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56539625 No.56539625 [Reply] [Original]

>Injective perp pools w/ Kava are now live
You and I are friends now $INJ bros, like it or not. Best friends in fact.

>> No.56539656

But I don't wanna... Kavafags smell funny and kinetix is barebones...

>> No.56539657

Whoa thanks for spamming the board with more INJ spam. Buy an ad street shitter

>> No.56539662

I have enough already associating with linkies for holding avax god damn

>> No.56539669

nINJa here. I don't know who or what you niggers are supposed to be. Peace.

>> No.56539683
File: 35 KB, 648x488, 1671401582130985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind, leverage is objectively based for both radical bobos and mumus.
do you post this on all the icp link avax quant threads or are you just throwing an autisitc pissy fit at inj because you bagholded a little too long retard

>> No.56539685
File: 17 KB, 500x395, 1650376144457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit has always been pretty weird to me. You'll always see AVAXfaggots trying to associate themselves with LINKfags in AVAX threads, but then you'll quickly notice that actual Chainlink holders never talk about Avalanche at all. Weird

>> No.56539690

inj used to have its own general. lurk more newfag

>> No.56539693

Leverage is for degenerate gamblers who don't mind having the odds stacked against themselves

>> No.56539694

what happens when two exiled tribes of rejects unite? they get stronger (in this case, by association)

>> No.56539700

INJ never had its own general. It’s a pajeet scam and dead coin from years ago you street shitters are bag holding.

buy an ad

>> No.56539714
File: 65 KB, 1060x351, INJ_7D_graph_coinmarketcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder.

>> No.56539721

Kek I can tell you weren't during the 2021 bull run. Otherwise you wouldn't be outing yourself as a newfag so blatantly. I'm guessing this is your first bear market, too?

>> No.56539726
File: 178 KB, 540x489, Screenshot 2023-11-02 135239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad idea not to check the news on your assets every now and then, anon.

>> No.56539733

>says the desperate pajeet ID switching
lmao you jeets are pathetic

>Gm ser our INJ poo pools r rdy 4 intrgrate many moons coming soon!!

>> No.56539737

>never had its own general
Kaspa didn't either. XRP had casual discussion. Both imploded and now XRP has threads all the time from people that missed out and want a second chance. Just like Classic Luna at its inception.

>> No.56539739

But the thing here is that only one of them wants to associate with the other. Avax holders desperately want to be acknowledged in a positive light by LINKfags while the actual Chainlink threads don't ever talk about avalanche. It's so painfully one-sided to the point of being comical.

>> No.56539747
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 1601247510238501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When in doubt, your opponent is ID switching... Of course!

>> No.56539752

You seem to be seething about injective quite a lot. Did an INJ bagholder molest you when you were a child? Stay mad btw.

>> No.56539755

>angry pajeets rush to defend their scam
if your “coin” was good, you wouldn’t need to be here trying to astroturf it every hour. There’s a reason why the jannies hand out the bannies to you street shitters

>> No.56539778

Funny how people like you magically never appear on icp/link/avax threads, huh. This cheap fud is only bullish for my bags while you'll keep seething about INJ threads. I'm making 10 more later just to piss you off even more.

>> No.56539805

>angry brown nosies reach fever pitch
lol cope


shits a scam

>> No.56540503
