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56646780 No.56646780 [Reply] [Original]

My folio pumped from $115,000 to $440,000 in 10 days. I've never had this much money before. I heard others talking about feeling more comfortable when prices go down, and uncomfortable when prices go up. Because they deep down believe they don't deserve it. And it compels them to sell. Been thinking on this... any thoughts?

>> No.56646790

With a move like that at this stage you got super lucky on a few items that are risky. I'd strongly recommend taking serious profits and or shuffling your portfolio into something safer like 90% BTC.

>> No.56646812

Not going to happen. I was researching for 2 years, listening to dev discussions, asking questions in discord, helping on discord. I found my bags for the whole cycle. We haven't even begun. But that's besides the point. I wanted to talk about that thing inside that tells us we aren't worthy of making it.

>> No.56646831

you are a dumbass
the goal is to keep your gains

>> No.56646860

Post bags man I’m curious.
Trust me dude you’re gonna make it, just don’t be greedy. It’s a matter of keeping a level head in the euphoria phase. Best advice I can give is when /biz/ is popping off with garbage shitcoins it’s time to sell. One of my favourite indications is the post rate on /biz/ when it’s smashing through ath post rates it’s time to sell. Also if confirmed women are posting. Ignore that demon that says you won’t make it because you will if you think logically and take emotion out of it.

>> No.56646901

pleas do be posting bags

>> No.56646906

My bags are RUNE KUJI and CACAO. I used to post my folio and come to biz a lot last year. Maybe someone rememebers. I kept getting banned for even talked about them though. At this point I can't recommend anyone buy these. They are gigapumped already. But that's my bag.

>> No.56646933

Do you have any recommends for stuff that hasn’t pumped?

>> No.56646943

>discord fag
I look forward to you posting pink wojaks soon

>> No.56646949

Take your profits and exit. Invest it in an index fund after the crash and keep 10k to play with. Know when to quit! This is not financial advice.

>> No.56646952

Serai DEX, that's currently in development. It's a THORchain for Monero. Other than that, no.

>> No.56646953


>> No.56646969

I had to help onboard people. Grassroots projects don't have the resources when adoptions goes parabolic.

>> No.56646980

You're a fag, OP. You will learn the hard way.

>> No.56646981


>> No.56646993

So what is it inside yourselves that won't allow you to make more than a 4x? This type of self-sabotage happened with me in the past. And I realized it had a lot to do with my childhood, and trauma related to it. Then in adulthood feeling like I always needed more, but wasn't deserving of it.

>> No.56647029

I am serious. Let's talk about our feelings. I need to overcome this to reach the next stage in life. And so do you, whether you realize it now or not.

>> No.56647034

The question is:
>If you know that cryptos can 100x
>Why are you selling at at 4x?

>> No.56647044

Ty will investigate

>> No.56647061
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>> No.56647316

>allow you to
you dont decide where the market goes

>> No.56647345

If you find a project that you think has a 100x potential, would you sell at 2x? 3x? 4x? 5x? 10x? 100x? Your mindset and mental state determine where you are comfortable. People who haven't worked on themselves will sell at around 2x or 3x every time.

>> No.56647350

this is when you want to shift some of your portfolio into safer assets (btc/eth/link)
set a sell schedule and stick to it
it's clear that your issue will be greed

>> No.56647365
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good luck.
hope u make it. if you dont, remember your mistakes were mistakes of character

>> No.56647370


>> No.56647382

you are going to round trip hard is my assessment.

>> No.56647389

You are deluded right now. You think your gains define you and validate you. They can disappear overnight unless you realise them at some point. Hubris.

>> No.56647390

you realize you're on biz right

>> No.56647394

No. I did that in 2014. I sold early in 2017. I missed 2021. But those past lessons I learned from those cycles weren't for nothing.

>> No.56647397

I realize this. I wouldn't have been able to hold this long if I didn't realize this. I would have sold at a 2x. Money is meaningless. Let go and have faith things will work out. Let go of trying to control and manage everything.

>> No.56647423

Money isn't meaningless, you need it to survive, never forget that.

