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56504115 No.56504115 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize 10k is the sui stack of Link

>> No.56504119

it's a make it stack though

>> No.56504121

Maybe in 2017. 10k is sui now link is in the top 20 mcap

>> No.56504122

why are you lying and trying to rewrite what a suicide and make it stack is? stop doing that scumbag its annoying and shows how much of a soullless dishonest faggot you are. post timestamp pic of hands and birth certificate showing nation of origin

>> No.56504129

Doesn’t everyone have a 10k sui by now? Link has existed for 6 years

>> No.56504132

? the current year has nothing to do with it

>> No.56504144

Sometimes I say inflammatory things on the internet so that people will talk to me.

>> No.56504156

It’s absolutely does look at the mcap now

>> No.56504186

i don't think u know what ur talkin about mate
10k link has always been the make it stack
it's the supply equivalent of 210 btc

>> No.56504198

How does the fud get worse every year

>> No.56504211

Link isn’t BTC though? Link is not POW the same metrics don’t apply

>> No.56504223

yes most people have a 10k make it stack by now. stop trying to change reality scumbag. are you mentally stupid or something you know its 10k make it yet you keep pushing this false narrative for idk what reason. its not trolling cuz trolling outside of /b/ is bannable and you must be 18 to post here so idk why you're go on this board and post lies and spread untruths. did your mom not hug you enough as a kid? or maybe daddy a bit too much?

>> No.56504236

Dude 10k is the sui stack now look at the mcap for link it’s in top 20

>> No.56504240

Why are you seething so much?

>> No.56504241

Lol sad tranny fudder.

LINK will go to $1000 at least.

LINK make it stack: 2500
LINK sui stack: 250

>> No.56504245

>most people have 100k in an alt coin

>> No.56504256

Bro link is not surpassing BTC mcap
10k sui
100k make it
I feel like shit with only 50k links

>> No.56504271
File: 341 KB, 680x705, 1696886991860399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 100,000 individual stacks of 10,000 are allowed with chainlink

the number of millionaires in the world is estimated to be around 50-60 million individuals

100,000/50,000,000 = 0.002

someone with a chainlink "sui" stack is several orders of magnitude more rare than a millionaire

keep this in mind the next time you want to sell link or "take profits"

>> No.56504305
File: 128 KB, 960x1389, b8453690-aa51-11ed-b1cf-7e815893c64a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like shit with only 50k links
>I feel like shit with $500'000+ in one crypto
Just fuck off already my dude you are the worst this board can offer

>> No.56504317

Sorry I’m autistic I need the 100k make it’s stack of link to feel good about myself it’s not about the money

>> No.56504324

When did you realize you crave dicks in your shitcovered asshole?

>> No.56504327

Okay, post your portfolio within 3 minutes or I'll assume you shopped it.

You won't. You don't have a single LINK because you're a poor jeet.

>> No.56504329

it doesnt change just cuz you think it should retard. seriously sub95 stop.
because liars try to change reality about things and it gets tiresome. why are you NOT seetyhing this scumbag keeps lying and going 10k suicide stack. get mad you emotionless faggot and tell him to stop being a retard on purpose.
NO STOP SAYING RETARD SHIT FAGGOT! 1k suicide 10k make it. than now forever. wish I was in the same room as you so I could cut your retard throat and spare your parents a retard son tht wont stop lying.

>> No.56504334

>I need to make it to make it
Just fuck off. Seriously

>> No.56504350

There’s still time to get the 100k make it’s stack bro just keep stacking link this bear

>> No.56504379

Stop posting unless you post your portfolio.
Lying scum.

>> No.56504411

Not gonna doc my wallet you might try and steal my links

>> No.56504427
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>> No.56504438

When I left to dca in fun, kas and inj and felt never better about it

>> No.56504447
File: 81 KB, 828x590, 9DB19403-5E1C-4208-89EC-571215138355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this 3 years ago proofs 10k link sui

>> No.56504488
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>> No.56504511

Yeah that was before link was too 20 mcap stop trying to fud unlinked into having such a small stack

>> No.56504522

considering it will max reach 35$ is a good sum to not rope

>> No.56504558

it's a twitter screenshot. this confirms it

>> No.56504564

I don't even need $50 just give me $20 or 30, please I've literally bagheld since day fucking 1 in September of fucking TWO THOUSAND AND SEVENTEEN fuck my life is so fucking shit the last year I've lost everyone and everything, deliver me from this suffering Sergey I beg thee I've done nothing but believe

>> No.56504675


>> No.56504688

Dawg you are complaining about a 8000% increase on your investment.

