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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56729405 No.56729405 [Reply] [Original]

the secret to making lots of money is working hard

>> No.56729411

boomer advice

>> No.56729413

And also pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.
And also being born into money but pretending you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and worked hard.
And also using your capitalist govt to evict poor people if they don't pay you rent, all while simultaneously complaining about "big govt" anytime it does something to help those same poor people and hurt yourself

>> No.56729425

For me, it was rich parents, and I even more rich grandparents handing me a rather sizable inheritance. It’s been smooth sailing since day 1.

>> No.56729477

Anon...I'm going to let you in on the joke...YOU are the joke. The fact that you don't get it is a joke. The fact that you see OP and think "oh, he's a poor or working schmuck just like me" rather than thinking "oh haha he is a wealthy owner of the means of production who is mocking me with the platitudes he tells the working class to make them think they can get ahead in the rigged game of capitalism".

Next he'll con you into trying to blame "the jews" for all of the ways he fucks you over and behind closed doors he'll laugh at idiots like you who take that bait too

>> No.56729530

hey man, it's not that serious, i just wanted some (you)'s

>> No.56729539

didn't read but could still tell you're a seething boomer kek

>> No.56729546

Man I know it's never serious once someone actually points out what you've done!

>> No.56729567

ok maybe i was having a laugh and made a bit of money the lazy way. but if I got the highest paying job i could and worked hard and invested it safely I would have a lot more money than i have right now

>> No.56729570

The secret to making lots of money is losing lots of money

>> No.56729584

>Getting rich from inheritance and exploiting others is fine because "I could have worked really hard" even though that's not what I did.
JFC just shut up man your type really revolts me

>> No.56729624

not inheritance, didn't exploit anyone, i just called it lazy because i made a lot without working that hard(jumped on a video game fad)

>> No.56730145
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the secret is to be very lucky in how you are born, who you relate to, and what you invest in
I survive on a SORA card and I'm close to buying a bed, all that just working at macdonald

>> No.56730252

>i have to save everyone because they can't make money

>> No.56730397

no, it's shorting fiat currency

>> No.56730579

no, it's working in IT and getting a high wage job in which you do nothing all day long

>> No.56730599

so true. I just dig holes. hole after hole.

>> No.56730627

>muh capitalism
grow up already and start holding your politicians accountable you fat pissy

>> No.56732134

Working hard is one of many things, bit working smart is amongst them, investing wisely too be it in long-term stocks, crypto, IDOs on crypto like getting into BenefitMine Presale for 0.012$ and get multiples rather than crawling with big caps, or futures trading.

>> No.56732923

Beds are overrated. I used the Zip ap to buy, in installments, a couple of feather bolsters/blankets on Amazon and folded them in half, on the floor. Fucking cozy.

>> No.56732933

are you me? Oh, wait - did you mean literal holes in the soil?