>> No.56647424

I really hope I'm worthy of making it
>t. living in hyperinflation
I just want to make enough to sustain my parents and survive the coming war

>> No.56647429

(((sanctions))) and israel crippled our economy, bombed our port, and is trying to subvert our youth
use Monero, its what people think Bitcoin is and makes keynesian seethe
to put in context, imagine having waged 4 years to save up 10k USD in banks, fast forward 3 years, I can withdraw the equivalent of 300$ worth from it
and I make around 250$ a month
fuck hyperinflation

>> No.56647452

>taking serious profits
thanks for confirming that nobody here actually believes in the technology of crypto and its all just one giant ponzi scheme of retards racing to buy something for the sole purpose of reselling it at a higher price to another sucker

>> No.56647456

Your parents should sustain you, not the other way around. They are manipulating you with guilt and preventing you from living your own life, like they lived theirs.

>> No.56647461

we dont abandon our parents here
the crisis is already hard enough, my parents are old, Im not leaving them

>> No.56647464

Exactly. But it goes deeper than that. They may actually believe in the technology, but still sell before the BTC bullrun has even begun. We can all learn from each other here.

>> No.56647469

whats this, 2018?

>> No.56647480

Wtf post proof, sounds like bs, shit is up like 10-20% on avg max, so you mustve had what like a million invested?

Im calling bs what coins r u in

>> No.56647490

>went through 4 cycles
>still thinks he can 100x

>> No.56647502

I already said RUNE KUJI CACAO

>> No.56647511

Be happy with $1mil

>> No.56647534

Why is the number $1 million for you?

>> No.56647549

1) Sell it all for SHIBA INU
2) Wait for $1
3) Become millionaire

>> No.56647564

I would never invest in a meme coin. I understand the excitement that builds around them, but it's based on a false premise. There are actually projects out there building grounding tech that the communities are equally excited for. I join those.

>> No.56647642

>There are actually projects out there building grounding tech that the communities are equally excited for
I've tried and it's just impossible for me to sort these from the thousands of fakes. In this field, you never know if the devs are just proficient scammers or not. I made most of my gains last cycle getting in early on H*GE and D*gebonk lol. Now I'm just holding BTC and some LINK with no idea what to do.

>> No.56647663

Serai DEX is doing a fair launch liquidity auction like MayaProtocol did to distribute all their tokens. The developer is a Monero dev named Luke Parker. It's designed like THORchain, but it will integrate monero. So people will be able to permissionlessly swap from native BTC ETH and others into XMR. This is the only alpha I know of anymore. It's in development with no set launch date. Luke is just coding.

>> No.56647679

Look at Kaspa. I don't own any, sadly. But look at the community engagement and activity.

>> No.56647688

Also if you want the real alpha, it's that the real crypto community and alpha is on Twitter now. /biz/ is highly censored today.

>> No.56647700

I'll ask around in the community. Thanks.
Already taken off sadly.
Where on twitter?

>> No.56647726

>where on Twitter
Communities grow around developers

>> No.56647776

Who do you follow if it's not too much to ask anon?

>> No.56647801

It's too much.

>> No.56648001

Then a number that you like. Idk about you but I destroyed my mental and physical health in 2021 to make it and I would not recommend it to anyone. This industry has way too many things going against the regular trader.

>> No.56648046


>> No.56648057

You spend two months researching everything but now you want to let go of control? You aren't making any sense.

>> No.56648085

Sell 125k of it for sure. Set aside a small amount for reinvesting other projects is what I’d do.

>> No.56648090

Do you ever play pool? You aim the shot with your body before even getting down at the table. When you are down and shooting, all you are doing is a mechanical motion. You just release, having faith that you've aimed correctly while standing up. You if Starr questioning yourself, you'll miss. It's a faith thing.

>> No.56648097

So in order to make money on crypto now you have to find and follow developer accounts on twitter, search trough discords and read white papers for a few years now? I simply don't have that kind of time, i will waste the precious last years of my youth.

>> No.56648099

Why sell 125k though? This is what I want to understand. Even you must agree we haven't barely gone up. BTC is at 37k. It's not time to sell.

>> No.56648105

You already said that your bags giga pumped. There will be a retrace, why shouldn't you take profits now?

>> No.56648106

We can only be so luckily this information is openly out there for us to grab and profit on, while the masses ignore its nascent growth.

>> No.56648115

BTC hasn't even reached new highs. It's not time for profit taking. It's the wrong season.

>> No.56648121

Maybe if jannies did ban every thread unrelated to LINK alpha would be on biz

>> No.56648125

There are coins that pump early in the cycle, like Link in the last cycle, and then never again. What if your coins are like link?

