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56643693 No.56643693 [Reply] [Original]

what happens if i tell them my package came empty?
i heard of this guy that got fined and he's banned from amazon forever. how would they know though?

>> No.56643774

You become a mental nigger.

>> No.56643786

am i supposed to care though?

>> No.56643790

They don’t if you use your brain and make it more believable

>> No.56643805


>> No.56643912

who delivered it alot of the private shippers take pictures upon delivery now

>> No.56643921

they ban you if you pull it often enough, but you can just register again with a new name and adding like an "a" to your street number

>> No.56643926

im in eupoor, they neither take pictures nor my name or documents. just ask me "are you x?" and hand it to me.

>> No.56643937

do they not check that the box they're shipping wasn't empty though? like it has an id number and they certify that it's not empty before it actually gets shipped. they can't be this dumb, right?

>> No.56643951

It's a big burden to carry.

>> No.56643969

For you.

>> No.56643971

i've done it for ages, i hit them every year for 2-3 times around the holiday season

legitimately order throughout the whole year and then file for a replacement/refund on 2 or 3 orders of around $1.5k-2k LOL

don't be a retarded nigger when doing it OP

>> No.56643998

anon i am a retarded nigger, that's why im asking you, hopefully non retarded niggers, how to pull it off. thing is, im trying to order from amazon itself and not 3rd party sellers. don't they weigh the package at each checkpoint? i can't just claim it was empty, right?

>> No.56644011

Has anyone ever gotten a refund when you haven't even opened a case? I have had two this year.

>> No.56644036

you should only do it to amazon items that are shipped and sold by amazon, this makes it way easier to do

they do, but they don't care most of the time they just ring ur doorbell and leave the package there lol even if they snap a picture of the package on your porch, it's so easy to claim that someone stole it if it isn't there

i usually order it, wait for the delivery driver to drop it off and once they leave i grab the package, wait a day or two, burn the box in the backyard, and then contact amazon asking where tf is my package lol always stick to your story, i've had ups drivers come to my house and ask me what happened and i just stick to my story saying they dropped it off yes, but should've handed me the item etc... not much they can do after that

btw the ups driver coming to the house is extremely rare, happened once in the last 9 years of me doing this

>> No.56644049

It’s really going to depend on the value of the package, the physical size and whether you’ve claimed to receive empty packages in the past… I work at the post office and every so often we will get some of the small plastic bubble packages from Amazon that aren’t sealed and obviously empty… generally if we catch them we have stickers that say “this package was received empty at the post office” before we deliver them… it doesn’t tend to happen with packages that are in cardboard boxes, only the bags come empty

>> No.56644073
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i live in europe and the delivery man hands me the package himself to me.
so when im at the checkout should i check the option to send the package in an amazon package like picrel or just the item packaging straight up?

anyway im more curious on how a company like amazon handles things. let's say someone does this all the time, how do they proceed? how do they find out if it's fake or not? etc

>> No.56644111

ahh i can't offer any insight then, sorry

>> No.56644205

it depends, you can always argue the wagie or robot didnt put the thing in cause it was dropped next to the package or something. Hard to prove and plausible.
But for more expensive stuff amazon started telling the delivery driver to ask for a code before handing it over, that only you have and got via email. And if the package weighs something and you say it was empty they will get very suspicious and may assess that it is not worth having this nigger as a customer anymore.

>> No.56644222

let's say they do that. do they ban my account? then what? am i supposed to care if i dont plan on buying again?

>> No.56644261

You start getting browner every day until you fully turn into a nigger.

>> No.56644328
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>> No.56644337

Someone actually destroyed my package box and stole the inside. Even with proof of delivery and picture they refund, but I rarely refund and have a good standing

>> No.56644394

then you do this >>56643921
I dont recommend doing it though, maybe every few years on something expensive only. Amazon is too convenient to bomb old account that built trust with them.

>> No.56644415
File: 88 KB, 442x444, getpaidtodoit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that too but only nick them for $3-400. Maybe I just don't buy as much as you but I'm happy to get my ounce of flesh from them.

>> No.56644427

come on, there has to be someone in europe that has done this. give me something anons.
as i said, the delivery man just asks me "are you anon?" i say yes and hands me the package.
would they investigate the delivery man? would they call the police?
if i simply say i never got it.

>> No.56644592

It's ok to steal from billionaires, anon. They'd take the clothes off your back if they could.

>> No.56645119

Your parcel is weighed on shipping and each item listed on amazon has a weight specified to it. The delivery driver also takes a photo of the parcel, so you can easily tell if it had been tampered with.

Committing fraud over a amazon purchase is quite retarded.

>> No.56645390

That’s an offensive word please refrain from ever using or even thinking of that word

>> No.56646124

You shouldn’t be trying to commit fraud against Amazon period. If the package is in any type of box they are going to be less inclined to believe your claim that the box was empty. The things that come empty are the white and blue flexible plastic bags that are sealed by them melting the plastic. They have a “tear here” perforation to open them. What happens is the bags don’t seal properly and then the small items fall out during shipping. All packages are gps tagged when they are delivered now, so when people claim missing packages in low crime areas where multiple neighbors aren’t reporting the same problem we know you’re lying.

