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File: 80 KB, 1040x246, 19DF3C04-3345-4CD7-90E5-C7FC84FA93D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56542856 No.56542856 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of boomers completely destroying the West and having no remorse or empathy at all about it?

>> No.56542907

he's right. millenials and zoomers are too busy being depressed and wanting to free load all their life. they wouldnt be able to build america

>> No.56542912

>Boomers built america
Jesus fucking christ
The freedom, entrepreneurship and free market fundamentalism of the USA in the post-civil war period until 1933 permitted the United States to do unbelievable things and build a nation that would be able to endure a decade of complete fucking socialist and marxist upheaval AND STILL produce an armada that could conquer the entire fucking world.
The boomers DESTROYED all of it. Now, they didn't build the mechanism for doing it, because the Federal Reserve is a 1913 thing and income taxes and big govt came about during the war era, but still.
The USA did not need to collapse the way it is about to.
Also the fact the US was able to go this far without an actual economy and everyone being mentally ill as a result of having no purpose or function to their tribe is incredible.

>> No.56542932
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>> No.56542940
File: 212 KB, 750x845, boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56542953
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The only thing boomers built is a bunch of garbage that's going to rot away or get demolished. Fuck them.

>> No.56542955

>McDonald's 3 times/day, NFL, Cable TV, and Outsourcing to China

>> No.56543329

Everybody resents boomers -> no one wants to work in boomer nursing homes -> bottom of the bottom of the barrel "nurses" take care of boomers.

>> No.56543340

>the West

>> No.56543400
File: 406 KB, 800x609, singingpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the edge of the world and all of Western civilization
The sun may rise in the East, at least it settled in a final location

>> No.56543661

It's understood that Commiewood brings self annihilation.

>> No.56543680

You meant century of upheaval as you mentioned 1913
Yep boomers were nothing but spoiled clueless brats. Completely unaware of the golden age they existed in and the communist control and decay and thievery of their wealth and rights because they just wanted to do drugs and fuck and other materialistic shit

>> No.56543712

They don’t need to realize this. It’s better just to put them away quickly so we can focus on the future

>> No.56543839

Damn RHCP is classic rock now.

>> No.56544009


>> No.56544070

Gimme back my bullets

>> No.56544758

Fucking correct.
Super fucking annoying that they have literally no idea the privilege and power that they had and completely pissed away.. they destroyed the fucking United States of America!!!
11 aircraft carriers, massive armies, dedicated citizens... huge military power and it's the domestic fucking retardation that takes it all down.

People don't even realize what's already been lost. It's done there's no stopping it now.

>> No.56544879
File: 100 KB, 1257x628, boomer wages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend your youth being a worthless druggie and having sex with random women
>destroy your country's wealth for personal gain when you finally get even a little bit of power
>claim to be responsible for the prosperity that you destroyed
I hate boomers so much it's unreal. They outsourced everything, imported millions of shitskins, made housing unaffordable by turning it into an investment instead of a place to live, inflated the national debt beyond all reason, made education impossible to afford without taking out a life-ruining loan, caused the second worst economic crash since the great depression, and then looked back at the damage they caused and think "wow, i really am the greatest, stupid kids have it so good these days because of me". Day of the pillow soon.

>> No.56545009

>"boomers built america"
>be boomer, born into a prosperous nation built in the past 50+ years and not firebombed by the war
>dodge the draft and do drugs throughout college
>get a job by wearing a tie because there were no women or H1Bs applying for anything
>money printer gets turned on
>buy up as much real estate and other assets as you can with delicious FED spigot
>vote for retarded social policies and bullshit wars
>send cheap manufacturing to China, creating an over reliance (that you'll eventually complain about but never admit fault)
>send your kids and grandkids to die for Israel
>30+ trillion debt, million dollar cardboard houses, farmland polluted with PUFAs and corn oil, 3 companies owning nearly all the assets of the country is your legacy
>make retarded faceberg posts like this
>no refunds
fuck boomers

>> No.56545150

dear god imagine the smell

>> No.56545226

America was already a brown+judaic nation by the time boomers were youths lol. The rot started far longer ago.