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56545641 No.56545641 [Reply] [Original]

I make 22k a month after tax as a doctor and every time I see the money hit my account I think of all the girls who rejected me growing up

>> No.56545650

and they don't care about you at all, while Chad plows them
you can get a bigger house or a car, so what lol

>> No.56545653

Living out of spite is a bad way to live. They are still controlling you.

>> No.56545724

Toastie roastie

>> No.56545733

Imagine caring
Whats your specialty king?

>> No.56545737

Depends, if it pushes you to be the best version of yourself and enjoy life then its worth it, all that resentment can be turned into positive energy to improve

Of course if it makes you lazy or depressed and you achieve nothing then its better to get rid of it

>> No.56545766

Your naive take will never play out as long as you care about what they think

>> No.56545778

>if it pushes you to be the best version of yourself and enjoy life then its worth it
has it ever?

>> No.56545838

Ok well I’m an overnight security guard and I fucked 50 girls before graduating college and I’ve also fucked 170 Thai hookers.

I be you’ve barely gotten your little cricket cock pecker touched, doc, that’s why idgaf. You were probably facefucking your big textbooks instead of some college teens mouth

>> No.56545855

Do you still like sex or is it played out for you?

>> No.56545871

I haven’t had sex since march 4th 2022 (the last time I was in Thailand) because it’s impossible for me to get laid in America because of the status of my job.

So no, it’s not played out, I have to go literally years without having sex because I was too lazy and stupid to get a skill I could use to work remotely and I’m too old to bother now, so I have to suffer in america for a year at a time, but when I do go to Thailand I fuck literally 50+ hookers

>> No.56545873

Now you can marry a used up whore because you have a stable job, congratz.

>> No.56545874

In my case it did

>> No.56545904


He wont say, because hes only dreamin About this salary, thats higher than the average salary of a physician in cali, he’s basically dreaming and maybe a student in the process of becoming a doctor, but he wont make that amount until hes in his 50s by that time he wont be on here :)

>> No.56545906


>> No.56545908

50 girls = 5
170 thai hookers = 10

Security guard, ok keep guarding, dog

>> No.56545912

Literally offer her $10k to bust inside. She’ll take it. She’ll hate it, but she’ll do it anyways.

>> No.56545933

Its a long old story but here it goes
I was sharing and apartment with strangers when I was attending University (STEM). One of em was a girl that acted weird towards me, few years in I find her diary on her table one day when I was alone, she literally left it on her table with her door wide open. I know its not right but I was too curious and started reading, she was a liar from what I was reading. Got the part when I moved in and it was full of insults towards me, really pissed me off a lot.

Well, used that anger and joined a gym as a first step, went on nofap too and really improved my life in the years after that (really opened my eyes to women too)

Of course you have good moments and lows, but Im currently doing really good and I think that anger pushed me to better myself really helped (and made my find a lot of things about life). Also having the chance of knowing women without being married was a big plus

Not going into more details.

>> No.56545937

They don't think about you at all

>> No.56546130

>I make 22k a month after tax

No you don't.

>> No.56546145
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I keep thinking about how many girls I rejected in my life, now I have money thanks to $opium, but I have no one to share it with, what to do

>> No.56546159

That’s completely believable you fucking retard

>> No.56546173


seethe and stay poor dumb faggot

>> No.56546177

dumbass poorfag has no idea

>> No.56546185

You are obviously larping but I will go along with it.

Being financially successful is good for yourself. But it wont change your genetics (height, hair, face, skull, dicksize...)

So women arent impressed. There is always a better deal they are chasing. You are not even on their radar.

>> No.56546205
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528k a year as a Dr sound about right in this day and age, and some are making a lot more then that.

>> No.56546288

I'd argue a roastie would be a lot happier with a man that makes half your salary in a month if the guy was tall and handsome. You really think the money matters that much? For every inch you're shorter you literally need to compensate with 100k. Add the face factor and you'd need to compensate like 500k to level the playfield with the chad.

>> No.56546297

I make £35k per year as a doctor. Pre-tax.

>> No.56546314

we call you yuropoors for a reason

>> No.56546352

The duality of man. Some men are freely given, and never rise above. Some men go without and have to claw their way to the top. Other men simply have and want not and when it comes time to want they dont have.

Such is our lots in life.

>> No.56546366

My brothers girlfriends best friend married a doctor. As soon as the fiance told her mother that he proposed her mother cried because he wasn't good enough looking. I have met the girl and shes pretty average, pretty sure I have seen the doctor too and I would say they are looksmatched yet hes statusmaxxed and moneymaxxed. Very similar ages too. The absolute state of women these days. Being a looksmatched doctor who treats you right is not enough. You gotta be a 6'5" Chad thats dirtbagmaxxing with a harem rotation for even an average roastie that cant fry an egg.

>> No.56546453

why would you think of them? Just crazy grinding for those who rejected you

>> No.56546482

>all that money to fuck around with
>still dwelling on rejection
Money truly can’t buy happiness. Or bitches if you’re ugly, apparently kek.

>> No.56546514

Incels are not be allowed to practice. Better fix your ways before you get caught.

>> No.56546558

>Well, used that anger and joined a gym as a first step, went on nofap too
if i am getting this correctly, you went on nofap and joined the gym because some girl didn't like you?

>> No.56546565

Parents have always had impossible standards, this isn't a modern thing

>> No.56546571

Seen this a lot on here, bong doctors really get fucked dont they, never thought of going somewhere else? Or start your own office, cant be that bad there too

Even in my europoor tax ridden shithole doctors make good money

>> No.56546604

I hope you take some amount in that, DCA into RIDE monthly, and hopefully become successful enough, so your ex can be super jealous

>> No.56546886

No you are not.

>> No.56546927

the other retard is just a shitcoin shill

>> No.56547427

Seek Christ. Living with resentment is poison for the soul. You are not above others due to your salary. Women are emotionally intelligent and will see through your visage into your resentful soul, and you will never find the woman you dream of as such.

t. Making 20k monthly after all taxes and expenses on a bachelor's degree and some experience.