>> No.56648132

sell some holy shit
take a win while you can

>> No.56648149

I have faith that THORchain is going to swallow so much liquidity, it will become the hub for all layer 1 crpyto settlement. Centralized exchanges already started using it to refill their wallets. It will be used by everyone. Trustwallet uses them as the backend for swaps. Users don't even know they are using it.

>> No.56648156

It already pumped a lot so I don't recommend people buy. I just have this conviction.

>> No.56648164

But why? Do you believe we even reached the bull cycle yet?

>> No.56648171

>But why?
because you're obviously new to this

>> No.56648184

Sure, but in bullruns people who make a lot of money are those who stay dynamic and move from a pump to another.

>> No.56648202

You just described hours upon hours of work in some high risk cutting edge industry normies scoff at the hearing the name off, you do deserve it.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation and you prepared to have the opportunity that you have with the money you have "made" so far.
Put this money into context of real wealth and all the horrors (and some good, but mostly horrors) people with real wealth do, its absolutely nothing.
If you don't remove this feeling of guilt this money will haunt you until you spent every un-deserving penny, you have a mental leak anon and you need to fix it through introspection and realisation that you DO deserve to do something great.
Have a good day faggot.

>> No.56648203

I've tried that in the past. Tripped myself up mant times doing that. Now I just sit on my hands after I researched everything.

>> No.56648213


>> No.56648215

Thank you. I've only realized this about myself recently. It's taken a long time. I will work to outcome.

>> No.56648224


>> No.56648233

Op you're going to get rugged. Correction incoming

>> No.56648248

Possibly. I'm in it for the cycle though.

>> No.56648257

>I wanted to talk about that thing inside that tells us we aren't worthy of making it.
If you are a young, intelligent, able-bodied male, then you are the fruit of society and most of its resources should be going towards your development and blossoming from a young age. This is how every healthy higher form of culture in history was. Instead, our generation is completely economically shafted, burdened with massive amounts of debt from the get-go, and told that we're privileged and should be grateful for the abject poverty and wageslavery bequeathed us by older generations.

>> No.56648263

Thank you all I am going to bed. I am going to work on myself and my mindset. I do deserve good things in my life, as do you.

>> No.56648264

i think mitigating risks is the thing that compels people to sell the most. I'm not sure about the not deserving part. If you're considering taking some profit like some people in the thread are demanding of you for some reason make sure you check up on the taxes and all that before doing so. Makes me laugh seeing the people spamming sell right before the year is over without even knowing the tax situation you're in. Doubt they've even seen 5 figures in their portfolio

>> No.56648271

>Not going to happen. I was researching for 2 years, listening to dev discussions, asking questions in discord, helping on discord. I found my bags for the whole cycle. We haven't even begun. But that's besides the point. I wanted to talk about that thing inside that tells us we aren't worthy of making it.

>that's why I decided to go all in on SonicCumRocketDogeMoon

>> No.56648272

Nvm this is obviously a troll thread. Nobody gets a 4x on 6 figs in ten days on shitcoins and makes a thread on biz about hodling

>> No.56648277
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fuckin lol'd

>> No.56648278

Hold from the cradle to grave, Anon. Still buying the dip in Rio, XTP, and Metis. These could provide poor anons like me with mouthwatering gains

>> No.56648299
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kek, SEC will come after it. I'd rather hold my assets on regulated apps like Tap Fintech, Revolut, or Venmo. Got a soft heart, not risking my assets anymore.

>> No.56648304

it depends on your total networth, other noncrypto investments, and what your risk tolerance is. what do you want to do with your profits? if you know the answer to this then the next question is, does selling right now allow me to do that?

>> No.56648333

you dont deserve it. you gambled with shitcoins and thats all. and from your current way of thinking i hope you lose it all and get humbled for your overconfidence in something stupid

crypto is literally investing into nothing, and into a fully remote controlled surveillable monetary system that can be used for population control. anyone seriously investing in it is simply a greedy and naive retard

the thing is do you deserve it? ofc not but you went in risked it and somehow lucked out. its just money like some meme poster already said. why not just take you lotto gamble win and not care. it makes no difference. there are many rich mf out there not deserving it either

>> No.56648380

I diagnose you with severe bitterness. Seek the remedy. Look within.

