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56658137 No.56658137 [Reply] [Original]

I called this out yesterday. TSLA into the daily gap during pre-market. Is there any interest in a "real" day-trading general thread? Not a bagholding thread, but a genuine day-trading thread where we discuss actual setups, strategies and help each other improve and multiply our balances.

>> No.56658258


>> No.56658351

30 minutes from now I'll return with a screenshot of today's profit (or loss).

>> No.56658363

I started out recently. Been using thinkorswim and TradeJournal so far. Using a gap up/ gap down % strategy and picking lowfloats throughout the day. Win rate has been good so far. Still learning how to do options.

>> No.56658524
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I'm done for the day.

>> No.56658538

>is there any interest in a "real" thread
Just blew in from reddit, did ya stranger?

>> No.56658570

Speaking of... There is one place called /r/RealDayTrading over there. They seem to day trade the SPY

>> No.56658580

Dunno man tesla could dump really hard at any moment

>> No.56658651
File: 70 KB, 1643x260, nov14fills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is entries for today

>trade 1 long, held for 4 seconds +0.18 x 1500 (green)
>trade 2 short, held for 17 seconds -0.005 x 1500 (red)
>trade 3 long, held for 19 seconds + 0.285 x 1500 (green)
>trade 4 long, held for 3 seconds +0.29 x 1500 (green)

Total trading fees = $15.09
Profit less fees = $1309.24
Total time spent trading = 9 minutes
Total time spend holding = 43 seconds

happy to discuss strategy w/ other traders. considering baking a day-trading general each morning, not sure if there's enough interest. plz lmk if interested. I want to see bizbros succeed. I'm open and honest and you can learn from my failures of which there are plenty. There is no secret, I don't have insider info, I don't follow a discord. I trade for the first 30 minutes after open (max). I'll have to start saving these threads so I can refer to them because much of this was covered yesterday. No ebook, no masterclass, just bizbros sharing what works for them. trading is not one size fits all. some people like it fast and dirty, some like it slow... i'm the former. I'm not a guru, just a reformed degen. I don't trade options. I trade shares exclusively on large caps with bid/ask price spread of .05 or less.

>> No.56658684

You are right - it could. I don't care if it dumps because I won't be holding when it does. I held stock for a total of 43 seconds today... I think it was around 19 seconds yesterday. I don't try to predict what happens 5 minutes from now, I'm only interested in 5 seconds from now.

>> No.56658794
File: 107 KB, 494x741, hand of god art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I just blew in, would have saved me from fucking up 2 bullruns in crypto and becoming a perpetual bagholder. 2017 is when I got stuck in this shithole.

I think the reason I'm still here is to bring non-believers to Jesus. A leap of faith is what led me to trading successfully after being a failure for years. My primary job is advertising. The advertising industry has become so disgusting that if you have morals it is difficult to compete with the filth that permeates online marketing. I still do very well, but after 16 years I can see that my time on top is coming to an end - in part because I'm trying to walk in faith and my faith has a direct conflict with selling shit to gullible people. There's obv more to the story, but maybe another time. That's enough of my dear diary for today. If you are living in sin (we all are) - put forth some effort to reject ONE thing that disgusts you about your life. Talk to god... you don't have to get on your knees and bow (though we should, out of respect and gratefulness) - simply think the words you want to say to god. Be honest. You can even talk to god about your unbelief in him, and ask that he make you a believer. Over time you will become disgusted with yourself and the layers of filth and shit will start to fall away. I know you didn't ask about this, but it's necessary for me to say because your spiritual growth is more important than your financial growth - but they are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.56658849

What is your buying power on Schwab? Seems like a lot o scratch to swing 1500 shares

>> No.56658880

/biz isnt a blog to record your zodiac reading journey you know?

>> No.56659014

I used to do this kind of shit with /ES futures thinking I would make an income and eventually get turbo rekt. I was good at scalping too, but it always comes back to rape you.

