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56521873 No.56521873 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56521906

Moving in with my mother when I was 14. Immediately becoming degenerate. 7 years later starting heroin.

>> No.56521939
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Moving in with my girlfriend at the age of 22, when I should have just stayed at home and stacked my paycheques for the next decade instead.

>> No.56521952

not having more wild sex with my freak teen love gf

>> No.56522018

being at school until 23 instead of working and saving since 18

>> No.56522055


>I should have been working instead of having fun

Good goyim

>> No.56522057

Not buying LINK at $6, during the 500-day accumulation period. I know it's going to at least $100, but I don't have the balls to buy now at $12.

>> No.56522071

that would make me retire at age of 28

>> No.56522185

I live in argentina

>> No.56522222

not buying shib when i first heard about it

>> No.56522242

I knew what bitcoin existed as far back as 2009. People were posting about it on RonPaulForums. I never touched it until 2017.

>> No.56522337

eating too much of the fake cheese at work and getting the farts

>> No.56522385

Pissing away 10k cash from working in Alaska for a summer back in 2000. Should've invested it all, then turned around in 2009 and went all fucking on in bitcoin mining.

>> No.56522402

Ghosted a girl in middle school. Her family were multi millionaires looking back their home alone is worth easily 7mil. She was a single child.

>> No.56522423

She sent over two hundred messages after I ghosted her aswell. Regretted it three years later but at that point she was already taken.

>> No.56522449

This is a fake qoute by the way.

>> No.56522795

so you taught her to deal with frustration and that money can't buy happiness. well done, anon

>> No.56522814

Who needs money when you have feathers?

>> No.56522832

No, its not

>> No.56522836

She was always taken by someone else. You really think multimillionaire parents would let her get with a loser?

>> No.56522847

Investing in GME. That shit turned out to just be a pump and dump scam, I lost 75k before I cashed out at $15.

>> No.56522858

Missing out on sex in my teens and early twenties, and early thirties… Now I’m 36 and have ED. It feels brutally unfair

>> No.56522860

I lost $40k since getting into crypto. Worst decision of my life

>> No.56522880

I knew about the 1Inch airdrop before it happened and didn't airdrop farm due to moralfag reasons

>> No.56522888


>> No.56522904

I bought NVDA puts when it was at $498 and panic sold them all when it went up to $500 for a $60k loss. Over the next 4 days it tanked to $450 and I would have made $250k.

Hi. I'm a paper handed bitch.

>> No.56522944

This. He really said, "The Jews are right about me. Let me die incels".

>> No.56522945

ok so it doesnt appear that you are a bot/paid shill. could i ask you what you did to lose it? was it buying a shitcoin at the top or leverage trading?

>> No.56522949

>wants to save his country from the jewish slave banking system
>fails miserably
>totally hands germany over to (((them)))
what a hero

>> No.56522973

Still makes all the right people seethe

>> No.56523177

samefag here. Post crash lunc was my first token and I was too retarded to know how the market worked. Lunc, along with my other bags that I later got (mix of shitcoins / 'utility' projects) pumped then giga dumped. I was new to high risk/high reward investing and I was so desperate at wanting to make it that I held through most of it. I eventually learned to take out initials during any pumps but it made no difference on the shit I had already lost money on.

>> No.56523199

what a depressing photo

>> No.56523204

For your own safety it might be best to force yourself to buy nothing other than Bitcoin and maybe Ethereum. Roll over all profits into blue chip dividend stocks like McDonald's or something.

>> No.56523411


not selling in 2020-2021 bull.

>> No.56523447


>> No.56523482

If u really think it's going straight up, make a 2X long position.

>> No.56523503

taking out a huge loan on all of my XRP when it was at $1.20 and using it to buy Songbird and Flare Finance fake stablecoin which i then proceeded to lose

the fact that Nexo does not allow loans to be repaid in XRP adds a special and unique flavor to my predicament, as I am unable to repay the loan even at an enormous loss

>> No.56523530

i see. so you know nothing of silkroad days then? have a look at this thread >>56519857

everyone involved in crypto needs to understand its beginnings and the james zhong documentary sheds some light on how bitcoin first caught public attention.

keep asking questions fren.

>> No.56523775

Being born in the US

>> No.56523804

Getting a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

>> No.56523812

Turned down a leadership role to pursue a completely different dream career. Turns out it wasn't even a fun career and now I've got two shitty failed careers instead of 1 successful one. Oh well at least I have no regrets. Other than this one, and a few others. God damnit

>> No.56523921

Spent hundreds of btc on silk road and evolution and agora to buy drugs that I then sold as drugs for negligible profit (which I just used to buy more drugs for myself to use so basically for zero profit).

Missed the 2017 bullrun because I was in 12 step recovery. Am poor now.

>> No.56524036

It wouldn't have been your money, and you'd have to be married to get any of it.
Make your own fortune and you'll never feel like shit spending it. Or at least less so.

>> No.56524066
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>> No.56524093
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Multiple "biggest" mistakes, actually:
> Never worked during high school
> Went to college majored in CS, still didn't get a job during my school years
> Get a job out of college, stay at same job for 6 years and only managed one promotion and maximum $80k salary (this is precisely what happens in poor southern states, fyi - no $300k+ jobs in those states, at all)
> Get burnt out, leave job and can't find another one because tech field in my state sucks donkey boner
> Now age 31, unemployed, and lost a shitload of money to crypto trading (another huge financial mistake)

I've wasted my entire 20's bros, I could've used that time to learn real financial discipline and I could've escaped the hellish rat race by now. But nope, I was a retarded sperg instead. Sigh.

>> No.56525410
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You're me but richer.

>> No.56525419

whats stopping you from getting a teen gf now?

>> No.56525422

big mistake. always wanted to visit though, how is it for someone with plenty of USDs?

>> No.56525441

Is it that depressing? I'm 32 soon, >tfwnogf, but loaded I guess.
I coast through life financially, but like a ghost. It's a comfy but unnatural feeling.