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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56561896 No.56561896 [Reply] [Original]

Black people don't obey traffic signals and treat suburban neighborhoods like racecourses no matter the time of day or the level of urgency their tasks require.
I start a delivery service where I only hire blacks and now no one can compete with my delivery times.
I welcome any constructive criticism.

>> No.56561914

Black "people" will just steal the packets being delivered
Also kys for not hiring only white men

>> No.56563158

Kys polfags

>> No.56564088

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you suggesting that I shouldn't hire blacks?

>> No.56564098

both the wrong approach
you need to poach middle eastern mystery meat uber drivers. It doesn't take much, just pay $0.10 more per hour or delivery or whatever the fuck

>> No.56564108

>(salvage title v6 charger financed at 24% APR doing 75 in a school zone with blunt smoke billowing out the windows and a stolen firearm under the driver seat)

>> No.56564161
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Blacks also crash way more often. Hire white men with radar detectors instead