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56732563 No.56732563 [Reply] [Original]

>end game of capitalist enterprise to exploit workers by making absurd claims to their productivity
>with respect to blue collar work, driving down wages via wage collusion and increasing competition with immigration
>with respect to white collar work, claims to labor with non-compete clauses, prohibition of moonlighting, claims to IP on independent side projects

>capitalism allegedly driving innovation and efficient allocations of capital
>manufacturing supply chain utterly reliant on overseas sources of raw materials or access to cheap slave labor
>most profitable companies are nonsense that peddle zero value garbage (big tech)

>illusion of rational labor market participants
>"the system" characterized by a pervasive dependency on sustained employment
>much harder to get a job when you don't have a job
>health insurance tied to job
>qualification for rent/mortgage tied to point-in-time employment status

why do i feel like i'm being scammed at every step of the way.

>> No.56732618
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> About Capitalism
> "It's NOT Capitalism!"
> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux
> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"
> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.56732690
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its like the world is run by a clique of rootless cosmopolitans

>> No.56732705

Capitalism is just a word for the absence of government theft, it's not a ideology like socialism and feminism

>> No.56732711

>commie word salad
Didn't read

>> No.56732723

>why do i feel like i'm being scammed at every step of the way.
If you don't like it don't participate in it
That's the beauty of capitalism, unlike communism it's optional

>> No.56732725


This. Stop buying into the bs. There are only free markets and then the extent to which the government has decided to interfere in them. Some of the most outrageously inflationary industries/markets are the most state-regulated.

>> No.56732755

>>end game of capitalist enterprise to exploit workers by making absurd claims to their productivity
>>with respect to blue collar work, driving down wages via wage collusion and increasing competition with immigration
>>with respect to white collar work, claims to labor with non-compete clauses, prohibition of moonlighting, claims to IP on independent side projects
>>capitalism allegedly driving innovation and efficient allocations of capital
>>manufacturing supply chain utterly reliant on overseas sources of raw materials or access to cheap slave labor
>>most profitable companies are nonsense that peddle zero value garbage (big tech)
>>illusion of rational labor market participants
>>"the system" characterized by a pervasive dependency on sustained employment
>>much harder to get a job when you don't have a job
>>health insurance tied to job
>>qualification for rent/mortgage tied to point-in-time employment status
>why do i feel like i'm being scammed at every step of the way.

Stop overthinking. Get a job. Start and side business. Invest in stocks and crypto.

>> No.56732760

free markets existed in the 1800s and prior. robber barons used them to exercise wage collusion, devalue labor with chink immigrants, enslave people with company scrip or indentured servitude, and engage in monopolistic practices with curtailed freedom of choice among consumers. why should i care about free markets when they only stand to harm me?

>> No.56732771

i have an incredibly jewish job (accounting) in an incredible jewish industry (health insurance.)

>> No.56732777


Free markets existed since pre-history. A free market is 2 or more people freely exchanging goods and services. It's natural human state. What you are describing is corporate/state collusion, monopolies seek to entrench power by way of stamping down competition in coordination with paid off state actors.

>> No.56732817

>What you are describing is corporate/state collusion,
nonsense, things like this have existed before formalized or large scale markets existed.

>> No.56732823

>boosting in standards of living
>nation becomes a superpower
>yes they only harmed me

>> No.56732824

>why should i care about free markets when they only stand to harm me?
Capitalism is voluntary feudalism. If you choose to remain a serf, you will by jewed by your lord, whether that lord is a predatory business or the government. The good thing is every single person has the option to become a lord through either hard work or dumb luck. For some this is easier than others, of course. That mainly depends on your parents and the stats you roll at birth. But it is always possible.

>> No.56732837


Larger competitive actors tend to win in a free market, yes. The answer is usually for smaller groups to team up to take the larger one down, or wait for the larger entity to inevitably suffer under the weight of its own inefficiency. Happens ad infinitum. It's still a free market and it's still the only way humans can succeed. You can't arbitrarily wave a wand and make everything work.

>> No.56732842

>robber barons
those guys were just shabbos goy for the rothschilds

>> No.56732844

technological innovation drives increases in standard of living, independent of economic system.

>> No.56732857


A rigid, overly regulated economic system stifles innovation by definition. They trade growth for guarantees and in the end get neither.

