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56588258 No.56588258 [Reply] [Original]

Peter Todd's pushing to INCREASE the supply of BTC beyond 21 million. Won't this cause the price to plummet through the floor? Feeling sick if I'm honest.

>> No.56588284


>> No.56588306


>> No.56588310

wont it just be another fork? you cant just change bitcoin, if you could then it'd be some fucking centralized shitcoin

>> No.56588323
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Proposes to whom?
Who owns Bitcoin?
Like, who even gets to vote or say yes or no?
Can they ask everyone holding BTC?

>> No.56588342

>you cant just change bitcoin
bitcoin's canonicity is entirely subject to whatever the nodes agree upon. it has changed in the past (there are numerous aspects of modern Bitcoin that were not present in the original Bitcoin software) and it will change again

>> No.56588353

It seems whoever has the majority of mining control gets to decide, is not impossible but would kill bitcoin effectively as a store of value, gold mining is controled and the public gold quantities are never revealed to thus preserve golds value, there is a LOT of gold but only becomes real gold when documents backing its existence are created, until then is just ghost gold

>> No.56588364
File: 273 KB, 1080x1097, 1696860228422643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you hold BTC without a basic understanding of how it works?

>> No.56588391

>literal who source
Okay schizo now meds

>> No.56588394
File: 152 KB, 625x500, 4d Chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal who says we should do thing

>> No.56588410

>literal who source
Kek do zoomers not know what emails are? This isn't a news website.

>> No.56588412

Not my point at all

>> No.56588427

Are you this new? Every day there are new retarded proposals and every day they just get ignored.

>> No.56588436

instead of arguing about the credentials of one of the current core devs, let's talk about the problem. no block reward, no hash rate, no hash rate, no security. what is the plan here

>> No.56588437

>;) le meme
Imagine being a grown man and sending email like that retarded shit, the moment they touch BTC hardcap they will kill it and you vil eat my bags, stupid retards cunts I swear cs tards are a special breed of mongos

>> No.56588451

We are around 100 years away from that to be a problem

>> No.56588461

>it's not technically zero so it's okay :^)

>> No.56588467

Yes, you will be wormfood by then why the fuck do you care so much

>> No.56588471

just gauging your level of understanding

>> No.56588500

is that what a 51% attack is? 1 entity can change bitcoin at will because they control the majority?

>> No.56588509
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Do I need to?
Number go up. Drop it all when it gets ridiculous.

>> No.56588519

The "plan" is to hold BTC until 2025 and then get the fuck out, sayonara, goodbye forever hello boring 5-10% return ETFs and real estate.
If you hold after that you are worse than GME-tards.

>> No.56588540

Yeah, obviously.
Bitcoin's security is decentralization. The more centralized it becomes, the less secure it is. Common sense at this point.

What's interesting to see is how other failed cryptocurrencies that were actually attacked with 51% attacks turned out and what we can learn from them.

>> No.56588542

I will be here as long as it returns me money, im an old fuck (51) so I wilm croak soon, I dont give a single shit about what happens in the next 20 years and even less about what happens after that, simple as

>> No.56588551

Holy based

>> No.56588571

Yup, pack it up, it’s over. (serious reply)

>> No.56588578

all of these systems work through consensus. every node uses software implementing the same set of standards. when a change is implemented to those standards, and everyone generally agrees to it and changes their software accordingly, it is called a fork. if someone acquires enough power to force the change, without obtaining real democratic consent, then it is a sybil attack.
these are the reasons bitcoin is dead

>> No.56588596

I've been trading and holding Bitcoin since 2016 now and this will be my 3rd "bull run". If you think I'm holding for another 4 years after this for a measly 1.5x return at most (this is what you'll see in 2028) you've gone delusional. 2024-2025 is the perfect time to get out.

>> No.56588613

I'm not asking you to change, exiting is rational if Bitcoin can't adapt. It's current value proposition is based in delusion and there are multiple trainwrecks ahead

>> No.56588677

Bitfuck cannot exist under a high interest rate environment. This entire time it was all sustained by corporate miner debt, they will NOT afford to massively upgrade their infrastructure that they’re still paying off to maintain relevance. Eventually people will drop this piece of shit and a couple GME-tier retards will be verifying the blocks from their moms basements, while transactions take 15 business days and the retards barely brake even after energy costs continue to rise.

>> No.56588821

Aha you wanted your money cow to live forever from idiots money, you had your chances and if you want even more not my problem

>> No.56588831

>two more weeks goys until buttcorn crumbles trust the plan
Tongue my bum hole you nigger cunt

>> No.56588857

Markets will price it in way fucking earlier than that. It might prevent it from mooning again altogether.

>> No.56588898

As people said here before, we hsd plenty of time last bull was absolutely degerate giga profits by the truckload, this miight be a shadow of that but still fertile ground to make bank, after that it will be no mans land, we had time and chances

>> No.56589428

That's what Blackrock intends to do but without hashrate