>> No.56659194

I will never understand why people feel the need to believe in magic jesus man to save them from a hell that he created.
I am a deist and believe in God. It is a big enough leap of faith for me to say that. I can't believe magic water walking or turning water to wine or multiplying fish without evidence. Some people say it's just an allegory to teach a moral but I don't really even see the moral in many cases. Christianity teaches goyim to give away all their belongings and cut up their dicks and that Jesus came only for da chosen lost sheep of Israel (inb4 identitarian cope) unless the goyim admit they are dogs begging for scraps.
It is truly a cuckold religion and it shows in widespread christian support for the criminal and illegitimate state of Israel.
I wish we had old European religions again, that valued strength and prosperity, not weakness and poverty. Turn the other cheek is a cuckold slogan.

>> No.56659233
File: 2.83 MB, 1200x1228, catch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for reading my blog

if you got turbo rekt - be honest, what caused it. admitting what you did or didn't do to avoid it is the first step to becoming consistently profitable. Did you hold and hope after taking a big hit? Did you get greedy using a vehicle that was too risky? The only really reasonable answer to getting turbo rekt is some kind of news came out that caused a flash crash. From experience, my biggest rekt moments came from three things.

> 1. holding and hoping on a losing trade until capitulation
> 2. trading low-cap shitstocks that knife/rug
> 3. improper bankroll management (too much size for the vehicle... eg 50k shares of a $2 stock capable of moving 25% in a day)

Be honest with yourself. Call yourself out on your own bullshit. It's the only way to improve. I will catch myself slipping into degen mode and I literally insult myself and force myself to play by the rules that I have learned by getting rekt. You'd expect that after enough thrashing from the same thing, you'd have a pavlovian response, but the degen in all of us is strong and it takes enormous amounts of discipline to say no to greed, fomo, hold/hope, etc.

So tell me, what caused you to get completely wrecked?

>> No.56659414

that's a strange way to interpret the bible. i'll be the first to admit that the old testament is difficult to believe. i too, wish to have seen the miracles first hand. however, if you look around you are surrounded by miracles. look at the complexity of a human, the seemingly endless layers of complex systems that all work together. It's easy to look past the miracles all around us, but when you really stop and look at something, even as simple as a leaf or a bug - it's a miracle. I created life on this earth with seed from within my body. That is a miracle anon. I don't deny that evolution exists either, but I certainly don't believe that humans evolved from amoebas without the hand god. I also don't believe in being a submissive and letting evil consume the world. That is cowardice. Evil is consuming the world, you can see it all around. The bible is often used against believers to twist and contort their beliefs, to weaken them. I'm not a biblical scholar and I'm not a saint, but I'm humble enough to realize that this place was created by a greater power and we owe our very existence to that power. I choose to believe that Jesus Christ is the son of god. Had I been born in India, I might worship an elephant or something. Would I have been led to Jesus had I been born somewhere else... it's hard to say. I've experienced miracles in my own life that I can't explain. Faith is hard to have. I hear what you're saying and I don't disagree - it's truly difficult to believe. Proving evil is simple though. Proving that evil wants to turn our kids into trannies, in the image of baphomet instead of in the image of God, is easy - just look around. It's all real. Truth is stranger than fiction, and fiction exists to gaslight the truth.

>> No.56659767

I'm the anon that asked you about 3bar strategies and for you to post more trades yesterday. You just answered my question about if you were buying options or outright. Thats a bit to rich for me, but I don't see why I can't use your strategies for other big pairs.

I followed your scalping premise with the few indicators I'm learning just doing practice trades on paper today. The first hour of the USD/mex market was all crazy double bars! All of forex dropped on the cpi news so I see what you're saying about the higher trade volumes creating better markers. I theoretically made about $90 on 3 trades after I factor in the horrible fees (using $180 collateral and 500x). I realize that's probably way too much risk, but I just wanted to see if I was calling correctly more than anything. Any more info on your specific TA indicators would be incredibly helpful!

>> No.56659925

the most important indicator on my chart outside of the candles themselves are the support and resistance levels from pre-market and intraday. second most important to me is vwap (volume weighted average price, the dashed line on my chart - it usually acts as a support when price is above and a resistance when price is below). the third is bollinger bands... I don't like trading outside the bands as a general rule. when trading lower cap stocks, I think volume would be 2nd most important... I pay less attention to it than I used to because I'm only trading large caps now. Volume can be super important though when looking for breakouts. another thing I watch for is something I just refer to as "instawicks", when I don't even see a bar form, but rather a wick which indicates whatever pump came in was instantly sold, likely by an algo. When too many instawicks happen I flip to a different ticker or sit on the sidelines completely. all my setups are identical though... candle over candle and resistance/support levels with at least 2 points of contact prior to the move.

