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File: 109 KB, 828x716, IMG_0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56665350 No.56665350 [Reply] [Original]

$100k is simply not impressive to girls. Do better.

>> No.56665357


>> No.56665359
File: 566 KB, 787x709, 41ce77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6/6/6 was pre-Bidenflation.

>7 inches

>> No.56665365

Girls absolutely do not make starter pack memes

>> No.56665367

Literally just lift and wear tighter shirts

>> No.56665386

they would have hundreds of images of inane shit, of course a man made that

>> No.56665413
File: 225 KB, 1249x1222, 20220411_120421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gay grandpa doesn't even lift

>> No.56665429

>Caring what girls think
Absolutely ngmi

>> No.56665431

Pretty much

>> No.56665442

Also wear clothes that fit and have good hygiene

>> No.56665454

Imagine taking pictures of yourself and sharing it to autistic guys.

>> No.56665464

I mean I do that all the time but the dude doesn't even have a V taper and is posting back pictures. What work is he even talking about?

>> No.56665539

Another incel thread

>> No.56665554
File: 241 KB, 750x818, 1671343624324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know.

>> No.56665591

>Some random blue checkmark boomer bragging about buying pussy

If you workout you don't have to pay for pussy. If you pay for pussy you probably shouldn't be telling other people about how to be a man.

I agree about putting in the work at the gym for many reasons but this faggot is literally dyel telling people to "put in work"

>> No.56665611
File: 365 KB, 750x878, 1669420478817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your eyes checked, beta.

>> No.56665624

He's hoping some plebs on here will 'buy his program' and pay him to tell them to wash their penis.

>> No.56665636

dude does steroids and still has no definition, could NOT care less

>> No.56665643


Lmaooooo. I really hope he didn't roid for this. Maybe if he keeps it up for a couple years he will have some muscles

>> No.56665670


I workout and got my heart broken in May, been fucking 2-3 different or girls in rotation every week till last month when I got bored and decided to use my free time to play AOE 2 again and start a business making luxury products.

I'm working as a waiter making 6 figures. Literally just bored living life like an RPG.

Try hard men can't get pussy lol no matter your looks or wealth, it's not that hard if you can flirt and realize women are just as horny as we are.

>> No.56665674

>don't be skinnyfat or fat
>don't be lazy or poor
>don't double text
>don't use emojis
>don't use clothes that a kid would use
dating solved

>> No.56665702
File: 601 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231114-211856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't imagine larping on Twitter about how paying for sex makes you feel manly or whatever. If you understand women you realize they are for the most part pretty awful desu.

>> No.56665721
File: 1.65 MB, 2208x2760, Jews On Biz Want You Demoralized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56665832

You are smaller than him and you're using a picture from 1.5 years ago
You haven't improved since then? Why use such an old photo? Stop posing and start lifting faggot.

>> No.56665888

The bar is low for guys. Just lift weights and be funny

>> No.56665901

i've fucked twinks bigger than you

>> No.56665906

>Skin the color of a lifelong British alcoholic
No lifting can fix this

>> No.56665923

Shit if you are funny you don't even have to lift weights. Mostly just don't be a little cry baby faggot whiney scared little bitch is kinda the best way to start. Women already have a vagina and plenty of mental illness the last thing they want is some insecure faggot seething all the time


I could heem everyone in this thread.

>> No.56665926

that guy can only get 30+ roasties guaranteed

beards are a billboard ad for jaded post-wall women

>> No.56666003
File: 2.73 MB, 320x240, 1698152231746310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that shit
>some man simply asks for a woman to not be fat

>> No.56666089
File: 657 KB, 640x800, 15677898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you OP. It's literally about waking up and doing the shit even if you're not feeling like it. Sooner or later you start feeling good and go like "oh shit i could've been happy this whole time"
Dont have enough money? Theres thousands of tutorials out there on how to make 100k in your first year investing by dcaa shitcoins that have super low ROI. I did it with VINU, i have a friend that did it on XOR, it takes a lot of time but IT IS DOABLE. You want to feel better about yourself? Do things that make you happy or things you would want to do or always wanted. It does not even have to be the gym, it could be playing an instrument, learning another language, the reason people or girls find you boring or unattractive its not because you're ugly, you're really uninteresting. People that do things they like attract others by jut speaking or doing what they like. They glow fr. This friend again, started playing the violin. Prateks, for real, he makes the girls beg to hear him play and fucks like a donkey because its really fucking entertaining to watch a guy play like a god in front of you. Worst part? He's really ugly and yet his confidence skyrocketed because he's just fun to be around, he played to his strenghts.
I started working out 8 months ago, look at pic related. Im ugly as FUCK, my nose is all crinkled and i still started fucking a lot because just the confidence boost allowed me to be more open, talk more, be more interesting in general.
Its not anyone's fault, its not the feminists, its not the globohomo agenda, you started blaming others because its easier than assuming you hold control over your life, more than you realize. Do the work prateks, be happy

>> No.56666352

Lol yeah I'm definitely larping, I feel bad for you. Only white girls. Gross. I want thickkkk Latinas, brazilian, and Greek girls

>> No.56666549

>It's you.
This is technically correct and he's right that there isn't any one single convenient thing causing the epidemic of sexlessness among men but he's wrong in implying that it's just a question of laziness when everyone obviously has different backgrounds in terms of genetics, diet, childhood and upbringing, finances, environment (pornography, video games, social media, internet, government, inflation, family law etc). Each of these things by itself is quite trivial but together they make up the modern condition that is sure to filter many average joes out of the gene pool unless they put in stupid amounts of work (or just use modern logistics to relocate to a brown place and start creampieing everything)

>> No.56666574

I fucked a cuban girl and a venezuelan girl this year. They were alright. The venezuelan girl would cook for me which was cool since most chicks just wanna eat out all the time. The cuban chick gave pretty good head. Best fuck was this bipolar therapist chick that was absolutely insane and had so much baggage. She was a total gym bunny with the cutest abs and bellybutton piercing. Totally mentally ill whore though.

