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56560670 No.56560670 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do with $20 billion to improve the world?

>> No.56560682

kill all the jews and arabs

>> No.56560685

Nuke Israel and then Africa

>> No.56560688

Have sex with two chicks.

>> No.56560709


>> No.56560721

Self imposed exile on a private island. By removing myself from society I improve the world.

>> No.56560734

>buy up shit loads of valuable resources such as platinum and oil
>create alternate currency backed by muh resources
>shill to the masses
>(((they))) lose the power they gain from central banks
>world saved

>> No.56560742
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jews civilized whites whom were diseased ridden bushman that envied the civilized world and its inhabitants, in their absence you get the Bible Belt and Appalachia where people live to die

>> No.56560749

BTC, all in

>> No.56560759
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africa reupholstered your dry pussy, your society would resolve the morbid soulless npc cultural wasteland akin to the victorian era in their absesne , npcs needs humans to model themselves after

>> No.56560763

i was gonna say low-income housing but now that i think about it, private prisons is the better solution and has the same net effect on society. we don't have a shortage of housing, we have a surplus of bad people that make the available neighborhoods uninhabitable, this problems stems from a deficit of prison housing, we have severely underestimated how naughty our population is and how many need to be locked away from the rest of us, thus i think that building more prisons would be the best way to improve the world, or at least my immediate environment, not sure what the overseas people need.

>> No.56560768

You forgot the step where Mossad sends a kill squad to execute you. Step one is building a PMC
>Verification not required.

>> No.56560779

Pay white people to have more kids.

>> No.56560784

pursue new propulsion and energy technologies

>> No.56560790

i don't care, us white look cooler because we have blue eyes and blonde hair so we are better than you greasy kikes
simple as

>> No.56560798

Restart SAIMR

>> No.56560822
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yellow duckling hair is a genetic deformity
blue eyes? paint that shit black, my shirts black, my shoes black, my thoughts are black
my cybertruck gifted from the emperor of china is going to be black, take your faggot blue effeminate scarf and wrap it around your waist, bitch

>> No.56560829

Intrauterine devices for Africa + a tip for it

>> No.56560835

Buy an island Exit society would be improving the world

>> No.56560849

Learn to fucking write

>> No.56560854

bro your whole race is a genetic deformity you niggers look like nosferatu fucked a blobfish
we look like angels, the whole world wants to fuck our girls

>> No.56560899
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any so called angels with blonde hair is a bottom in the celestial hierarchy, what you mean to say is you look like faggots. Your woman are boring, devoid of personality and age like shit, a society where you are limited to such a morbid selection is what you precisely deserve, your ancestors understood that which is why you've made a lifestyle of keeping your nose in the other peoples affairs, you hate yourself and white ethnostate is just desserts, suck on the rotten strawbeey faggot

>> No.56560909

t. ugly friendless weirdo

>> No.56561000

travel africa poisoning wells with heavy metals to permanently destroy the water tables.

>> No.56561004

Buy out an island by Alaska and build a port or tourist resort or something.

>> No.56561018
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>any so called angels with blonde hair is a bottom in the celestial hierarchy, what you mean to say is you look like faggots.

>> No.56561020

Nothing, I don't have any moral obligations with this cursed fucking place you call world, if I had 20 billion US Dollars, I would probably fuck off to some island, owned by me of course, and never have contact with niggers, normies, jeets or any other of their kind, but since the only thing I can do is hold and DCA kava I'm probably not gonna do that

>> No.56561040
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>> No.56561050

you fucking misanthropic faggot, I like you

>> No.56561052

What the fuck, I'm gonna patent this idea

>> No.56561066
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I feel a little bit of anger in your comment anon, are you okay?

>> No.56561071

You won't ever have that much, so idk why you focus on that too much

>> No.56561130
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Centuries of Civilization aka grain consumption destroys genes, just look at meds, jeets and semites.

>> No.56561168

Blatant lies again? unless you're referring to anglo and germanic tribes which indeed were savages, but it wasn't the jew, it was the holy roman empire.

And then those whites perfected it you parasitic jew. Arabs were living in literal shit and sand.

>> No.56561187

I would donate all the money to African Americans who were enslaved. They deserve it and a lot more.
>inb4 seething /pol/ chuds
You're all ugly poor and useless incels, kys

>> No.56561225

A genuine answer to this question would be a private prison but with the intent to actually rehabilitate prisoners by teaching them self sufficiency, life skills, and job skills instead of shoving them in cages like a bunch of animals and acting surprised when they don't vountarily take up the classes ""available"" instead of just becoming better, angrier criminals.

That or buy a bunch of land and start some sort of nature habitat.

I'm assuming I don't have to use the 20 billion entirely on that stuff or can at least take a "salary" from the 20 billion for me to engage in whores and degeneracy with

>> No.56561243

/biz/ is fucking fire tonight.

>> No.56561251

>Victorian Era was soulless


>> No.56561795

deformaties are evolution lil bro. sought after traits evolve and continues living on :^)

>> No.56561813
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i wouldn't
fuck the world what did it ever do for me

>> No.56561842

buy all link tokens from every exchange

send them to a dead end address

>> No.56562463

I’d have sex with three chicks

>> No.56562501
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bitch please, even niggers had to fumigate the land from the like of these wild savages that didn't yet understand the concept of human integrity, the same insecurity plagues the soul of these wannabes

>> No.56562587

I would impregnate every woman in the Philippines thus all future generations would be at least half white

>> No.56562612

Get 20 billion blowjobs at $1 each.

>> No.56562618

buy a nuke from iran for 20b in monero then use it to nuke them

>> No.56562763

improve solar energy for residential customers. IMO, there is a lot of simple ideas and dumb, complicated shit that could be made simpler to help the world take advantage of the literally free energy we get from the sun.
also, try to improve water desalination tech.

>> No.56562832

Jews were sheepherding inbreds though.

>> No.56562836

Every 90 IQ nigger affects this horrible mode of speech because they think it makes them seem nonchalant and above it, but all it shows is you’re a retarded, shallow low iq nigger kek

t. 140 IQ Brahmincel Curryjeet

>> No.56562841

Back to /his/ niggerlarper

>> No.56562845

These would fix most of the problems, the rest is self-correcting from there

>> No.56563019

actually i was thinking forced labor and vegetarian diet. as for self help, the book of proverbs was written 6000 years ago and is not hard to find. these people need to be put behind bars. you're probably one of them, i'd use 1 million to track you down and deliver a spanking for impudence for sure.

>> No.56563249

Invest in people with morals and high skill, and make sure they get the resources to improve their qualities and spread their ideals and work onto the world.

Basically create a team of intelligent philanthropists

>> No.56563258

Turn the climate change hoax into a reality

>> No.56563884

>improve my life
>world around me automatically feels better

>> No.56563951

Three steps
>First is develop a cheap and reliable power source thorium, fusion, whatever, and export it to every country
>Second is develop androids, humanoid robots, make them affordable and able to do 99% of human jobs
>Third is to develop and release a virus significantly alters the male-female ratio at birth, so that there are ten females for every male born.

>> No.56563975

Set it on fire.

>> No.56563986

Spend it on abortions for white communities and bus a bunch of illegal immigrants into gates white areas. Also bribe the da for white areas to prosecute filthy whites. And finally but not last I’d arrest all single moms and have them repeatedly raped by feral crack addicted tatted up whites while their nazi racist sons watched and jerked off in the corner while sucking their thumbs.

>> No.56564135

Alright abdul back to the street shitting, do the needful now