>> No.56504750
File: 63 KB, 218x221, 1698630643873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k was always the sui stack 100k make it stack. Newfags tried to rewrite history to cope with their tiny stacks.
You even had bob4punk the 40 year old twitter fag with like 3k try to reduce the marine ranks futher down.
No matter how much you guys cope a 10k ($2000 in 2017) stack will never amount to making it. You need at least 100k ($20,000 in 2017) if you actually want to make it and retire with millions.
Your 10k sui stack will still get you a nice car and maybe a house but you'll still have to wage to pay bills.

>> No.56504781

Thank you anon we need to dispel the 1k sui stack fud

>> No.56505084

>You need at least 100k ($20,000 in 2017) if you actually want to make it and retire with millions
> you need a million dollars to retire with millions of dollars.

>> No.56505175

When fuddies have nothing else, they will try to tell you that you don’t have a chance to acquire enough linkies so don’t even try accumulating.

Fuck fuddies, I’ve been here since 2017 and it’s 10k make it/1k sui stack. Always has been.

>> No.56505181

Hello nulinker refer to these posts >>56504750

>> No.56505198

Sure thing, chuddy boy

>> No.56506084

I feel like shit with my 10mil sui stack, I need at least 90mil more tokens to complete my make it stack. I need to be one of ten possible token holders in order to make it when link hits $10bil mcap in 15 years.

>> No.56506152

If Link reaches $1k a 10k stack is worth $10m. So either you're saying that Link will never reach $1k or that $10m isn't making it. Which are both fucking stupid.

>> No.56506153

You cant really retire with just $1M.
Youre too late, im sorry you missed out. Enjoy the brand new toyota Camry, at least you'll have a nice car and wont commit suicide.

>> No.56506172
File: 78 KB, 770x600, 1698647240357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not reasonable at all, you'll be waiting a long time for that, multiple decades at best.
Whats more likely is $100. A 100k stack will have 10m, 8m after taxes. A solid amount which anyone can retire with. A 10k stack will only have $1M at $100, 800k after taxes, hence you'll be able to buy a house and you'll be happy enough to not feel like commiting suicide, but this is not even close to "making it" after buying the house you'll have a couple hundred K, you'll have to work or live extremely frugally. This is not making it you couldnt even buy a lambo if you wanted.
Tech workers can make that amount in salary in just a few years.
10k was always the suicide stack, link was 0.15 thats dirt cheap.

>> No.56506192

10k was the sui at the beginning, because 10k link was like $2500. The 1k microstack would've only been around $250 for almost the first 2 years of link. Nobody was poor enough to only afford that much. 10k was the original sui because it was an attainable amount, just like 21 btc used to be sui of btc. Then late niggers had to change it to 1 btc and 1k link because they MISSED OUT which is why it was called a SUICIDE STACK in the first place. Because you'd commit suicide if you could've bought one but didn't, or missed out because your a reddit faggot and weren't paying attention when you should have been. End Transmission, nigger.

>> No.56506199

You expect people to believe that Link will take multiple decades to reach the same market cap that Eth reached 2 years ago?

>> No.56506206

They don't get it. They probably seethe about 32 eth being unaffordable to them now too. The suicide stack doesn't change just because years later it becomes unattainable to normie retards.

>> No.56506221

If a suicide stack is defined as the minimum amount of tokens needed to reach X amount of dollars and the tokens continuously rise in value while X doesn't change then the suicide stack obviously changes.

>> No.56506233

It isn't the amount needed to reach X amount of dollars though. It's the amount needed to not rope when you realize you could have actually had that much and more if you'd just listened.

>> No.56506248

i believe originally 10k was the sui and 100k was the make it stack, however I would concede that 1k stack with LINK reaching $1,000 EOY would net an individual $1,000,000 - which really is only just making it but making it nonetheless

>> No.56506287

it's not about making it though... that's why there is a make it stack
anyway the 10k number is just fud
what there was debate about back in the day was the make it stack number being 10k or 30k
but 1k for sui is correct

>> No.56506291

But not everyone knew about Link at 20 cents so that doesn't make sense, they literally couldn't have listened. By that logic the suicide stack should be different for each person depending on when they first heard about the asset. That's retarded.

>> No.56506303

So what is the new sui/make it stacks bros?

>> No.56506315

Link has 10 times the supply of ETH. Even at ETHS market cap it would only be $170

>> No.56506343

Eth hit $550b mcap in 2021.

>> No.56506346


>> No.56506363

That's entirely their fault for not paying attention. There's still tons of people who've never heard of link and won't until 1k is impossible for them to get.
>By that logic the suicide stack should be different for each person
That's your logic, moron. If they're not paying attention that's their fault. The stack doesn't change because they didn't know about it. What is this bad faith bullshit you're spouting.

>> No.56506407

These threads are so fucking gay

>> No.56506416

So by your retard logic the suicide stack for Bitcoin should be in the thousands because people back then were accumulating thousands of bitcoins for a few dollars. We should all be killing ourselves right now because we failed to accumulate the bitcoin suicide stack. Doesn't matter if we make millions off Link because we should have been paying attention back in 2013. This is literally your argument, the fuck do you mean bad faith bullshit.