>> No.56648420

>reddit spacing
>severe projection
>boomer retard advice
fuck off faggot

>> No.56648440

im not bitter at all, what i said is the truth no matteri if you just want to hear how deserved you are, you didnt work hard for 300k stop coping, you didnt help anyone but yourself and its thouruoghly based on gambling luck but keep coping with your 'guilty conscious'

>> No.56648625

for someone who is not bitter you seem extremly bitter and jealous

>> No.56648722

>Also if you want the real alpha, it's that the real crypto community and alpha is on Twitter now. /biz/ is highly censored today.

this is the most important post in this thread, if anons stick to /biz/ as their only source of info they aren't going to make it in the next run.

>> No.56648791

See top 20 wallets range of your coins, ignore the rest and follow them closely. Distribution is skewed towards the top and just keeping tabs with the top holders serves to see how the whole chain moves.

On multichain accounts on mintscan, Point of worry is when alt value in USD > atom. Say someone got 400k in atom and 140k in alts. When it's 1=1, it's sensible for them to sell into higher liq.

Let's do it again.
2m atom holder has 90k USD worth bag of an alt called kuji or Injective or tia.

What is the most probable price Target for him to sell (and for You to dump before he does it to You.)
2000/90= 22x in USD at a fixed atom price (so, use your imagination)

Now do this with dev wallets and you're set on some form of risk managment.

>> No.56648803

Juno holder here btw, I might remember You. Congrats.

>> No.56649240

my advice is a stochastic portfolio rebalance
(take the initlal proportion of the bags you have and rebalance to that, like 25% in each or whatever you had)

google markowitz portfolio theory (its a derivation of this)
congrats on your money...

>> No.56649676

If you not larping
cash out
you already tripled your money
anything else is pure greed
greed leads to losing money

>> No.56649928

OP I'm not here to fud but Kuji is literally printing a double top as we speak. If a significant portion of your $300k is in kuji I strongly recommend taking some profit - even 25%. You can buy back lower. It's not often I actually post hearfelt advice on /biz/ but I related hard to "I've never had this much money before" and then subsequently losing it.

That said, to answer your question, I think the self destructive aspect of the human condition manifests on both extremes of the hopium/copium spectrum. We sell our bags before we make it, we hold our bags after we've made it. Only in retrospect can we know whether our decision making at the time was in our best interests or not.
>Because they deep down believe they don't deserve it
This is absolutely a factor. When we engage in self destructive behaviours; even those that may not be apparently self destructive in the present, it's often our subconscious that drives us to make this inaccurate moves. Sometimes it is a genuine mistake, but oftentimes I think not.
I also think belief in God, Jesus, Allah, whatever also negates this to an extent.

>> No.56649983

Have had a quick read anon, and I’m half interested. Pitch it to me. Why should I buy your bags?

>> No.56650043

i have 30,000 AVAX at 0,15$
i sell in 2025 at 5$

>> No.56650229
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GambleFi tokens, rlb and fun

>> No.56650315

>Why sell 125k though?
to stop you from being suicidal when in the event that the bullrun ur so certain will happen doesn't and your 400k turns into 200k then 40k then 10k while you wait for the next bounce to sell into.
if you're so certain you're going to have a 10-100x in the next couple years what's the harm in taking out 25% for peace of mind.
the difference between having 30m and 40m psychologically is nothing. the difference between 100k and 0 will eat at ur soul

>> No.56650435

damn you sound greedy lol

>> No.56650760

i can see myself in your post, the greed...i hope it works out for you anon, but as i am now i would definitely secure a bit of profit now if my bags did a 4x in 10 days lol

>> No.56651250

Take profits son, on the extra thousands of bucks made.
Okay for instance, BONK made me a 10x I took profits and left the capital, now I'm planning on making more multiples via BobNet Presale on the 16th of this month.

>> No.56651281

This list ain't complete without Funarcade jsyk, and I mean FAT it's native token will do exploits as there's zero restrictions here and little stakes can be made.

>> No.56652011

Work on your self esteem if you feel this way. Lift, get some nice clothes, develop some social skills, get right with spirituality/god, eat healthy etc. you won’t enjoy the money near as much when it comes if you’re some /Pol/cel doomer.

>> No.56652089
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>> No.56653038

This the kinda hubris that gets niggas folio murked no cap