>> No.56667075


what the fuck is going on with your fingertips

>> No.56667141

I just actively hate women. It’s as simple as that

>> No.56667152

It's over

>> No.56667162

guys like this always bang dolled-up 6's with insufferable personalities

>> No.56667181
File: 88 KB, 374x345, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have to buy an Apple phone to get laid, then I guess I'm never getting laid.
A guy has to have principles.
And I'm not buying a fucking Apple.

>> No.56667216

Is this guy trying to show off muscles? We need a microscope buddy

>> No.56667236
File: 13 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I have to buy an Apple phone to get laid, then I guess I'm never getting laid.
A guy has to have principles.
And I'm not buying a fucking Apple.

>> No.56667239

Why does this reddit post keep getting reposted on here?

>> No.56667243

I don’t understand why it makes him look like shit. Gray head hair is fine but gray beards always look retarded. He needs to either shave or get “just for men” and dye that shit

>> No.56667255

He doesn’t actually believe that. If he actually posted that jews and feminism are to blame his accounts would all be banned

>> No.56667280

It's a non issue but they will potentially shit test you about it to see if you autism your spaghetti and speg out (like you just did)

It's pretty hilarious though how fucking lame women are if you think about it... They are so insecure that they all hivemind into the same exact consumer trends without fail. I have only met one chick with an android but she was autistic as fuck, brought her own weed pen to the date and pissed in my car when I fingered her

>> No.56667404

If you're hurt by anything you see in this picture, then you're unironically the problem. Firstly, why would you want to be associated with a girl so shallow? Imagine going on a date and she's like:
>"Omg anon, you have an android?"
>"Omg anon, you only make $60,000 pa?"
Not every girl is like this but you think they are because you're either chasing the wrong type of girls or your experiences of girl are what you see online. Literally stop giving a fuck about what they think.
>t.has a wife and 26

>> No.56667571

Just be attractive, that's all. No need for money or any other cope to get pussy

>> No.56667584

this nigga fiddy

>> No.56667639

Kek holy shit that guy is a mutant

>> No.56667666

The money aspect was the least important part of that image.

Here's a clue for all you clueless idiots on this board:

>Basedboy apperance
Get contacts, work your facial hair in a way that looks masculine, and get a masculine looking haircut.

Just work out a bit, the bar is low with the amount of fatties and twinks in the world today. Just have a little bit of conventional sex appeal and you're good.

Being taller is better obviously, but if you're under six foot, just own it and don't moan and complain about it. That's just taking an uncontrollable situation and making it worse.

>Paying for dates
>"What are your thoughts about me"
This falls into the general category of not being a pushover. You need to act like you bring value to the table and aren't lucky to be there on the date. That reeks of fucking desperation. That applies further than just who pays for the date and asking for confirmation of positive validation.

>Nerdy hobbies
If your only hobbies are pussy-repellent, get some normie hobbies to talk about. Anime, "Marvel" and video games are still primarily sausage fest hobbies.

>Corny texting
>Double texting
Just conversate like a normal fucking person with appropriate jokes here and there. But the whole conversation doesn't have to be Plebbit tier dad jokes. Also take a hint and don't look like a desperate incel double and triple texting.

The car and Android is just a troll obviously.

>> No.56668004

Dude probably smokes like a motherfucker and has dicks for fingers as a consequence, its called club fingers and its indicative of lung cancer

>> No.56668114

>If your only hobbies are pussy-repellent, get some normie hobbies to talk about
Can you give some ideas of normie hobbies? I just don't have any hobbies

>> No.56668160

>trust fund kid with too much time on their hands preaches about hard work and fucking bitches
>people still fall for this grift

Just saw his grift is selling books about being alpha. I bet almost nobody reads them but he still pretends he is succesful and not just some trust fund kid.

>> No.56668177

If you work less then 100 hours a week lower your tone when talking to me

>> No.56668209


its funny there are so many of them.

>> No.56668231

Those are all uggos or post wall hogs. Imagine bragging about matching/meeting those

>> No.56668261
File: 28 KB, 1206x517, 1674947474918487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to live up to women's expectations is like chasing a mirage, they will always want men to be above average but that's obviously a paradox, you can't have everyone be above average so this will just continue until society can't maintain it anymore

>> No.56668267

Stop trying to please whores who will never like you for who you are.

>> No.56668268

Why would BPD bitches want ANOTHER creampie?!?!?! come on bitch I'm nutting on ya ass cheeks and you're gunna like it

>> No.56668352

This guy is too old for this shit lmao what a dork

>> No.56668371

Yikes on those chicks bro come on