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56682923 No.56682923 [Reply] [Original]


>just a BTC/BSV fork/rebrand
>no core devs
>no GitHub activity
>no hardware wallets/own wallete
>50k daily volume at a 30M mcap
>no team

This is getting shilled left and right here recently. Please DYOR before buying

>> No.56682931

Nuclear reactors to create desalination plants, for extreme water shortage events.

>> No.56682962
File: 13 KB, 474x251, rxd222aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post a bsc scam.
>isnt smart enough to know this isnt RXD we're talking about
>stays poor

-> here's the real one - https://radiantblockchain.org/

>> No.56683041

>poodient jeets are this desperate to shill their scam
Top kek curry coin

>> No.56683089

The screenshot is from the official RXD discord where they are discussing how to hide the fact they are just a BTC/BCH/BSV fork

>> No.56683126


I just read this. It gets worse for the RXD poojeets. Can’t wait for the mods to put a word ban on them.

Look at their own spam thread. >>56682338 pathetic

>> No.56683244

bump to see the poodient pajeets cry

>> No.56683421

bump for more RXD jeet seething they’re a scam

>> No.56683436

No, it is not a fork of any coin. It is BCH code striped back to Genesis, as the saying goes, with tech changes like 5min block time, GPU mining on sha512, and advanced opcodes like ETH has built in. Induction proofs solve back to Genesis problems for reduced computing and a Genius split node system with Miners, Archive, and Agent nodes for scale in the future. Mined from Genesis by Atoshi and publicly released on day one to a decentralized community of miners and community members.

>> No.56683515

>street shitter damage control
Just give it up, it’s admitted by your own devs this is just a copy cat fork

>> No.56683938

Changing a few parameters in a code is not considered to be a "tech change"

>> No.56684074

Is there any security issue with downloading the desktop wallet?

>> No.56684105

>downloading a desktop wallet from a scam group
Transfer your coins immediately delete the wallet ASAP. Watch for keyloggers so change your password fast. These conartist could be up to anything

>> No.56684276

It was 6 months ago and I had no idea. Seems like a bad decision in hindsight, but I don't notice anything strange. I may buy a new Chromebook and make a new metamask just to be safe.

>> No.56684317

Yeah bud, work to minimize any risk over this scam. Who knows what sort of backdoors anything could have.

A sophisticated criminal group, foreign intelligence services, etc. any number of malicious actors are in crypto and churning out quick scams.

>> No.56684329

>the jew hates him!
>see how he makes huge profit at their expense with one simple trick

>> No.56684336

Stfu. It’s the same wallet bitcoin uses you fudding phaggot.

>> No.56684364

>gm ser pls continue to keep our desktop wallet downloaded so we can drain your account at anytime, do the needfuls go
nice try, this is a scam. top jej max damage control today

>> No.56684404

they'll never understand. They anna buy high and sell low, let them seethe. kek

>> No.56684470

I can see the jeet ESL defense force is out today.

>> No.56684501

oh the irony

>> No.56685345

Bump so everyone can see RXD/Radiant is a scam, even acknowledged by their devs as they work to do damage control to cover up a BTCSV clone/fork

>> No.56685541

I'm the anon from above with the desktop wallet. I scanned my computer with eset and it turned out fine. Nothing has happened to my coins or personal info on my pc. My guess is they are just another pnd and aren't actually malicious. I've found nobody on Twitter saying they've been scammed.

>> No.56685650

oh good bro, that’s some comforting news. I’d hate to see people get scammed

>> No.56686831

Anyone who was around BSV knows this was a shitcoin created by Atilla Aros. He was trying desparately to solve the back to genesis problem for tokens to be validated in script by miners. He got super butt hurt that BSV wouldn't add his shitcoin OP codes to script so he just forked and added his 1 or 2 op codes and tries to act like he's some blockchain genius. TL;DR; he just copied bitcoin and added 1 or 2 new op codes and tweaked some variables around blocktime and algo. Waste of time and money. Just use BSV it already works, everything else is trash.

>> No.56686844

We’re not interested in your street defiling damage control. Your project is a scam. I told you to buy an ad and stop spamming and now it’s too late.

>> No.56686898

You ok schizo? Please learn to read.

>> No.56686921

>damage control
Thanks for bumping the thread to let everyone know RXD is a scam again :)

>> No.56686937

I am agreeing with you retard, I said it is a copypasta shitcoin. How fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.56686953

I’m sorry I like to be antagonistic. I’m just teasing you. My apologies.

>> No.56687057

this is a great point, i cant believe the audacity of those shills to continue to come here and spam the board with their scam

i do love seeing poodient shills get BTFO

>> No.56688322

bump for everyone to be aware of the poodient scam

>> No.56688687

RXD makes Jews seethe?
Based, I’m in.

>> No.56688852

almost better than the 100x... almost.

>> No.56689118

bump for everyone to see the rxd poodient shills seething over their known scam

>> No.56689499


check it the poodient seething that they got caught admitting they’re a scam

>> No.56689848
File: 3.54 MB, 500x500, 2322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are getting so delirious over RXD they're now infighting
Radiant just wins

>> No.56689903

good project. Chance of 100x in the bull run. Much faster than the pre mined jewish scam kaspa.

>> No.56689907

RXD/Radiant is a proven scam acknowledged by their own devs >>56682923

These scammers spam tons of inorganic shilling across the board.

DYOR anons and don’t get caught buying these scammers bags of a BTC/BRCSV clone and fork.

>> No.56690015
File: 4 KB, 200x181, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought 100k