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File: 72 KB, 1043x575, Solana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56751273 No.56751273 [Reply] [Original]

what price will this be in the next bullrun?

>> No.56751299

£2t per coin
Get in now if you want to be a zillionaire

>> No.56751356

at least 2000 looking at Greyscales SOL trust

>> No.56751374

and if that fails? also wouldnt that be double the last ATH mcap of ETH? where will that money come from?

>> No.56751417

maybbbeee around $400-$500

>> No.56751436

a lot of solana shills say this could easily reach ATH again around $240, but they ignore the fact that the token supply will have been inflated over 50% between 2021 and 2025. That's not a big deal for a smallcap shitcoin which can overcome token dilution in the beginning, but solana is a top10 giant.

>> No.56751492

it may actually happen if more money enters this bull compared to previous, which is what everyone expects really, I would be more than happy with this to be 100 usd, thats the comfy zone for me

>> No.56751726


>> No.56753078

i think SOL is set to be the big number 3 based on the project and development.

btc 100k
eth 15k
sol 5-10k

>> No.56753522

If you're betting on Solana pumping hard in the next bullrun, the beta play is buying shitloads of $Neon. The L2 combining Eth + Sol by bringing the EVM on Solana. Just 50M mcap right now and looking primed for a Matic like run in the coming monhts. Still pretty much under the radar but word is going around, don't sleep on this anon.

>> No.56753779

All the twitter fags are all in on this shit, max pain would be if it doesn't do shit when the fun part starts.

>> No.56754209

Peak for next run:

>> No.56754689

btc 5k
eth 400
sol 20
shitlink 0

>> No.56754760

try $5

>> No.56754843

We will find out in the next bull run but I'm bagging SOL, NXRA and RIO

>> No.56755113

>link 600
Rupees maybe

>> No.56755173

What's special about this coin?

>> No.56755381

Will give you money apparently, just buy it ETH is shit and being on the second place for years on end

>> No.56755608

Not EVM compatible
Requires proprietary wallet
Linked to FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried

>> No.56755636

Most it's "specialities" are actually not good. Past few months the price has been going up and it makes people euphoric and comfy about the project. It starts dumping and it will be shit again.

>> No.56756697

This shitscoins designed with an assumption that there are next to no bad actors in the network. That’s why it has good specs on paper. It will fall apart. If that happens before a real bullrun is up to you to decide.

>> No.56757053
File: 6 KB, 256x224, 1686411265044662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next bullrun
Sloooow down buddy, we are still in the same bullrun, one at a time. Anyways, probably $18 bucks or so, then it'll artificially pump up to $50 again. Happens all the time with this shitcoin, it's literally free money.

I'm predicting they'll have some sort of collab with IQ Protocol later on as well, so $IQT will pump alongside it just like Mercurial and Orca did.

>> No.56757147

Uh, nigger, we're not in a 'bullrun' at any level, this is nothing but a bull trap you retarded faggot

>> No.56757152

I'd be more than happy if ETH and BTC reached those levels but the rest is simply delusional, faggot

>> No.56757164

ueah what the fuck people talking as if we are not on a bullrun ALREADY as if they get hard by undermining themselves

>> No.56757169

I'll be honest, SOL is fucked beyond repair, and anything that collabs with em at some point will end the same

>> No.56757174

wise to get it now, wait for the pump and then swap, always the best option

>> No.56757181
File: 270 KB, 1080x789, 1596651908158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56757185

good bait fag

>> No.56757189

Hopefully it will actually fucking die this time. God damn piece of trash. Nothing under its umbrella is even good. It's just a bunch of people speculating hard on private chats.

>> No.56757194
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1691386501238950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing, gut bursting, knee slapping FUD. Now please post your real predictions, thank you.

>> No.56757196

artificial pump obviously, fails or not is good to invest not much in it and get not much from it rather than betting all

>> No.56757207

>all the people posting btc will hit $999 gorillion dollars in our lifetime somehow
>implying it's not a bonfire that's constantly dwindling, ever so slightly fading out before our very eyes, it's liquidity pouring down from between our fingers into a void of nothingness, turning into a mere memory of what it once was and what it once promised
what a bunch of retarded faggots. anyways:
btc: 72k
eth: 4k
sol: 70

>> No.56757208

A bulltrap that has lasted for two months and a half now. What a wide trap don't you think? Tranny.

>> No.56757215

>sol has no good projects in it to begin with
this is my biggest concern. where is the money from. why buy sol if nobody is actually putting it to good use, not even it's higher tvl projects. where is the money coming from lol

>> No.56757216

Maybe $400? I’m selling at $150 if it gets there.

>> No.56757221
File: 60 KB, 253x210, 1693480492012306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and anguish-pilled

>> No.56757224

>im predicting iq protocol will work with sol
source: my asshole
second source: the shit inside my asshole

>> No.56757232

That only happens if btc x30's and turns into a 300k-a-coin behemoth. We should be grateful, praying on our knees, if we ever see btc even hit 60k like last bool room.

>> No.56757239

Only temporarily.
$IQT is pure SOL-core. Look at SOL's projects and you'll understand.

>> No.56757244

again hope to see who accurately predicted the future eh

>> No.56757246
File: 171 KB, 1131x605, SOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea but I will start unloading my bags from 670-700 and get completly out by 1000-1100

>> No.56757250

tell me what's special about Solana

>> No.56757910

Tell me whats special about about any top 10 coin, this is speculative market you nigger only thing important here is making money you understand?

>> No.56759201
File: 127 KB, 1494x973, Screenshot_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56759298

cryptocurrency that can actually be used as currency
/biz/ clearly cannot comprehend such an advanced concept https://usa.visa.com/solutions/crypto/deep-dive-on-solana.html

>> No.56760379
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, ETH 2019 vs SOL 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number go up

>> No.56760402

Bro dont give me hopium

>> No.56760447

it will pump to $20

>> No.56760945

Knowing went to sell before it sinks into oblivion it's the real question. It may not be alive even for the next bull simple bc it doesn't scale

>> No.56761571

It'll go back to over 300$, and I'm still looking for a good entry for BONK with my BOBNET telegram trading bot, I used it to scalp Myro, and few other micro caps so I can keep up the speed since it's seamless and making trading less stressful