even provide a single AVAX purchase at all at any point in time despite trusting AVAX I have NEVER EVER even made a purchase

>I gotta go now
Concession accepted.

>> No.56771021

>Concession accepted.
never happened.
keep the thread bumped, I will return.

>> No.56771025

>I will return
Of course, you just did.
You are lurking now that I dismantled your lie.

>> No.56771029

you didnt dismantle anything, anyway keep it bumped. I will be back as soon as I got some more time.

>> No.56771033

>im leaving
>stays lurking
>y-you didn't dismantle what I said I'm just not proving it b-because... I JUST DONT OKAY

>> No.56771690

Avax will hit top 3, $1000+

>> No.56771694


>> No.56772404

this. after TradFi decided to tokenize all their Assets on Avalanche $1000+ is absolutely possible and will happen within the next couple years.
But for Ethereum the future doesnt look that bright anymore...
>another Laggard that bought the top