>> No.56732859

>don't participate in communist state
Worked to death in gulag
>don't participate in capitalist state
Stabbed to death in homeless camp

>> No.56732873

Bullshit of the highest degree, you can put innovation up your own ass if you fail to allocate resources effectively, like the ussr wasting 3 times the resources for the same output unlike the western industry.

>> No.56732893

God damn, anon. I'd buy you a beer. What do we even do about this shit?

>> No.56732973

i think capitalism loses all claims to being "efficient" with respect to raw materials allocations when you consider what i said in my OP. we have multi trillion dollar supply chains dedicated to manufacturing disposable plastic chink trash in third world hellholes, shipping it to the US (via subsidized mail no less), and then disposing of it when it breaks, which entails shipping it to yet another third world shithole for waste processing.

or you could look at capital allocations, where the most attractive publicly traded companies are big tech companies which peddle nonsense and harm the "rational consumer," whether it's consoomer phone scroolers frying their brains (tard tok, jewtube, jewgle, online ad revenue in general, etc.) or prosoomer cooders making careers out of creating knots (SaaS scams) or untangling knots (cloud dependency.) meanwhile technologies which stand a chance at actually improving our physical reality are marginalized and comparatively under-supported by capital investments, because they don't have an ability to effortlessly scale like software e.g. robotics, cancer research, renewable energy, etc.

>> No.56733147

The first part doesn't tell me anything about any lack of efficiency from a capitalist system since the waste is disposed choosing the cheapest way possible, you could blame the subsidies or the fact that third world shitholes are corrupted and anyone with monetary power can step in and make rules in their favor, but is hardly a demonstration of lack of efficiency.

The second part reminds me of the guy who wrote "capitalism realism" getting mad at his students using airpods in his classroom, can you really blame capitalism for that or how retarded the customers are? If big tech it's a bubble it's going to pop, people will realize it's a shit investment backed by god knows what reason and will move to something more convenient and useful.
>because they don't have an ability to effortlessly scale like software e.g. robotics, cancer research, renewable energy, etc.
all of these things i am pretty sure they have their limitations and it's not just because people don't pump money in it, you can't just trhow money and expect the same solutions to become effective.

>> No.56733286

>irrelevant nonsense
>irrelevant nonsense

>> No.56733452

>waste is disposed choosing the cheapest way possible,

we live in a closed system (our physical earth) and your analysis of efficiency/cost fails at considering this. in general, our environment is not an infinite source or infinite sink of "stuff" and economically disconnected components can have a real, physical connections which have unavoidable economic implications. more generally, free markets allow for hidden costs.

look at e.g. free market capitalism allowing tobacco usage to become a pervasive feature of mid-century life, until the hidden costs of physical health reared its ugly head. you could make the same course of argument as it applies to companies poisoning the environment at the beginning of the industrial era, only stopping when a hidden cost (accumulation of pollutants) becomes evident and unavoidable.

>can you really blame capitalism for that or how retarded the customers are?

isn't the rational consumer a basis of free market capitalism?

>> No.56733467

go scroll tard tok on your foam, mulattgroid zoomer.

>> No.56733998

>You live in a closed system
That's why scarcity is a thing and pricing systems are a thing and when you fuck up with prices artificially you cause economic, social and environmental disasters.
I don't know about tobacco but in my country it's a state monopoly, if you don't want your health to get worse don't smoke that shit, about pollution there's the question of how a state used to regulate its own public territory leading to pollution, do you think in any scenario where land is privatized they would let you pollute as you please? i have a proble of "eco-mafia" over here who likes to corrupt the government to dispose nuclear waste that is extremely harmful for natural life, but this is because the state failed to protect its land.

>rational consumer a basis of free market capitalism?
Why every time some faggot plays this card it seems like they perfectly knows what is rational and what is not for each economic actor at all time as if information asymmetry doesn't exist?
For Mao it was rational to kill all the bird (it ended with a famine and many dead people), for russians it was rational to use its water reserves for agriculture (it ended with the aral sea disaster and importing food from outside).
There's this thing called evolution where you let retards bash their head against the wall until they understand it is harmful, nobody is insulated from it.

>> No.56734156

Wrong. That's called the "Free Market".

Capitalism is an economic system that elevates capital over labor.