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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56644758 No.56644758 [Reply] [Original]

1892*52 = $98,384

Just saw this on Reddit. Explains a lot doesn’t it? Why women expect 300-400k earners? Why you can’t afford a house? 6 figures is extremely common now.

>> No.56644786
File: 25 KB, 465x627, joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw earn $750 a week with a doctorate

>> No.56644796

>Just saw this on Reddit.
cool go back

>> No.56644801


>> No.56644821

Highly depressing. I worked ten years to reach 100k..started at 30k. And all of it just got inflated away. Savings is for losers

>> No.56644851

>25 and older
Now lets see the numbers without boomers.

>> No.56644883

25 and over.
just about to post this. no way this data is representative of the current generation.

>> No.56644912
File: 1.96 MB, 576x1024, gradually_began_to_hate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women expect 300-400k earners

Don't care. I'd rather not deal with pic related.

>> No.56644913
File: 671 KB, 1053x1116, IMG_8590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. This is 2018 data of 25-29 year olds, 30% wage inflation since then.

College grads make a lot of money and you guys can’t accept it because you fell for the “redpilled welder” meme.

>> No.56644956
File: 276 KB, 1826x1795, 1696798418731604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is there's no price support for most shelter in the absence of low interest rates?

>> No.56644981

nowhere near 100k retard

>> No.56644990

>tfw median dick size is 7.2"
How do we cope whiteboi bros?

>> No.56644994

>30% wage inflation since then
lmao no.

>> No.56645004
File: 31 KB, 1043x284, 2023-11-12_19-24-44_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking 0.3 inflation *50k + 50k median from 2018 = 98k.
At least we know you didnt go to college kek

see picrel for basic math buddy

>> No.56645017

Damn nigger, just do 1.3*50k lmao.

>> No.56645037

It’s 100k for Mech E’s and EEs in their 20s

>> No.56645097

Make sure you only look at the white and asian medians.
latinx and blacks are brain damaged social failures

>> No.56645128

wages didn't go up for people under 30

>> No.56645143

You fucking mong. Do you think before you post?

>> No.56645152

>$100k is a lot of money
Only one coping is you, poorfag

>> No.56645205
File: 1.04 MB, 3142x3286, CD28068A-7628-4B2B-BBAC-502F50A65D90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your picture says 50k was the median. With a 30% inflation bump that's 65k which is still dogshit.

But look at my picture, people under 30 did not get that 30% pay bump. They still make 50k or 60k today

>> No.56645231

how are you getting butt blasted by level 1 negging.
This is fucking elementary, most girls wont even put up this retort, this is some tiktok short, or something she came up in her shower.
Also she just opened herself up to get dunked on, I would just question the worth of her degree and belief in feminism, women just get so mad if you slightly unintentionaly invalidate them, imagine doing it in purpose.

Muh pretty gurl got sassy no I am going to never deal with the female sex again. NIGGA YOU GAY.

>> No.56645357


are you retarded. You made your main post as if talking about college graduates in general. Like every roastie and their mom majoring in psychology was making that.

Yes stem is lucrative. But youre bieng a jew and trying demoralize

>> No.56645363

get out of EU

>> No.56645558

they literally dont.
almost every single thing detached from reality zoomers believe about college and wagie income is categorically false. and its that way for a reason to extract their money, time, and ultimately make sure they live miserable lives. not to mention corporations have invested a record $1 TRILLION over the last few years into AI R&D with the express purpose of eliminating computer desk jobs held by u guessed it, college graduates.. www.CWEcapital.club for more financial redpills.

>> No.56645576
File: 16 KB, 480x264, 8d15o367xro31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw black and averaging almost $4400 per week this year

>> No.56645665

kneel to a nigger