>> No.56506430

Yes, faggot. Time doesn't care that you missed out. That's entirely your fault. You don't get to just change the rules to make yourself feel better. That's literally why it's called the suicide stack. It's not about x dollars.

>> No.56506436
File: 7 KB, 217x232, shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 25k link on celsius and now its fucked. ive scrapped together 2.1k link now with my gf. yes im retarded but thought they would last enough for me to stake link

>> No.56506445

Don't worry, everyone knows 2.1 link is the suicide stack, so you've got a thousand sui stacks right there.

>> No.56506522

So then why aren't we all killing ourselves for failing to accumulate the Bitcoin suicide stack? $10m is only 294 BTC and we all had years to accumulate Bitcoin at $1 or less. We all could've had $10m right now but we missed out. Let's say you found out about Bitcoin 6 years ago and managed to get 20 BTC, Bitcoin goes to $100k and now you have $2m. You going to kill yourself because you didn't accumulate hundreds while they were cheaper? Obviously not because you didn't know about Bitcoin earlier so it doesn't matter. However if a person who did know about Bitcoin at $1 only managed to accumulate 20 BTC and only made $2m they probably are suicidal because they know they could have easily had more. Which proves my point, the suicide stack has to be dynamic because the later you arrive the less you need to prevent suicide.

>> No.56506544

The whole thing was a joke in the first place you idiot. The joke was
>get this many of this thing now while you can because years from now when you see that many of them is worth some exorbitant price you'll want to kill yourself for missing out
That's it. And those numbers were set at reasonable prices at the time or certain % of the total network, like 21 btc. You're the one trying to come up with existential jewy science around the whole thing. 21 btc was 1/1m of that blockchain. Assblaster said to buy 10k link so you wouldn't miss out on huge money some day. Yeah some day faggots like you are going to be arguing that technical the current suicide stack of link is .1 because wah that's all I can afford now. But that's completely missing the point. We all knew it was 10k through 2018 and early 2019. Then that became hard to afford so newfags starting saying it was 1k to feel better. That's what happened, but it was just a meme all along to get people to accumulate.

>> No.56506627

If it isnt 1k/10k what's it then, nigger?

>> No.56507017


>> No.56507025


>> No.56507070

1k/10k and it always has been

>> No.56507107

10k sui 100k make it

>> No.56507111

No, 21 btc = 1k link…..

>> No.56507113

i was here in 2017 and it always was 1k how did you get to this conclusion OP are you trying to demoralize poorfags or you only have 1k link

>> No.56507121

If I only had 1k link I’d agree the sui is 1k to feel better but the sui is 10k

>> No.56507124

yes op has 1k link maybe even less he just mad everyone has more link than him and is just trying to demoralize people so they dont buy and he feels better about his silly billy stack....

>> No.56507132

op only has 1k link hahahaha... SAD!!

>> No.56507136

10k sui 100k make it man don’t know why your coping with your 2k stack

>> No.56507148


>> No.56507157

It seems I’ve broken your mind with the reality of the Chainlink sui stack you still have time anon keep acoomulating

>> No.56507168

I can't believe op only has 1k LINK

>> No.56507200

>You cant really retire with just $1M
Sure if you’re fucking stupid

>> No.56507344

Every once in a while some bored anon decides to dedicate hours of their live repeating the "10k sui stack" meme. You do you I guess, but holy shit what a waste of time.

To everyone ITT replying: he knows it's 1k, he is just bored looking for (You)s. Don't bother replying OP, I won't give you any.

>> No.56508121

Post the archives that prove it. Why does every 2018 post on warosu say 1K sui, eh?

>> No.56508288

Protip - you are the biggest loser in this thread. Anyone replying to funposters while seething about being poor has a mental disorder

>> No.56509585

the single thought process that made me stop buying metals and put my DCA solely towards crypto ~50% into LINK, the rest split between 4-5 others, including your pic rel's favorite crypto

>> No.56509693

just checking the correct reply to you ( >>56506199 )

>> No.56509734

>correct reply
yeah im sure thats exactly what your advocate script says to say.
Just screencap this and remember me when link fails to breach $100 and youre stuck here seething for another decade

>> No.56509759

This is dumb suicide stack means you have enough to get into six figure hell but not enough to retire By definition it would have to be lower than 10k because it takes 6 figures to buy it

>> No.56510047

How does 81,000,000 sound?

>> No.56510062

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. Link is only going to $12 max. Right now I might make 1m before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1m into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 100k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 100k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 5MM, but more likely 10MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link were about $80 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen.

>> No.56510160

Why you mfrs insist on posting lies? It's easily verifiable from warosu that 1k is sui.
t. 2018 linkholder