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56573171 No.56573171 [Reply] [Original]

How's it going boys?

>> No.56573323

I can't get any views anymore, the algorithm is finished with me

it's over

>> No.56573508

Can someone tell me how much a half hour animated video for older kids (maybe 9-13) would make per million views? Asking because I work for a youtuber...

>> No.56573998
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Make daily stock/crypto market updates (syndicated to shorts/reels/tiktok) and those do really well combined with my longer-form weekly market wrap-up videos I post late on Friday.

Still a very small channel with only 1200 subs, but the weekly updates have been steadily growing view-wise. Highest was 3 weeks ago at 7.8k.

Not worried about getting monetized anytime soon though, these updates are to promote my startup. Every video is "sponsored" by aforementioned startup even though it's just me lol

>> No.56575776

not watching this shit anymore after their aggressive ad-blocker policy.
the moment i got 3-strike pop up window was the moment i switched it off for the last time and immediately subscribed to spotify as I mainly used youtube to listen to music and discover new bands.
i can only imagine more people did the same or will follow suit soon. focused streaming platforms probably will take over soon, netflix, prime, things like brilliant etc.

>> No.56575800

just use uBlock origin and keep the filter lists updated anytime the blocker comes back

>> No.56576043

I've had a quarter of a million views and am still not monotized

>> No.56576401

Not jumping through hoops just to get seen by the "algorithm" and monetized, sorry.

>> No.56576485

What’s your watchtime? You need 1000 subs and 4000 public watch hours.

>> No.56576521

centralized garbage.

>> No.56577094

almost 6k watchtime but I missed the 12 month window because only 800 subs

>> No.56577219

I have 10k subs making gaming videos, AMA

>> No.56577257


>> No.56577278

I have 5000 subs on my racist transphobic gaming commentary channel

>> No.56577340


you can also remove the element with the zapper tool

>> No.56577850
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It’s been like 14 months of me uploading a video every Thursday. Never missed a week and some weeks I uploaded more than one.
I’m having fun with it. It one of one of those things that bring me some joy in my life. Up to 350 subscribers too but I’m not annoying or insisting about it. I let it grow naturally.

>> No.56578993

How much money did you make?

>> No.56579066

do you show your face, anon, or is it just you talking over charts and news?

>> No.56579088


Planning on starting a channel in a month or so. Any advice?

>> No.56579097

The thing I hate about YouTube is how the algo works, you either earn $0 or you make $100,000s.

>> No.56579116


>> No.56579126

get rid of pozzed spotify and get based tidal instead.

>> No.56579174

Literally just open a private window
y-youre not always signed in... are you?

>> No.56580450

I make around $500-$800 AUD a Month and I upload like once every month or so

>> No.56580454

Find a niche that you know you are passionate about that you know you can improve the content already being made, that’s how I did it

>> No.56580460

That’s false tho, I made steady passive income under 1k

>> No.56580624

I gave up. :(

>> No.56580638

channel name?

>> No.56580987

How do u syndicate?

>> No.56581010

I was gaining a lot of views and subs talking shit about ecelebs calling them pedos but they banned me for "harassment"

>> No.56581035

seems like a totally rigged game, why even try?

>> No.56581777

For fun or the love of teaching a particular subject?
I would love to make YouTube tutorials on how to brew different ale’s and mead’s
Strawberry mead, and cannabis infused ale type stuff

>> No.56582061

you prefer to pay spotify but not $1/month to google/youtube via turkish VPN account? kekd and checkd.

>> No.56582071

I've put out some shit, managed to get just like 160 views with my content.
I don't know how people can work for free for jewtube, honestly

>> No.56582074

....big hazza is that you ?

>> No.56582081


>> No.56582387

check it out yourself:

best performing video is about Carl Runefelt getting rejected by a gold digger in dubai:

>> No.56582392

RIGHT hecklers waiting for me in the grocery store, and then the taxi driver attacked me with a toothpick.

>> No.56583727

I remember watching the moon last bull run. Liked when he talked about charts before he became a massive faggot

>> No.56583912

Based and motivated pilled.

>> No.56583923
File: 501 KB, 750x738, IMG_7315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking HATE editing videos.
Im just not cut out for that shit.

I guess i wont be a content creator just waging away until theres tech to put your imagination into video using brain waves or some shit

What stack for editing do you use? Whats your like pipeline?

>> No.56584005
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1691573487860818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finna stream blocklords there soon on my crapto gayming channel to my 9 viewers :^3

>> No.56584068

I’m going to be revamping my channel for xrp related content. Xrp podcast

>> No.56584086

Think of it this way - that’s 9 people that showed interest in your video. Imagine captivating 9 people in a conversation. That’s pretty cool.

>> No.56584103

I've been thinking of livestreaming myself doing online courses. For accountability so I don't fuck off and do other shit. I got some machine learning courses and Data Science shit to get through. Could repost them as tutorials later maybe. I'm iffy on doing it though, one it's technically content stealing and it's not the most exciting shit like some guy yelling "I BOUGHT EVERY COPY OF THE NEWEST FUNKO POP TO GIVE AWAY TO THE HOMELESS PEOPLE IN SAN FRANSISCO"

>> No.56584220

Also, do you niggas enjoy editing videos?

>> No.56584247

Damn cunt that's not bad

>> No.56584289

What's your average vid length?

>> No.56584637

>in a month or so

There's your problem right there. Just fucking start bro. 'A month or so' will never arrive.

>> No.56584678
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I made it 4 minutes into this video and after reading the comments, turned it off and went and listened to more music. Everyone on YouTube is a bitch. I don't remember the last time I actually read a positive comment. It's all crybabies bitching about politics. I was interested in this guy's video for about 240 seconds until it turned into "muh corporations" "nobody is original" "it's over" comments.
>pic rel = YouTube


>> No.56584689


Post channel. Thank you.

>> No.56584706

same for me
the time doesnt seem worth it

>> No.56584776
File: 161 KB, 1000x1000, FjYJ6P_VUAEAXDN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't reapply for monetization until at least the end of december because of a community strike

>> No.56584780

Be honest anon, does that make you any money?
I did watch one

>> No.56584952

0 money, just joy.

>> No.56584986

Editing is so much fun if you enjoy the content coming out of it.

My stack is adobe audition for audio. Straight to fcpx for everything else. Thumbnails in photoshop or fcpx directly

>> No.56585033

Thanks anon

>> No.56585109

if you don't enjoy spending 2-3 hours editing, then it's really not for you.

>> No.56585144

Whats your niche? I uploaded around 30ish porn cringe fetish videos in the last 2 years and have around 1.3k subs, no money as its all porn. But maybe you should use a keyword tool and find low competition keywords and create content around it.

>> No.56585262

I'm selling YouTube premium monthly (US citizens only) for $4

>> No.56585272
File: 260 KB, 750x558, IMG_8092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the video essay realm dead? I keep getting the gayest ones about video games and it’s always some dweeb talking about some “obscure” “dark” game. It’s motivating me to make my own with better production value and more engaging.

>> No.56585492

turkish vpn is like $1.5 per month.