>> No.56660021

Thanks! I was literally just eyeballing resistance and support levels this morning lol. It did seem pretty effective given the trading from 8:30-9:30est but it's not moving like that now. I'm gonna look for better charts and hook up a second monitor. Good to know about the instawicks. It seems like the best strategy is to just watch a couple markets exclusively til you can get a feel for their movements. Do you trade any other stocks regularly?

>> No.56660039

also - it's fine to start with buying even as little as 1 share at a time. no shame in that at all. I didn't start trading 1500 shares of large caps, it was more like 100. Over the months as I became consistent (very important) - I started sizing up as my account balance would allow. I have 2 red days on my 21 trading day rolling log, which usually equates to about a calendar month. One of them drops off in 3 more days and I can't wait for that ugly mfer to be gone. My biggest obstacle right now is managing my emotions when I'm wrong and learning to live with a red day instead of trying to take trades I normally wouldn't to get green. It all amounts to sticking to the rules you create for yourself, staying disciplined and not getting greedy. As the other anon said - the strategy is called scalping and many people are good at it until something happens and they get rekt, but that's truly a coping mechanism for having a lack of discipline and actively choosing to do the wrong thing. Admitting bad habits and holding yourself accountable are key. I had the general idea down for 2 years and a lack of discipline is what kept me from being consistently profitable. I used to have way bigger ups and way bigger downs. My number of trades was 50 times higher than it is now. I'm not trying to have $10k or $20k days. I understand that I can take my small wins and continue to grow them as I grow my share size, until I reach a point where slippage becomes a problem.

Sidenote, this week I am going to set aside some time to go back to playing w/ automated trading, using GPT to help me write thinkscript strategies so that when I do hit a point where slippage becomes a problem, I can perhaps deploy the strategy on multiple tickers at once to avoid slipping the price. Right now at 1500 shares on TSLA I am still piss in the ocean. Not sure where slippage will come in, but I'm comfortable w/ my current profits, especially considering I still have a profitable business.

>> No.56660083

You're exactly right. Getting a feel for the vehicle you are using is key. I do trade other tickers like AMZN, GOOGL, XOM, ROKU and a handful of others. Eventually I will have to move on from TSLA, so I keep that in mind and try to watch other tickers regularly so I can have a feel for their movement. Some tickers simply move like shit... ABNB is a perfect example. Dogshit ticker, I hate it with a passion. I cannot trade it, so I don't.

>> No.56660221

Lol. When I was young and started gambling, I researched the house edge of all the table games and figured out where I'd have the best chances of winning. I used to only play mini bac and 2 different best on craps, and I was almost always ahead when I walked away. It was fairly boring and, only betting $5-$40 max wasn't getting me a Rolex or anything lol. It did impress my wife when we were dating when I'd take her to a $5 craps table and she'd walk away with $150 or whatever. Somewhere along the line I said fuck it, starting playing roulette like a madman, and I've been a degen most any time I go to the casino since. If it weren't for some impressive slot wins, my overall w/l ratio would be terrible. Anyway, I'm saying this because I know I have that discipline still, as long as I don't treat it as gambling/entertainment/shitcoins moonshots. The idea of day trading for small, reproducible gains always seemed like a fantasy, because frankly, everyone says it is. Your posts are informative and encouraging brother. Any particular books/vids you'd recommend for day trading mindset and/or any other resources for TA that you used?