>> No.56646932
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>Australia post going to shit, packages always have big delays
>Order on Amazon with delivery guarantee
>Get full refund on item when it's 4 days late, and it arrives anyway.

Got 3 bottles of 3d print resin so far, thanks Bezo's and Aus post diversity hires.

>> No.56647113

I tried buying the book “culture of critique” when it wasn’t banned on Amazon and the package came empty. It was torn apart, I guess it must have triggered an employee or something

>> No.56647433

Delivery drone here. Warehouse probably fucked up and didn’t seal it properly. Or the driver didn’t notice because it was a grouped stop, and half these packages feel like air anyway. Shit happens, don’t stress if you don’t have a history of not getting stuff.
Just tell them. At worst you’ll get a password you have to give to the delivery driver, and that’s only if you have a history of reporting shit missing. Although, if too many packages go missing, we can lose pay.
Fwiw, once we take that photo, we literally don’t have an option to retry or bring it back.

>> No.56647488

Oh, I, missed that OP was trying to get free stuff. Same still applies, you probably get one or two times free, the password kicks in after that. I can’t think of a way around the password, maybe try to bully the driver? I don’t see that ending well though.
After that, the DSP that does your location would start the process to have you blacklisted.

>> No.56647587

they begin to make you file police reports to get refunds/replacements unironically

>> No.56647593

>gps tagged
what does this mean exactly?

>> No.56647645

OP you can probably get away with it one or if you're lucky a couple of times before they ban you from buying or returning stuff.
Also, as said, even if your skin is remotely white, your brain is acting like a nigger.
It isn't even justified as anti-capitalistic act, trying to damage that billionaire bald faggot fucking a semi-tranny.

>> No.56647666

they give you limited chances. some guy kept doing it like 30 times.

>> No.56647678

First time i used Goymazon was to buy a xbox series s. Ordered from my japanese account but i live/my IP is from another country

Anyway, tried to order a $3k pc but cancelled the order 2 minutes later
They asked me to upload my ID to see if it matched the credit card. (Ofc it matched) then 1 day later my account was suspended/banned


Anons should steal as much as they can from them
Being a good goy doesn't pay

>> No.56647750

You're a scumbag if you do this FYI the driver gets blamed and we get penalized. If you do it multiple times you probably caused someone to get fired. You think it's only hurting amazon but it's hurting people.

>> No.56647796


>> No.56647841

Live an honest life, anon.
The rewards of this far surpass whatever bullshit item you're trying to steal.
God bless you

>> No.56647903

Every single time i've been scammed on Amazon or e-Bay it was from a nigger. The police report I filed supposedly was enough to get him arrested according to the officer.

>> No.56647913

Nigger mailed back a different item. That is mail fraud, much steeper penalty if caught. Most sellers don't go to the trouble to file all the reports. Claiming a box is empty. I'm not even sure it would register as a crime. Amazon would probably give you 1 or 2 freebies.

>> No.56648253

Wrong site. You're looking for talmudchan.

>> No.56648710

>so when people claim missing packages in low crime areas where multiple neighbors aren’t reporting the same problem we know you’re lying.
Somebody has to be first you retarded nigger

>> No.56648953

not a single european anon in here. when will you understand that things work differently here? our drivers don't leave it on the ground and go away like lazy niggers, they give it to you in your hands and call you on the phone if you aren't there.
i don't see how the driver could get penalized if my package was "empty"

>> No.56649049

if package was stolen, file a police report if it was something expensive. amazon SOP will replace no questins asked when you provide copy of police report.

>> No.56649061 [DELETED] 

Try insta360 X3.

>> No.56649112

will the police show up to my house and see that i actually do have the item?

>> No.56649115

nope. mention was stolen from your porch. can do it at the station. end of story.

>> No.56649130

they don't leave it at the porch, they give it to me in my hands (i don't sign anything though)

>> No.56649303

Eurofag here

Live in appartment

Found package in front of doors lots of times

Not amazon but aliexpres so cheap shit

>> No.56649335

They resend or refund you.
Take the piss with it though and they will stop.
My account with them is over 10 years old and I do buy stuff, so the occasional "Box contained some random book not an Ipad" works, they don't ask for proof and the Indian person on the phone gives no fucks.

>> No.56649846

I ordered a fragile item (coffee mug) that was broken in transit and the fags wanted me to take the thing to a nearby Whole Foods to get a refund. Wasn’t even any bubble wrap in the box. That was a while ago and I forgot. So don’t order anything fragile because the Amazon monkeys don’t take precautions in the slightest.

>> No.56649881


Dont answer the door.

>> No.56649885

They won't give you a hard time if you only report missing things occasionally. I'm sure they profile customers secretly too and know who to flag as potential scamshitters.