>> No.56660354

Sure there is interest. Go ahead and tripfag a journal showing how you do it day after day. Oh that’s right, you’d go bust gambling on the kikemarket

>> No.56661057

I hate to shill this guy because his community is toxic and I've outgrown most of what goes on there, but I started watching a twitch streamer a couple years back. If you can bare the cringe, look up some of his videos on youtube (stockjock). He made a shitload during the big run up, but he can't let go of trading shitstocks and p&d's which has basically put him on a treadmill. The very day I quit trading pieces of shit, was one of the key breakthroughs I needed to have consistent profits, even if I was giving up on the idea of having $20k and $30k days. I saw him make $70K in a single day once, but that was during QE to infinity and he can't seem to replicate in a normal or bearish market. Greed kills. His strategy is sound and I learned a lot from watching him but he can't let go of his inner degen. The strategies are super simple though... pullback, candle over candle and level breaks with multiple touchpoints... horizontal and diagonal resistances, etc. Very basic TA stuff in the grand scheme - but I want to reiterate that I cannot replicate the same success I have in the first 30 minutes of the trading day if I continue to trade all day long. The moves are slower, there is more hesitation and it requires me to hold substantially longer, which for me often leads to losses. Scalping little pops in the first 30 minutes of the day means I don't need to have a "target" (although I do mark levels where resistance is likely so that I don't sell way too early). Two things are essential to be successful over thousands of trades if you are scalping pops and drops.

> 1. Your wins have to be bigger than your losses. On average, if this is not true, you are holding too long.

> 2. Your win rate needs to be > 50%.

Case in point, today I sucked out on a trade but my loss was like $10 all in with fees, etc. I won 3 out of 4 trades, my average win was about $435. I miss out on a lot of pops because I sell at any sign of hesitation. There's always another trade.

>> No.56661259

I've never used trips in all my time here. I'm not trying to lead anything, I don't want followers, I just want to talk about trading strategy with other traders. I am however happy to show my daily wins and losses, every day, no matter how good or bad they are. Why? Because most people are full of shit. I want to attract other successful traders to the threads so I can learn from them, and they from me. I want to help anons who are on the cusp of being successful at it break through to the other side. I've been incredibly blessed with a successful business and more importantly the freedom of my TIME. I have been at home, as has my wife, for every year of my three children's lives. I can't tell you how much that is worth to me and how much it has meant to me. I left my job as a high value home equity retention wagie for Wells Fargo, on my lunch break, to chase a dream of building a residual income from the comfort of my home. I never went back to work for anyone but myself for a single day. I'm 39 years old. If I can help even one person achieve the FREEDOM OF TIME that I have enjoyed for most of my adult life, that would make me very happy. We weren't meant to spend our lives working in cubicles for scraps. For my 5 year anniversary working at Wells Fargo - I was given a stress ball and a pin. I had perfect reviews and I received a twelve cent raise. "anon you did great but a raise just isn't in the budget"... well it never fucking is, you have to pave your own way if you want to experience true freedom, short of maybe becoming an anesthesiologist or something like that. I'm a community college dropout. I've smoked enough weed to a dumpster. I'm not perfect in any way and don't claim to be, and that includes trading. If you can't relate to any of this then you've either never struggled or you've already given up. I was raised by a single mother, lower-middle income, just above the threshold for gibs. Many such cases.

>> No.56661771

Damn man. We sound pretty similar in life experiences and age. I did chase a dream when I was younger, and it worked well for a few years ... til it didn't kek. I've been waging for a decade now and I just left my job a couple months ago after getting shit on all year. I didn't even ask for more money, just to stop dumping everyone else's work on me. They hired a full time guy and 2 part timers to cover my old duties. Really makes you feel like a sucker. Anyway, I'm with ya and thanks for sharing man. I've got a lot to chew through already before I make my first thought out play, but I'm sure I'll be asking you questions soon if you're willing to make these threads. I know there was a couple guys here Friday or Saturday that were day trading and dropping knowledge. Maybe they'll jump in soon as well.

>> No.56661851

I should say that I waged for 14 years prior to chasing my dream. I'm not a zoomer or whatever generational group that would be lol. Regardless, don't let the trolls get you frustrated. I saw the same thing in the other day trading thread over the weekend and someone was legit stalking forexanon. There seems to be an effort on biz by some to prevent anons from being successful.

>> No.56662076

Name of the interface?

>> No.56662470

Think or Swim is the platform - Now owned by Schwab, formerly TD Ameritrade.

I'll keep posting, even if it only helps one person break free, that's enough. I've dropped breadcrumbs before on this board from other successful businesses I've been involved in, but everything requires work and most of biz (and everyone else) is too lazy to even eat a free lunch because it requires lifting the food to their mouths. I don't want to hoard success, I want to share it. It does come back to you, one way or another.